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NeoGAF Slot Cloggers (NHL 12 EASHL)



I see I can't have a conversation with someone away from here. I said I play club games and NHL to enjoy myself and de-stress. I said I'm not going to play if everyone's going to randomly mute. One person doesn't qualify as everyone, nor do I think I've been playing like shit or anything to have everyone acting like a jackass when I'm just trying to play a game.


I see I can't have a conversation with someone away from here. I said I play club games and NHL to enjoy myself and de-stress. I said I'm not going to play if everyone's going to randomly mute. One person doesn't qualify as everyone, nor do I think I've been playing like shit or anything to have everyone acting like a jackass when I'm just trying to play a game.



Yet nobody explains why. Which makes it difficult to stop doing the things in question. If someone would explain, I'd stop the stuff. Not like you're going to hurt my feelings. Be honest and tell me and I'll stop. I've asked this twice now.


You literally have a picture for everything.

If you can't see why you're annoying you're doing it wrong.
If you can't see why you're annoying you're doing it wrong.

Honestly, the only thing I can think of is if people find my sense of humor to be annoying. Which plenty of people do-- nothing new. If that's the case, then you guys can just tell me and I'll shut the fuck up and be serious business. Just trying to lighten the mood once in a while. I joke a lot. It's who I am. I'm fully aware it can get annoying after a while. However, most people just tell me straight-up.


Honestly, the only thing I can think of is if people find my sense of humor to be annoying. Which plenty of people do-- nothing new. If that's the case, then you guys can just tell me and I'll shut the fuck up and be serious business. Just trying to lighten the mood once in a while. I joke a lot. It's who I am. I'm fully aware it can get annoying after a while. However, most people just tell me straight-up.

You've already pissed off a good amount of people. Just turn in your gear and walk away.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
:lol at the cat responses.... Good games tonight everyone and good D from Schuey who's been bailing on the club lately ;) hopefully I'll have my mic ready for next time I keep forgetting to charge it


Does this game need a online code or can I buy it used? Bored as hell with games recently and my most recent hockey games are 3 on 3 and NHL 99.
Does this game need a online code or can I buy it used? Bored as hell with games recently and my post recent hockey games are 3 on 3 and NHL 99.

All EA sports need an online code but you can buy one on the marketplace if you buy it used. Just remember you have to pay however much it is when you look at used prices though.
alright wsox you asked for it....


so I'm gonna attempt to articulate why I and several others members of the club have found you annoying as shit so far... follow along

Here are the 3 areas of concern I have with you

#1) You are a new guy that is overstepping his boundaries
#2) You talk non-stop for the duration of every game
#3) You have no common sense/etiquette when communicating with people on Live

I digress


You seem to have no concept of what it means to be new to a team. Instead of easing into the group, trying to fit in and gain the respect of the team, you basically came crashing thru the front door like a bull in a china shop with no regards to what is going on around you.

Some examples:

Not when it's resembling an angsty soap-opera at the moment.
This post is from like your 1st 2 or 3 days on the club, we were discussing some shit and criticizing one another, most of it was jokingly and you post this without understanding much about the team. Not your place to to say something like that.

Good games tonight. However, I'm not gonna be on again 'til I can hear Milly. Gotta be one of my pet peeves on Live, especially in a team game.
You are new, you dont get to demand anything. You don't get to give ultimatums, and no one gives a shit if you're "not gonna be on again"

Say something, then? Or have fun?
I play to play with a team. Which requires communication. Sorry if it bothers you that I try to enjoy. But say something then instead of randomly muting me with no warning.
Again, you are the new guy, if someone criticized you for something, take it in stride and try to figure out what you need to do to address it. Instead go on the defensive and act like a smart ass towards a veteran. Remember, we invited you into this team, its a privilege to be a part of this and not a right. You don't have a voice in shit yet, you need to earn that, know your role and shut your mouth.

The woe-is-me shit is getting tiring too.
Again, Moop posted a sarcastic remark about blaming himself and here again you are commenting on something that went over your head. You are the new guy, you barely know any of us, stop commenting on every single post in the thread especially when you seem to have no clue whats going on

I don't want to be that 'guy'

But Milly has been here a lot longer than you sox and you being brand new to this team, you really can't demand to hear Milly or threaten to no longer play (well you can but noone is going to care). Milly mentioned he got jumped on for calling someone out and being new, and it was true.

I'm not saying its a big deal or anything but people who have been with the club longer have earned more respect than those who haven't, and if you do stay with the club for awhile then you'll get to call people out. A hierarchy of sorts I guess.

Like I said, you seem like a nice enough guy so I'm not trying to blow things up, just giving some advice.

You have been demanding an explanation for a few days for why people dont seem to like you, when Swim already pointed out some of this stuff early on, and your response was "Aight, but my defense is horrid. " You missed the whole point!

