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I am sorry, Scarface is pure bullcrap. They already made that game and it was called GRAND THEFT AUTO! I was hoping this "world exclusive event" that everyone would want to get their hands on would be HALO2!!!!! I don't even want to come within 5 feet of Scarface....


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I agree this was a lame thing to hype like that. I've been disappointed with EGM lately. I know news and releases are a little sparse this time of year, but they should use the extra space to write some interesting features or something. A large preview of another GTA clone is not something for anyone to get excited about.
I was about to dig up one of the Scarface threads. A local news station ran a story on it. Wasn't actually watching tv, but there was some bit about getting the voice actors in on it and that was basically it. I've never seen them do a preview for a game, ever. Rarely they show footage of games just released, like Madden or Turok (I was like wtf), but never previews. I guess Scarface is the hype.
Lame thing to hype. I guess none of the game mags have caught my interest lately. Not for a long time. I remember even thinking their Halo 2 "Blowouts" a few months back seemed overhyped. Oh well. Just for fun, here's my rundown:

PSM-Has turned into Game Players 3.0. Lots of stupid jokes, a focus on pic captions, and a fucking swimsuit issue? Consisting of ANIME swimsuit chicks? Lame. Plus I don't think they are capable of giving 99% of the games REAL reviews. Not many games score below 6 in that mag. Why have a scale of 10 at all then?

EGM-Boring and contradictory of themselves. Scarface does not excite me. I fully agree that it just looks like a GTA clone. Plus I hate when they act like they praised cult-favorite games back in the day when they really gave them bad reviews. Case in point, Alien VS Predator on Atari Jaguar. This latest issue they called it "exceptional" or something like that but I remember being pissed when I was a kid cuz only one reviewer gave it a 7 and everyone else gave it a 5. The whole mag needs another overhaul. I used to look forward to these things, but now I've got the Scarface issue sitting 70% unread. Maybe its me. Possibly my tastes are changing. I dunno. Just not real blown away like I COULD be.

OXM-Rag. Pure and simple. At least the demo discs finally work now, but the mag itself is more boring than church.

Game Informer-Haven't read an issue in months. They seemed to be like a SLIGHTLY more mature version of GamePro....

GamePro-It's GamePro. I don't even need to start.

XBN-Only mag with some potential. Kinda reminds me of Next Generation.

PLAY-Sorry, forgot this one. Also reminds me of Next Generation's glory days.

GMR-Hit and miss. Great game previews from time to time, but if the main cover story doesn't get me, the rest of the magazine is the same way.

Dave Long

Did EGM really say that they thought the Jag AvP was "exceptional" when it came out? That is pure bullshit if they did. Gamefan was the ONLY magazine to give it a positive review. I remember this specifically because I talked to Talko about it at the EB manager's meeting that year and how all the other mags totally didn't get it but Gamefan did.
"AVP: Responsible for an exceptional game on the otherwise ghastly Jaguar console"

It's not as if the same dude wrote this and the review or anything, is it?


works for Gamestop (lol)
MarkMacD said:
Thrasher, baby, c'mon now, don't be mad. We'll make it up to you, I promise.


Halo 2 cover story in December's issue am I right? Well not cover story but I'd expect Master Chief to be on the cover :p


Son of Godzilla said:
"AVP: Responsible for an exceptional game on the otherwise ghastly Jaguar console"
It's not as if the same dude wrote this and the review or anything, is it?

No, and for the record, AvP didn't deserve better than a 7 (which is not a bad score by any means) imo, if that makes you feel any better :) A decent game for the atmosphere only. But then, just being decent made it one of the best games for the jag....hence exceptional? Hell I dunno.


AvP was an awesome console shooter at the time. Probably the best console shooter at the time, I remember being very impressed with it both graphically and gameplay wise. Wasn't just atmosphere in my book, they incorporated the Predator's abilities and weapons well, and each of the three characters felt and played differently.


