Maybe stop whining when you couldn't be bothered to campaign outside of NY.
This book is Hilary's platform to complain about other people taking from her what she was promised by the DNC.
I guess it's an honest appraisal of the situation and what she was thinking, but it's a selfish truth.
Someone else ran an almost competitive campaign against me and caused me to lose an election to a stupid person. I took all this money from wealthy people and campaigned in the Hamptons, why are my opponents using that against me when they can't prove someone handed me a a brown bag of money to vote a certain way on a bill which I would surely concede if presented with legitimate evidence.
It's almost as if political influence happens before a person is elected and you buy candidates and candidates shape their entire platforms at the will of their donors.
Candidates only "evolve" when it is politically advantageous and the opposite stance is completely unpalatable.
Corrupt people love asking for smoking guns, because successful ones are good at making it a general, un-pinnable controversy. They won't leave you a gun.
If you take the money from corporate donors and utilize Super PAC money, the public has a right to call you what you are. Unless people believe this government is not run by deregulating, lobbyists groups indifferent to income inequality and the need for regulations to keep their monopolies and unfettered, broken capitalism in check.
Looking like an out-of-touch, third way Democrat wasn't an invention of Bernie Sanders. It's what she is, no matter how terrible and unqualified Trump is.