For the record I don't really know/care who this chick is I just find stating that you can't respect her because T&A a bit weird with no other context. I took a logical leap by thinking that if you can't respect her for doing what she enjoys in a way she enjoys then you must think that she's doing it just because because guys like her for it and that that isn't respect worthy so sorry if that was an unfair judgement.
Just, she's got her style it seems, saying it's not valid or justified or whatever because you think she's delibately using overt 'sex appeal' when she doesn't need to just says that you don't think she's doing what SHE thinks looks good without assuming that she's doing it just to appeal to mens dicks (or whoever elses whatevers).
If you don't think it looks good then fine, but you're not saying that, you're saying you can't respect her for it because it's fine when it's 'meant' to be sexy but not when it doesn't have to be.
Just to clearify I never said you guys held hatred for her. I had used to word lightly in a more modern context (why you be hatin') but it was turned towards "hatred" as the concept.
I only even sited those examples because you had requested it when you inadvertently changed the tone of the whole conversation.
I think that Bunny ZSS is exactly what Hero was talking about before he got dogpiled by everyone. ZSS is already a very sexy character. She's wearing a skin tight bodysuit that basically shows everything, without showing much skin. Her attempt to "sex up," or in this case, more like "cute up" the suit missed it's mark, imo. Sure it's cute but her crafting skills are actually REALLY good. The original costume probably would have been better for both costume enthusiasts as well as for sexy pics.
I said "I could respect her so much more" not "I could respect her." There is a clear difference and I would suggest you read the two until you understand it.
Take the My Little Pony costume she has above (Rainbow Dash, I had to look it up). You have to realize that she made those wings, arts and crafts style. It's probably hobby foam but still, the 2 of them look identical and the cut of the wing is very precise. Also that Lugia hoodie, she sewed that. That shit ain't easy and requires lots of time, planning, and skill.
The pieces that she makes are actually VERY good, when you're not looking at her chest only. I think what Hero was saying is he wouldn't mind if she did something more accurate to the character and really challenged her skill as a costume maker, sexy character or not.
I think that Bunny ZSS is exactly what Hero was talking about before he got dogpiled by everyone. ZSS is already a very sexy character. She's wearing a skin tight bodysuit that basically shows everything, without showing much skin. Her attempt to "sex up," or in this case, more like "cute up" the suit missed it's mark, imo. Sure it's cute but her crafting skills are actually REALLY good. The original costume probably would have been better for both costume enthusiasts as well as for sexy pics.
Take the My Little Pony costume she has above (Rainbow Dash, I had to look it up). You have to realize that she made those wings, arts and crafts style. It's probably hobby foam but still, the 2 of them look identical and the cut of the wing is very precise. Also that Lugia hoodie, she sewed that. That shit ain't easy and requires lots of time, planning, and skill.
The pieces that she makes are actually VERY good, when you're not looking at her chest only. I think what Hero was saying is he wouldn't mind if she did something more accurate to the character and really challenged her skill as a costume maker, sexy character or not.
Oh, gotcha, and throwing out the neckbeard syndrome comment is just hatin' as well?
Anyways moving on from the drama again....
Some Nami cosplays:
Didn't Oda creator of One Piece marry a Nami cosplayer? lol
God, I would play the hell out of that game.If you post your 'opinion' you should at the very least include some pics.
I can very much understand that. And even though I know that there's still a difference I find it a little weird that it's okay for Nigiri to sex up Assassin's Creed 3, but if Ubisoft had made a character with the same outfit they would have gotten shit from everyone.
The best. The absolute best.
Males cosplaying as female characters = creepy and weird.
Ken Marinaris cosplay! :ODTJAAAAM said:
I feel like I should know who these people are dressed as. It looks like Pocahontas and a Cinderella scarecrow, and I see something that could be a Cowardly Lion, but I don't see any other Oz or Disney references.
Is this just some mish-mash or is there actually something this is supposed to be?
They were the Twisted Disney Princesses:[IMG]
Cosplay of a cosplay ![/QUOTE]
Gundam Box always makes me laugh.
Feel free to revoke my nerd cred, but what is this guy?
If a woman is so smart, why is she dressing up like an adolescent boy's fantasy? /snark
Man I want that Garrus mask!
found this while searching...
Genuine question: at what point does "fancy dress/costue" become "cosplay"?