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NeoPSO |OT| Unofficial GAF Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst Server

N.A do you plan on disabling Quest Rewards in the future? Because I'm interested in testing AND making Quest Rewards guides for NeoPSO but if your going to disable them like SCHTHACK did eventually than I don't want to waste my efforts.

Why the hell would anyone disable Quest rewards in an MMO?!


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Why the hell would anyone disable Quest rewards in an MMO?!
SCHTHACK at the time was trying to keep some sort of "purity" against a very small band of players who use cheats to get items they wanted without any effort by data dumping into the Quest Reward memory logs and getting items that were not even Quest Rewards.Of course now they are a bunch of hypocrites since they offer up those very items in exchange for a "donation".

But anyways they got tired of manually fighting the "good" fight and simply disabled Quest Rewards.


N.A do you plan on disabling Quest Rewards in the future? Because I'm interested in testing AND making Quest Rewards guides for NeoPSO but if your going to disable them like SCHTHACK did eventually than I don't want to waste my efforts.

I trust the community to be honest so have no intention of disabling anything.


So far my section ID seems to work fine. Dropped 4 rares from monsters (1st drop took someone else and the other three, I was alone). One handgun, one rifle and one dagger. Good enough for my RAmar.
I hate when I log on and check the parties and there's just like ten 1/4 rooms. Why aren't people partying up? =/

There seems to be quite a few people trying the game out for the first time so they're probably wanting to get used to how to play before jumping in with people would be my guess.


There seems to be quite a few people trying the game out for the first time so they're probably wanting to get used to how to play before jumping in with people would be my guess.

Yeah, I'm one of the newbies but instead of that, I teamed up with veterans who in the end taught me a lot. I would want to believe that is the better way.
I'm semi-afk doing some mag rearing. I'm not paying much attention to the game so I don't want people coming in expecting to play only to find me standing about silent and not doing anything :p


Saint Nic
Yeah, I'm one of the newbies but instead of that, I teamed up with veterans who in the end taught me a lot. I would want to believe that is the better way.

The best way to learn how to play PSO is to play PSO. How you choose to do it is up to you. PSO isn't like WoW or FFXIV or TERA or whatever - it's very simple in 99% of what it does. The complexities of the game are things like weaknesses, % on weapons, mags, min/max stats. The core gameplay is a VERY simple "kill stuff for XP and loot -> level up -> kill more stuff for XP and loot".

There are a lot of us vets who have put thousands of hours into PSO that are more than willing to help people learn more about this game, but PSO is fantastic in that you can really get up to speed on the "end game" relatively quickly.

Now C-Mode is an ENTIRELY different beast, but that's something you don't want to touch until you are very familiar with the maps, enemies and nuances of the game.

E: Also, I like turning on Netflix and zen hunting. And there's also the fact that I HAVE played thousands of hours of PSO, so when I play the early stuff, I'm sort of impatient and want to power through shit, haha.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I'm semi-afk doing some mag rearing. I'm not paying much attention to the game so I don't want people coming in expecting to play only to find me standing about silent and not doing anything :p
Name your room Mag Feeding than.

I trust the community to be honest so have no intention of disabling anything.
Well than depending on how fast I level up today I can probably test one Quest Reward today.


The game crashed not long after but thanks for the my first complete Cave run on Neo PSO.

I was part of that group but had my internet crash while I was back in town and figured that was a good spot to call it a night since I had just offloaded everything, leveled up, and it would have taken me awhile to catch back up once I got logged back in and everything.

Had fun and hope to see you guys on again soon!


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
Oh man, I forgot how addicting this game was. I haven't played since DC days on dialup. Solo'd the forest monster clear with my RAcast lvling up from 1 to lvl 8. Managed to finish about 5 minutes before the server went down. I had an open room, but no one joined :(. If you see a RAcast named MEGA feel free to join.