Uno Ill Nino said:
PSM-Has turned into Game Players 3.0. Lots of stupid jokes, a focus on pic captions, and a fucking swimsuit issue? Consisting of ANIME swimsuit chicks? Lame. Plus I don't think they are capable of giving 99% of the games REAL reviews. Not many games score below 6 in that mag. Why have a scale of 10 at all then?
Were you here for the "rating scales" thread? Oh man, those were the days

And hey, don't knock Game Players! UGP was one of my favorites; sure, it bordered on being obnoxiously self-referencing at times, but most of the stuff was genuinely funny.

EDIT: AvP should get at least 1 bonus point for the HUDs!


Jack Flack always escapes!
Today I found a bunch of old EGM mags and I have the issue where they reviewed AVP Jaguar (issue 64). They gave it a 6,7,5,5. I don't think I'm allowed to show a scan of it.


so, can someone link to the EGM thread where the "dying to play game" was revealed, I think I missed it, and only remember the thread where they were guessing what it would be...


Evenball said:
Today I found a bunch of old EGM mags and I have the issue where they reviewed AVP Jaguar (issue 64). They gave it a 6,7,5,5. I don't think I'm allowed to show a scan of it.
Ouch! That's a 5.75 average.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Evenball said:
Today I found a bunch of old EGM mags and I have the issue where they reviewed AVP Jaguar (issue 64). They gave it a 6,7,5,5. I don't think I'm allowed to show a scan of it.

Pft, post it anyway :p
Uno Ill Nino said:
Plus I hate when they act like they praised cult-favorite games back in the day when they really gave them bad reviews. Case in point, Alien VS Predator on Atari Jaguar. This latest issue they called it "exceptional" or something like that but I remember being pissed when I was a kid cuz only one reviewer gave it a 7 and everyone else gave it a 5.

HAHAHA jesus christ. That's been eating you up since you were a kid? How do you wake up in the morning in a world where EGM didn't cream on your favorite game all those years ago? HOW DO YOU LIVE?


Jack Flack always escapes!
Ok then....



skip said:
^-- behold, the so-called "good ol' days" of EGM. that nostalgia, she's quite the bitch.

And the reviews are the only part of the magazine anyone ever reads, right? :p I've got a lot of fond memories of the 'classic EGM', but it's stuff like articles, previews, import coverage, etc., from that period that left lingering positive impressions on me. Not reviews, which I tended (and still tend) to skim each month and forget, regardless of the magazine.

Dave Long

The fact that Burn: Cycle got higher reviews speaks volumes about the prevailing winds of the time. FMV >>>>>> Real Games
Does anyone find it really annoying that many games have two reviewers give scores worthy of gold/silver and one half a point less? Especially when that reviewer says basically nothing different than all the others. This issue alone, both GGX2 Reload and Pikmin got denied gold by half a point. It just seems to happen way too much.


Son of Godzilla said:
Does anyone find it really annoying that many games have two reviewers give scores worthy of gold/silver and one half a point less? Especially when that reviewer says basically nothing different than all the others. This issue alone, both GGX2 Reload and Pikmin got denied gold by half a point. It just seems to happen way too much.

by half a point!


Can someone explain something to me?

How is it that EGM and Gamepro were able to share characters like Sushi - X and *I think* Major Mike?
in EGM's defense, the EGM from when AvP was released (what was that? '94?) was far different from today's EGM in terms of staff and reviewers, so its very possible the old review crew didn't care for the game, while the newer staff really liked it. Not really contradictory in that sense. EGM isn't just some singular being, there are people working there you know.


Trasher said:
Mark, baby, c'mon now, the name is Trasher

Thrasher is my pet name for you baby, you know that. :)

PS - this was a very ugly time in EGM history imo, as the Burn Cycle reviews make painfully clear :)


efralope said:
so, can someone link to the EGM thread where the "dying to play game" was revealed, I think I missed it, and only remember the thread where they were guessing what it would be...

BTW, did anybody find it?

you can't search for three letter words like EGM
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