Will the spec thread for the wedding be on OG or is everything over on Discord now? o:
ALL OF THEMHow many in-jokes have I missed by not being here for season 5? :<
I haven't decided.
Retro, how would you feel about a "Bachelor Party" secondary game for those who don't get a spot on the Gafia 2 game?
How many in-jokes have I missed by not being here for season 5? :<
How many in-jokes have I missed by not being here for season 5? :<
I was just thinking about this very idea. Do you have a setup in mind?
Signups for Gafia 2 are now open
Gafia games are, essentially, one long in-joke, so you must have completed a full Mafia game (main or mid-season) to be eligible to play.
Anyone who has not played in any of the 5.5 games will get top priority. Anyone who is currently alive in Gods vs. Men may sign up, but will be lower priority.
Three spots are currently reserved for specific players. If these free up, (or when their players have signed up,) I will remove them.
01. Karu
02. ScraftyDevil
03. Ourobolus
04. Nin1000
05. Burbeting
06. Bronx-man
07. Fireblend
08. BananaSpacePrincess
09. Ty4on
10. RobotNinjaHornets
11. XamtheKing
12. Bowlie
13. Kalor
22. OceanicAir
01. Android Sophia
02. Weemadarthur
Sure, I will join!
Town got steamrolled.
I think you're caught up now?
EDIT: Oh, and Gafia has a Discord now. https://discord.gg/0twF7FTfMNAdldh5
I was wondering if you were permabanned or something. Welcome back.Are you less anime now?
You're on the list, Mister Owl.
It does, yes. But I'll put you on the list.
Jay, thanks!
Oh, and btw:
Personally, I would not count being a replacement as a "played in a 5.5 game" for these kind of things. Being a replacement can be hard/annoying, but we need Nin to help keep games going. I would not be against rewarding people that are willing to be a replacement by not counting it for these kind of things.
Thanks, can't wait to play with/against you
I was just thinking about this very idea. Do you have a setup in mind?
Personally, I would not count being a replacement as a "played in a 5.5 game" for these kind of things. Being a replacement can be hard/annoying, but we need them to help keep games going. I would not be against rewarding people that are willing to be a replacement by not counting it for these kind of things.
You're on the list, Mister Owl.
At this point, I'm not updating the list live in-thread, because we have waaaay more people signed up than can actually play. I may cut off signups a little sooner - probably 24 hours from first announcement. I do have a spreadsheet, and the priority will go like so:
1. People who have not played in season 5.5 (Modding a 5.5 game does not count as playing)
2. People who have only played in one game, in the order they signed up. (Prisoner's Dilemma does not count.)
3. People who played in more than one 5.5 game
4. People who are still in an active game.
Should Matrix count? That was in the same vain as prisoner dilemma, a minigame.
Gafia 3 theme? All of the roles are based on us as grizzled vets sitting around in the home.I want a retirement home themed Gafia.
Gafia 3 theme? All of the roles are based on us as grizzled vets sitting around in the home.
Got you
It does, yes. But I'll put you on the list.
People who didn't get to play in Gafia 1 should get priority >_>
Also people whose username begins with F should get priority <_<
People who didn't get to play in Gafia 1 should get priority >_>
Also people whose username begins with F should get priority <_<
go prepareI heard Gafia 2 will be our first 60 person game. That true Retro?
go prepare
I heard Gafia 2 will be our first 60 person game. That true Retro?
It's getting there.
If I thought I could add more roles without screwing up the balance, I would.
I want a retirement home themed Gafia.
It's getting there.
If I thought I could add more roles without screwing up the balance, I would.
Can we get like a short story about thatI've actually had this running joke with a few people about Gafia 2036, with roles like Sorienne (Sorian's daughter, who is incredibly shy and demure,) and Blarghonaught. (Blarg's son, who is basically the Joker.)
I've actually had this running joke with a few people about Gafia 2036, with roles like Sorienne (Sorian's daughter, who is incredibly shy and demure,) and Blarghonaught. (Blarg's son, who is basically the Joker.)
More ordinaries!
Would you consider my daughter tsundere? I give her my blessing to pursue Blarg's son.
Can we get like a short story about that
and a gossip arsonist to balance the increased player count
and a gossip arsonist to balance the increased player count
I could probably write a YA novel about thatWould you consider my daughter tsundere? I give her my blessing to pursue Blarg's son.
You can't announce it ahead of time, silly. That was just implied until you said it out loud!
I could probably write a YA novel about that
I Love It When A Thread Comes Together: A Love Story with very little LoveI see no reason why you shouldn't start now.
I Love It When A Thread Comes Together: A Love Story with very little Love
by Xam T. King
Roy Sucks: An Anthology of Short StoriesI read a story written by Xam once. I can't recommend it.