N.A., do you have Windows Update set not to automatically install? It may be better so we don't have random outages and just have a scheduled maintenance window for updates. If you need any help or advice let me know, I manage about 50 servers at my company.


I really don't get it.

Added the whole folder under Avast! exclusions, still not working.

Double clicking option.exe does nothing either.

Oh well

edit: I have SCHTHACK's version installed on my PC, maybe that's the problem?


N.A., do you have Windows Update set not to automatically install? It may be better so we don't have random outages and just have a scheduled maintenance window for updates. If you need any help or advice let me know, I manage about 50 servers at my company.

I do now. I work with VPS' daily but never used Windows Server before.

I also figured out the global announcement commands so I can announce any maintenance periods ahead of time from now on.

Hopefully the server should be up 99% of the time now.


The best way to learn how to play PSO is to play PSO. How you choose to do it is up to you. PSO isn't like WoW or FFXIV or TERA or whatever - it's very simple in 99% of what it does. The complexities of the game are things like weaknesses, % on weapons, mags, min/max stats. The core gameplay is a VERY simple "kill stuff for XP and loot -> level up -> kill more stuff for XP and loot".

That's one of the reasons I'm unsure I even want to attempt PSO again.

I played the hell out of it in the DC era. When I first saw the topic, I was like "Hell yeah!". A community that should be free of miscreants and the ability to revisit nostalgia land - what more could I ask for? Then I realized I have largely gotten bored of even modern MMOs with far more advanced game mechanics. Perhaps the more simplistic gameplay will be a nice change of pace. If not, I'd rather not diminish my memories.

I'll have to set up the DC again and see how it all feels before I waste N.A.'s time setting up an account.


Saint Nic
That's one of the reasons I'm unsure I even want to attempt PSO again.

I played the hell out of it in the DC era. When I first saw the topic, I was like "Hell yeah!". A community that should be free of miscreants and the ability to revisit nostalgia land - what more could I ask for? Then I realized I have largely gotten bored of even modern MMOs with far more advanced game mechanics. Perhaps the more simplistic gameplay will be a nice change of pace. If not, I'd rather not diminish my memories.

I'll have to set up the DC again and see how it all feels before I waste N.A.'s time setting up an account.

My enjoyment of PSO is rooted in the same excitement you have/had - DCv1 and on. The simple gameplay and "thrill of the hunt" is why I keep playing PSO every chance I get. Sure, D3, PoE, TQ, Sacred 2...All amazing loot games. But PSO was something really amazing that I can't seem to shake. It's nothing new nor revolutionary, but it's always a fucking blast.


A few notes for people playing multiplayer that will make things run smoother! I will address the players as male for ease of typing.

  • When a new player enters the room, if you are already hunting, it's customary to put down a telepipe (TP) and call it out. Example - "Blue TP" tells the new player to take the blue TP that was just placed as to bring him into the action. Your color is indicated by the gem in your HP/TP status bar. Someone simply drop a TP and call it out.
  • On later difficulties, someone should drop a TP next to the boss teleporter. Normal bosses aren't that hard (although Falz can get annoying if you get frame locked by the damn Darvants), but later on (Ult especially), it's nice to have a TP right outside the portal in case you wipe.
  • Put Moon Atomizers on your palette or hot bar. The hot bar is nice because it doesn't eat up a slot for attacks, mates and other important quick need items. While you can TP back into the action, this is MORE useful for boss fights. But certain rooms (furnace in caves, waterfall in ruins, etc) are nice to be able to jump back into for XP and possible rare drops.
  • TP etiquette - when you take your TP back to the surface, it disappears for everyone else. Either pop a new one if people are still on the ship, or take someone else's pipe back to the surface so yours stays up.
  • If you are the party leader, don't forget to adjust the item distribution. I haven't verified if that's a thing on this server yet, but if it is...Meseta should be split, and rares should be either random or round robin.
  • When the time comes for rare hunting on Vhard and Ult, discuss who should get what if a 10*+ item should drop. 9* rares are pretty common on Ult, but 10-12* items are not. If you create a room as a Skyly and are hunting SJS, make it known. Hell, take screenshots of you informing your party in case someone pulls a dick move and runs off with your drop. If the people joining in aren't OK with you taking claim to a certain drop, it's OK to start a new room or join another. But make it clear that you "only want xxx drop". I mean, this sounds simple, but once you get the desire sensor and can't get that Lavis or Demo Comet or Yas9k drop, you want to be sure you don't get screwed when someone ninjas your drop.
  • Speaking of screenshots, it's pretty customary to screenshot the picking up, teching of, and in inventory status 10*+ items in case you lose it to a server hiccup or something. While trust seems to be a big thing N.A. is banking on, it's simple to have a few shots of you getting your stuff goes a long way. I still have some OLD shots of me getting my Froozer and unlocking my Limiter!

