Actually, I do have quite a few feeds. The ONLY thing Reeder has over Feedly (other than UI) imo, is that it has a list view, where feedly has yet to add that (but will be soon).
I just don't like looking at a bland list of story titles, especially on my phone. With feedly, i can have categories (tech, politics, comedy etc) and view the most recent stories, with picture covers, and browse through.
Feedly lis basically like Flipboard combined with Reeder, in many respects.
Feedly doesn't have readability support. You know how many RSS feeds don't give you the full article and force you to tap "continue to read"? They force you to go to their site to read it. Readability solves this by pulling the rest of the article into Reeder.
Reader. See that couch in the top right? Tap that and…
Voila. The entire article presented in the app's UI without needing to go to their shitty mobile site.
Things I also find to be lacking in Feedly:
- No unread badge?
- You don't seem to be able to mark all as read. The only thing I can find is "mark category/feed as read" when you're inside a specific feed or folder. And you can only get to that if you're specifically navigating to that folder or feed. (Which i'm not. If anything, I'll be in latest or my feedly) Additionally, the mark as read button is only available after you first tap the wrench icon. It should have a dedicated button that's always accessible.
Reeder's UI is just much quicker at accomplishing tasks. Navigating in and out of feeds or categories is the main interface so it's all presented up front. With Feedly, you have to click the black status bar on the bottom, and then scroll down to your folders, and then go find the specific feed you want.
Speaking of the folder list, why is it showing me all my Google Reader folders even if they don't have any unread content? Those should be hidden unless I specifically want to see all my feeds.
Reeder's home page, with bottom toggles to switch between your starred, unread, and all items. As it should be: