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oh, thanks, I didn't know the answer was in that thread, I expected another thread to reveal the secret game, and to be honest, it's pretty underwhelming, I wouldn't have believed someone if they had posted it in that thread cause because of how underwhelming that is, I don't even know what ScarFace is supposed to be except that it's a movie that we sell where I work (Best Buy)...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
people should have learned by now not to get caught up in this sort of hype.

Megaton = Naruto

Segaton = Matrix Online

IGNton = James Bond

IGNton2 = Lord of the Rings RPG
levious said:
people should have learned by now not to get caught up in this sort of hype.

Megaton = Naruto

Segaton = Matrix Online

IGNton = James Bond

IGNton2 = Lord of the Rings RPG

And now we can add to the list:

EGMton = Scarface

OMG thanks you macd and shoe!!
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