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New Calvin and Hobbes strip is not released

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Hmmm, ok so Watterson may not have actually drawn this (at least not the digital aspect) like he did with the Pearls Before Swine strips but obviously he authorized it and it's still a very cool treat. Will wait to see what Breathed says.


Heh that's not Watterson's style at all (look at Hobbes forearm in the first panel), Breathed's taking the piss.


That ain't Watterson. Hobbes doesn't even have a tail in the first panel. Watterson wouldn't have made a mistake like that.


It never was! Missing this strip.

Easily. As Progressive Boink put it:

I think there's more variety than the guy in the article was making it out to be, but Calvin and Hobbes is easily one of the best strips out there since newspaper comics hollowed out in the 60s and 70s. Pogo, Li'l Abner, Krazy Kat and Peanuts are on the level, and there are numerous strips from the old days that don't really fall on anyone's radar.

Someone's going to dig a newspaper out of a landfill in about a hundred years, see strips like Momma, Garfield, and the Lockhorns, and wonder how human civilization survived beyond 1978.
Yeah, I immediately recognized all of the poses and facial expressions in this strip. It could be that Watterson drew it and reused some common "templates," but I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me it was stitched together from existing strips.


Why wait?


Got this at Target. No idea how the manufacturer got away with it.

He didn't want the question of Hobbes' reality answered by a plushie.

FUCK stupid lie day, this got me for a moment. :(
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