SEE POINTS #2 & #3 in the next post

You talk non-stop all game long and pretty much dominant the airwaves. Again this kind of falls into New Guy Mistakes territory. From minute 1 of the 1st game you have played, you have yapped and yapped and yapped like we are all your best friends. You forgot the whole I should try to fit in part. Moop ran into this same problem and I muted him ass too for awhile, but he has since adjusted as time went on, and now gets along with the team for the most part.

It wouldn't be as bad if you weren't constantly repeating the same complaints, comments and jokes over and over day after day. After hearing your commentary about Marvie having GIFs for everything for the 49th time, I was tempted to PM him and tell him to stop using GIFs for a month. Give it a rest.

You keep bringing up shit about your personal life, and how you "need this game" to get thru your day and shit. Stop the pity party. We aren't your therapists, and if you think people are gonna "be nice to you" because your stressed out about school, you job or woman issues you're def in the wrong place and in the wrong thread. Go make a Girl-Age thread in the OT, no one gives a shit about your problems, we all have problems of our own...

It's good that you are active and want to be part of the club, but you really need to cut down on the chatter and let other people speak and pick your spots. No one signed up to this club with the intention of hearing your 45 minute stand-up comedy routines every night from you. Slow it down.



Let me clear up the common sense rules most people follow on the club.

  • If you want to play a game, post in the thread asking if anyone is around.
  • If you see people online from your friend's list the GAF tag or from the NHL12 roster page its cool to message them if they are on NHL12 or the Dashboard.
  • When I say message... 1 message is sufficient, if they dont answer you then you have your answer "No...". Stop spamming people with messages, party invites and also being bitter when they don't respond.

    [*]And don't bother people when they are playing another game, you are a new guy, please realize that no one is gonna drop what they are doing and run to play NHL with you, they barely know you

  • Again, we barely know you. If you see someone in a party playing another game and don't get invited, DO NOT JUMP IN THE PARTY. This was the last straw with me the other night.
I was playing BF3 with Marvie and 2 other people who you don't know and you had the audacity to jump in the party and pretty much demand Marvie and I come play NHL so you had enough players. Then after Marvie and I told you to get lost, in slightly more negative terms you sat in our party for another 30 minutes and didnt say a word. WHO DOES THAT, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Also, we were playing a game last week and a couple of your Call of Duty friends jumped in our party, instead of mentioning "hey im playing NHL right now, I'll talk to you guys later. Nooooo.... you just went on like it was cool and 2 or 3 of us has to bear listening to some dumb bitch whose mic didnt even work properly talk about MW3 for about 10 minutes. I eventually left the party since you didnt have the good sense to send them away.


I'm letting the the fact that you got defensive about criticism of your play go, because a lot of people have reacted the way you did before. I personally dont have any problem with how you play.

But your response of "why I am the only one being called out", should have been obvious. We are a club that has had some continuity over time, most of us have been playing together for 2 years now. You were the new piece to the puzzle, and you need to get in line with our style of play as the new guy.

Again, I'm not holding this against you, but in the future if you plan on sticking around, be more open to criticism.


hope this clarifies the problems I, and some others have with you. You are welcome to stay (despite what Milly posted)... if you get your shit together, but if you continue doing any of this stuff you are gonna get booted. You are still gonna be muted by me for the foreseeable future, so you will have to deal with it (cue Marvie GIFs). We have already kicked someone out for being an asshole earlier this year, so you wouldn't be the first and probably wont be the last...

Well, first of all, the NHL thing was meant as a joke. I didn't actually expect anyone to hop on. Told you 99% of what I say isn't serious.

As for other friends joining the party, I'm not going to kick random people in the middle of a game and just sit there not moving. Not to mention the "dumb bitch" is a friend, but thanks for randomly insulting her.

Stayed in the party 'cause I joined the game because I felt like bf3. I was literally on the same team. Don't know how you didn't notice.

Anyways, thank you for finally explaining. That's all I was asking. Now I can actually stop doing the shit.


As for other friends joining the party, I'm not going to kick random people in the middle of a game and just sit there not moving. Not to mention the "dumb bitch" is a friend, but thanks for randomly insulting her.

That's why you set the party to invite only before you start doing anything.


Matt Cullen sucks too.


So, since Reach fucking blows (seriously contemplating snapping my disc in half just so I'm not tempted to ever put it in my disc tray again) and SR3 has gotten boring since I completed everything I guess I'll be playing again.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

So, since Reach fucking blows (seriously contemplating snapping my disc in half just so I'm not tempted to ever put it in my disc tray again) and SR3 has gotten boring since I completed everything I guess I'll be playing again.
Don't bother we found a better centerman.
Me :D

................JK we need to fill our quota of missed open nets for the month
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