NOT from this server! Note that the game only indicates the red "You've picked up special weapon" text the first time you pick it up. So that's usually a good indication of a legit drop. This is more an example. When you've been hunting for a 10*+ drop for a long time, there's a rush of excitement...So you'll probably WANT to take screenies anyways. Print Screen = your friend.

Also, it's always a VERY good idea to screenshot the "USE" command on items like LIMITER and SJS. If the server fucks up and your items goes away after you unlock it, you have proof that you at least tried to use it before the server ate it.







I played a bit more of the game and have a better handle on it after going through the forest and killing the dragon. Finding the discs help clear up how you get abilities as I wasn't sure until I found the healing one. I'll probably join a party later now that I know what I'm doing. When I saw people complaining about the camera in the dragon fight I thought it wouldn't be that bad but the camera is really bad there.


Saint Nic
I played a bit more of the game and have a better handle on it after going through the forest and killing the dragon. Finding the discs help clear up how you get abilities as I wasn't sure until I found the healing one. I'll probably join a party later now that I know what I'm doing. When I saw people complaining about the camera in the dragon fight I thought it wouldn't be that bad but the camera is really bad there.

It's weird, but after years and years of dragon hunting, you don't even notice it anymore. ;) Eventually, you'll get to the point where you can kill the dragon before he even lifts off the ground.
Heres a couple of tips to save inventory navigation time:
You can reorganize your quick access Tech menu (the one you get to by pressing ctrl+end and then hitting left/right) by pressing tab. Handy for when your hotbar is full of stuff.

You can also reorganize your quick weapon switch menu by manually swapping their locations in your inventory. They're listed in the quick swap menu in the order they appear in your inventory and your equipped weapon is always at the bottom of the list. If you put your two most used weapons at the top of the list you can pretty brainlessly press ctrl+end enter and switch really quickly. Also pressing tab in the weapon quick swap menu will pop up the item stats window, handy for when you wanna check Attack %'s of some duplicate rare or untekked item.


My enjoyment of PSO is rooted in the same excitement you have/had - DCv1 and on. The simple gameplay and "thrill of the hunt" is why I keep playing PSO every chance I get. Sure, D3, PoE, TQ, Sacred 2...All amazing loot games. But PSO was something really amazing that I can't seem to shake. It's nothing new nor revolutionary, but it's always a fucking blast.

I can only hope I share the same interest, though I've been away for far longer. I haven't touched the game (or series) since the DC days. Heck, looking at your screenshots, I can only think "spread needle" even though I'm sure there were other guns with the same model. Still the fact that I remember anything after all these years is something.


Saint Nic
I can only hope I share the same interest, though I've been away for far longer. I haven't touched the game (or series) since the DC days. Heck, looking at your screenshots, I can only think "spread needle" even though I'm sure there were other guns with the same model. Still the fact that I remember anything after all these years is something.

A lot of stuff was nerfed after v1 to make other stuff a little more viable. But I mean, Spread Needle is still one of the best guns in the game, haha. Voodoo Needle was pretty fun (S-Rank needle), but I used my Spread and Froozer more than anything (except bosses - charge Vulcan ftw).


