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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe


1) We get it, the Raspberry Pi is a cool solution. It's not the same thing and there are reasons to want the NES Classic.
2) Accusing everyone of piracy when you don't know their situation is irritating noise and is something that is explicitly against the rules in any sort of discussion about console hacking for this reason.

Stop spamming this thread and the other one with the same stuff over and over again. We heard you the first hundred times.


With the 30+ more game soft mod, just curious what people value as NES classics, didn't we have a thread where we voted for Greatest Hits to some retro consoles?

I was personally disappointed with no TMNT, OG Contra, Black Bass and some airplane scroller game with the NES mini


With the 30+ more game soft mod, just curious what people value as NES classics, didn't we have a thread where we voted for Greatest Hits to some retro consoles?

I was personally disappointed with no TMNT, OG Contra, Black Bass and some airplane scroller game with the NES mini
I think the easiest additions everybody could agree on would be the other five Mega Mans, all four Dragon Quests, at least the first Duck Tales, at least Ninja Turtles 2 (if not also 3), Contra, and the other two Ninja Gaidens.


Yeah, but then it's underpowered to accomodate the portability aspect, and most likely won't be getting a lot of third party support, as a result. So the portability does affect me.

If the Switch has good third party support, then I might buy it in the future. I'll give you guys that. I'm starting to feel guilty about talking about the Switch so much in the mini NES thread, so I think we're going to have to agree to disagree about anything else.

Should have at least waited til the Switch Presentation this Thursday/Friday to make your decision.


With the 30+ more game soft mod, just curious what people value as NES classics, didn't we have a thread where we voted for Greatest Hits to some retro consoles?

I was personally disappointed with no TMNT, OG Contra, Black Bass and some airplane scroller game with the NES mini

Every 60 games should have the following in it:

Contra (You hear that Nintendo, Contra should be the first game you think of), Super C, Castlevania 1-3, Mega Man 2-4, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Zelda 1-2, Battletoads, Blaster Master, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Maniac Mansion, Bubble Bobble, Startropics 1-2, Bionic Commando, Kirby's Adventure, Dragon Warrior 4 (But really all the DWs would be better to be played on other systems), Dr Mario, Tetris, TMNT 1-3, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Life Force, Double Dragon 1-2

Thosre aren't the only good games, but those are the musts.


Every 60 games should have the following in it:

Contra (You hear that Nintendo, Contra should be the first game you think of), Super C, Castlevania 1-3, Mega Man 2-4, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Zelda 1-2, Battletoads, Blaster Master, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Maniac Mansion, Bubble Bobble, Startropics 1-2, Bionic Commando, Kirby's Adventure, Dragon Warrior 4 (But really all the DWs would be better to be played on other systems), Dr Mario, Tetris, TMNT 1-3, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Life Force, Double Dragon 1-2

Thosre aren't the only good games, but those are the musts.

i have installed 65 games in total and i'm still missing some gems...

Here is my Youtube video..


Every 60 games should have the following in it:

Contra (You hear that Nintendo, Contra should be the first game you think of), Super C, Castlevania 1-3, Mega Man 2-4, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Zelda 1-2, Battletoads, Blaster Master, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Maniac Mansion, Bubble Bobble, Startropics 1-2, Bionic Commando, Kirby's Adventure, Dragon Warrior 4 (But really all the DWs would be better to be played on other systems), Dr Mario, Tetris, TMNT 1-3, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Life Force, Double Dragon 1-2

Thosre aren't the only good games, but those are the musts.


I added 6 games wow, that was so simple to do

Tecmo Bowl with 2017 roaster update
Metal Gear
Dark Wing Duck
Mike Tyson Punch out
TMNT Arcade

Now I need the wireless controller :)
how do you guys keep track of the famicom mini at amazon.jp? keep checking everyday? Do you guys have any way of tracking the mini nes and famicom without accessing websites everyday?


Before I start this, what is the maximum number of games that you can put in? I see 60 originally and now I'm seeing 65 here.


Every 60 games should have the following in it:

Contra (You hear that Nintendo, Contra should be the first game you think of), Super C, Castlevania 1-3, Mega Man 2-4, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Zelda 1-2, Battletoads, Blaster Master, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Maniac Mansion, Bubble Bobble, Startropics 1-2, Bionic Commando, Kirby's Adventure, Dragon Warrior 4 (But really all the DWs would be better to be played on other systems), Dr Mario, Tetris, TMNT 1-3, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Life Force, Double Dragon 1-2

Thosre aren't the only good games, but those are the musts.

Power Blade, V.I.C.E, Shatterhand, Journey to Silius, Abadox, Germlins 2, Gun Smoke, Metal Storm, Gimmick
Wow these still aren't readily available?

I lost interest and stopped looking after I found out Punch Out wasn't the Tyson version but I know my dad is still trying to find one. Maybe next Christmas...


A fancy storage box for my famicom mini that looks like a disk system, also came with reset & power stickers to make the console look like it would have done. Love how the outer packaging looks like a disk system used to.




Any good 2nd controller alternatives out there? I'm sick of waiting for the official one to reappear..

I see these...



mostly tempted with https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N1G8SXT/
as it has reviews

Have you looked at the NES 8bitdo Wireless Adapter+Controller combo? I got it for $40 but I like it. I can't numerically test lag, but personally I can't tell if it's any worse. It's awesome to have that wireless freedom and it doubles as a Bluetooth controller for phone. Buttons and DPad feel very similar to original that the system came with, I just dislike the orientation as it's not true to the original.
How does the emulation hold up on the imported roms?

Also curious about this. I received this as an anniversary gift last week and haven't opened yet (still waiting for a second controller to become available) and wanted to know if we add more games they will run properly.
Have you looked at the NES 8bitdo Wireless Adapter+Controller combo? I got it for $40 but I like it. I can't numerically test lag, but personally I can't tell if it's any worse. It's awesome to have that wireless freedom and it doubles as a Bluetooth controller for phone. Buttons and DPad feel very similar to original that the system came with, I just dislike the orientation as it's not true to the original.

Ooh I didn't know it worked! I have the SNES 8bitdo controller and the NES30pro already

edit: Ah ha! Looks like its a new version for the mini not released in the UK until the end of Feb tho
Alright so I want a famicom classic but does anyone know if I can splice some classic controller extensions to plug in NES controllers? I ain't got no baby hands.
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