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New Enthusia scan


From Famitsu.


Ranger X

I so hate this new trend in racing game with blur effects...

In Need for Speed Underground it didn't gave me any feeling of speed, i just felt the screen is gone N64-blurry for a couple of second and then came back.

In Burnout i feel like there a layer of blur constantly superimposed on the graphics and it does not give me any feel of speed...



Looks good but hows the gameplay? They are trying some new thing while driving the car right? G-Force or something?

Ranger X

Forsete said:
Looks good but hows the gameplay? They are trying some new thing while driving the car right? G-Force or something?

They seem to focus on getting the gravity done exceptionnally good. I can already see in the videos that when the car jumps and hit back the ground, it's pretty realistic.
Now people that tried the game at E3 (most probably a very very early build) said the controls were shitty...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wyzdom said:
I so hate this new trend in racing game with blur effects...

In Need for Speed Underground it didn't gave me any feeling of speed, i just felt the screen is gone N64-blurry for a couple of second and then came back.

In Burnout i feel like there a layer of blur constantly superimposed on the graphics and it does not give me any feel of speed...


I couldn't possibly disagree more. Seriously, it is not humanly possible to disagree with you more than I currently do.

Ranger X

dark10x said:
I couldn't possibly disagree more. Seriously, it is not humanly possible to disagree with you more than I currently do.

My eyes are FUCKING hard to trick lol
The thing happening really is that (for example with NFS underground) when you take a nitro boost (or whatever they call it), the game is not scrolling faster or just a tiny bit. BUT there's this effect of blur that i don't like. If your eyes get tricked by the effect (this effect is in fact trying to give you an idea of when you would go too fast in real life with the surrounding you don't really have time to see so it kinda blur)
My eyes sees that in fact i'm not really going faster, the blur is just a lence over the graphics for me and it's quite boring...


rollin' in the gutter
quadriplegicjon said:
anyone else read the title as:: " New Euthanasia scan "


:lol yes, yes i did.

Sticking your finger up a butt is one thing, but putting sick people to death is going too far.


looks almost on par with GT series. Well, someone almost did it finally.
This was announced for xbox too ? i never knew


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wyzdom said:
My eyes are FUCKING hard to trick lol
The thing happening really is that (for example with NFS underground) when you take a nitro boost (or whatever they call it), the game is not scrolling faster or just a tiny bit. BUT there's this effect of blur that i don't like. If your eyes get tricked by the effect (this effect is in fact trying to give you an idea of when you would go too fast in real life with the surrounding you don't really have time to see so it kinda blur)
My eyes sees that in fact i'm not really going faster, the blur is just a lence over the graphics for me and it's quite boring...

It's not about being tricked. Burnout 3 always uses the effect, for example (and that game is VERY fast).

I just think it looks brilliant. Those types of effects bring us ever closer matching CG.

Ranger X

dark10x said:
It's not about being tricked. Burnout 3 always uses the effect, for example (and that game is VERY fast).

I just think it looks brilliant. Those types of effects bring us ever closer matching CG.

Yep but this blur effect is supposed to be there to make you THINK you go faster just like the fish-eye viewpoint. Those things won't be necessary when the graphic will scroll fast enough one day. (if it ever happen). Again in Burnout 3, the game without the blur effect would look just as fast i'm sure. (for me at least).


Fafracer forever
Wyzdom said:
Yep but this blur effect is supposed to be there to make you THINK you go faster just like the fish-eye viewpoint.
Actually real fish-eye doesn't look like you're going faster at all, and is not used for that purpose anyhow.
Using high camera FOV does (which is what you probably really meant, as it resembles fish-eye somewhat, but with much more distortion). While you don't actually move faster, the stuff near you moves past faster thanks to the perspective distortion, giving the illusion of faster movement.

The drawback is that the stuff farther away is squished into center of the screen, making it more difficult to see what's ahead (in BO3 I have a real problem with that in city tracks).

Those things won't be necessary when the graphic will scroll fast enough one day. (if it ever happen).
That's not the problem at all - a flat 2d screen cannot convey the same kind of feedback you get from a real 3d movement, not to mention in real life there are other types of non-visual feedback that also contribute to feeling of "speed".
That's why even when a game moves at a perfectly realistic 200km/h, you often hear complaints from people that it doesn't "feel" as fast as it should. And that's where the camera and blur effects come into play...

I admit, a much better solution would be to use say a multiscreen stereoscopic display and not resort to effects much, but I doubt we'll see those kind of setups cheap anytime soon ;)
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