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NeoGAF Plays Mafia/Werewolf |OT5| Ma5ia Harder (Sign up in thread to play!)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
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Snap was like the worst purchase I ever made as a kid. Saved up my money for like half a year to afford it, then beat it in less than 3 hours. I can imagine a version with all 722 having more longevity, but then you'd have the issue of the gameplay getting repetitive.


I'm so disappointed with all of you.



Looking at the steam group, I realized that for like half of the members, I have no idea who they are in here. Like, who is [GT] Reno Raines?


Snap was like the worst purchase I ever made as a kid. Saved up my money for like half a year to afford it, then beat it in less than 3 hours. I can imagine a version with all 722 having more longevity, but then you'd have the issue of the gameplay getting repetitive.

We should start a support group for victims of Snap.

Pokemon Snap is nothing but a Pokemon abuse game. You're all terrible people hiding behind a veil of lies and photos.


Snap was like the worst purchase I ever made as a kid. Saved up my money for like half a year to afford it, then beat it in less than 3 hours. I can imagine a version with all 722 having more longevity, but then you'd have the issue of the gameplay getting repetitive.

Modkill #2 Sorian?


Snorian this is a family friendly mafia-and-anti-Snap group. Such lewd remarks are not welcome here. :mad:

Alternatively, it also looks like he might be taking a leak which would also qualify as having a good time.

I didn't know blatant child murder was family friendly!


Alternatively, it also looks like he might be taking a leak which would also qualify as having a good time.

I didn't know blatant child murder was family friendly!

I don't thing getting the lower half of your body melted in lava qualifies as a good time. But murder is murder and you took pictures of the whole event. You can't hide from the law.

Also this is America. Violence = good. Sex = BAD. Watching violent dismemberment is a family pastime.


I don't thing getting the lower half of your body melted in lava qualifies as a good time. But murder is murder and you took pictures of the whole event. You can't hide from the law.

Also this is America. Violence = good. Sex = BAD. Watching violent dismemberment is a family pastime.


Anyway, I don't know what you are talking about.



Anyway, I don't know what you are talking about.


You might be the Ruler of the Courthouse but that doesn't mean you're above the law. Your crimes of Pokemon abuse and love of Pokemon Snap won't go unpunished.


Pokemon Snap is terrible though. It would've worked fantastically on the Wii U but..you can't fix a bad game. >.>;

It's possible that Pokemon Art Academy game is the new Pokemon Snap, in a way.

Really, though, I don't need it to be a game. I love playing around with photo modes in games like Batman and DriveClub. They could make any kind of Pokemon game they want, just give me a photo mode.

I guess the rebuttal is it sounds like you want a different game altogether? There's always ni no kuno for a different take on pocket monster battling.

Ehhh, yes and no? Ni no Kuni, well...other than being a pretty boring game, it feels like the monsters are sidelined by all the other stuff in the game. Maybe you meant Yokai Watch? The demo for that wasn't so bad, and they do different things with the gameplay.

You're probably right that I should just want a new game, because they're not going to piss off the cult following they have by changing things.

We should start a support group for victims of Snap.

What if...I loved Pokemon Snap, but it abandoned me? Can I join the group?

Pokemon Snap is nothing but a Pokemon abuse game. You're all terrible people hiding behind a veil of lies and photos.

Mind you, the object of the game is to send Prof. Oak the photos. We're just the ones running his filthy, destructive errand.

This has to be one of the best lines of this season (taken from DisneyPrincess Mafia).

That is pretty damn good


Oh my god,

Princesses are about to hit the next level

1### - you can do it, slowpokes ;)

I have to read this game soon


She(?) probably saw that some people in this community are anti-Pokemon Snap and quickly fled. I can't say I blame her.


I just realized I don't have as much time in my hands, and don't really understand much of the gameplay so I didn't wanna be a bother. :x
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