Borderless Windowed guide:

So i've got the game working fine on Widows 10 in borderless windowed mode (fake fullscreen) alt-tabbing works and no crashes so far.

To do this you'll need:

Windowed Borderless Gaming: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WindowedBorderlessGaming
Your resolution settings set to windowed at your monitors resolution.

To use:

Launch PSO in windowed mode at you monitor's resolution.
Launch Windowed Borderless Gaming
Click the icon in the taskbar and choose add window.
Switch to PSO and press F3.

All done!

You may have to repeat this each time you play.
This works perfectly, thanks!


Haven't played Blue Burst since the Schtack server days! I may hop onto this with a couple of friends! How many people are playing?


A lot of stuff was nerfed after v1 to make other stuff a little more viable. But I mean, Spread Needle is still one of the best guns in the game, haha. Voodoo Needle was pretty fun (S-Rank needle), but I used my Spread and Froozer more than anything (except bosses - charge Vulcan ftw).

The spread needle was great fun, but for all the good memories it also sticks out in my memory as a representation of the low times as well. Item hacking and duping resulting in spread needles that could basically one shot entire rooms. Certainly wasn't the only hacked weapon, but its room clearing capability makes it stick out in my mind.


Haven't played Blue Burst since the Schtack server days! I may hop onto this with a couple of friends! How many people are playing?

Highest i've seen online at once is 35 though i'm not awake at peak NA time.

We have 267 total accounts so far.


Oops wrong post.

To turn this into a somewhat useful post: All PMs received up to now should have their accounts created. If I didn't respond to you please PM me again.


Hey N.A. unfortunately the DEP thing is one of the first things i tried, since it caused me problems before (with Tomb Raider Anniversary, Dark Souls and a bunch of other games).
Didn't work for this one, but i'll try a bit more trouble shooting when i can.
Also, the game crashes more than just when i attack now, i guess those times i just got lucky to get that far. :p

Par Score

Pretty sure I saw over 40 online at some point, this place is off to a great start :)

Yes. Though I am considering letting all sectionIDs obtain all items. Won't be decided for a while yet though.

I think, eventually, having all section ID's having at least a very small chance to get any item, while still retaining the default general distribution, would be the best tweak.

Each section ID should have it's own flavour, and making them all have the same chance for loot would be boring, but having a total lock on some stuff does start to suck over time.


Saint Nic
Pretty sure I saw over 40 online at some point, this place is off to a great start :)

I think, eventually, having all section ID's having at least a very small chance to get any item, while still retaining the default general distribution, would be the best tweak.

Each section ID should have it's own flavour, and making them all have the same chance for loot would be boring, but having a total lock on some stuff does start to suck over time.

It was suggested by someone earlier to give every ID 1/2 the drop rate of other ID items added to their drop tables. So if SJS drops on Skyly at 1/12604, make it drop for everyone else at 1/25208.


I can't seem to download from MEGA. Using MEGASync, the browser, or importing it into my cloud drive THEN downloading it don't seem to work. When I try from my own cloud drive it says the file is inaccessible.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Speaking of screenshots of awesome items...
Oh goodie! Somebody has volunteer to test for me if Monster Type Weapons are or aren't eaten up by the server when converting the Monster Piece to a Monster Weapon.

Let me know how it goes as it does relate to my planned Side Quest Rewards Guides I will be making.


I can't seem to download from MEGA. Using MEGASync, the browser, or importing it into my cloud drive THEN downloading it don't seem to work. When I try from my own cloud drive it says the file is inaccessible.

Ill make a mirror.


Had a great time playing with some gaffers last night. Got up to lvl9 and then crashed for bed. Definitely feel like this was perfect timing to play since there is a bit of lull in game releases till September(MGS). Hopefully can get up to ult in a reasonable amount of time.
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