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New Forza vids (ignxbox)

Porsche GT3 in action ;

ign members go Here

All Others;

Vid 1

Vid 2

Vid 3

I gotta say it looks pretty good. The sound is definately spot on, but there are some strange ass sparks going on in vid 3.

The shadows and relections look sublime, the colors are almost there but still seem unrealistic - almost cartoony.

The interface looks pretty cool as well, obviously could use a bit more polish, but its simple and informative.

Thoughts ?


Junior Member
Very odd sparks, what is it from? The rims agains the body? Anyways this game WILL be MINE. MINE MINE MINE!
I am no expert in the physics of sparks, but why do the sparks come from the opposite side of the car that is actually getting friction ?

Really love the sound, oooh wee it sounds good.


Despite the impressive draw distance, there wasn't anything in the video that looked outstanding. The car did look pasted on. Framerate looked dodgy, too.


Junior Member
Videos are only 15fps. Forza will runs faster.

Edit: My mistake, the videos are 30fps....ouch. :(


Ehem...It's me or is VSYNC OFF... It's pretty pathetic they have to use "those tricks" to improve framerate.


"You can see reflections other than the flash of the bridge shadow?"

That's exactly the one thing i'm talking about. Seemed realistic (in terms of animation) going by. :D
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