Season finale on the 21st.
It is interesting how divided people are on which characters they don't like or label the worst. About the only consistency is that everyone loves Schmidt.
Eww, something is wrong with Cece's eyes.
Yeah lol, dafuq was that.
Eww, something is wrong with Cece's eyes.
Problem with the ep: the cactus way of breaking up Nick was too quick and random. They should have touched back on the other little reasons in previous episodes that made them not work.
Worth it for sad Nick though. Rest of the episode was pretty funny too, with Schmidt again being the best.
But that's the problem - the show is the Schmidt show. They have one very strong character, two underused ones, and whatever Winston is.
If the show is truly going to succeed as an ensemble show, they need to start utilizing Nick and Jess for a quick joke just as much as they use Schmidt. And Winston needs to start to textualize into a real, funny character.
Ehh I think Nick and Jess have plenty of funny moments of their own as it is. Hell I love Schmidt, but Nick is actually my favourite character. Winston is definitely underutilized though.But that's the problem - the show is the Schmidt show. They have one very strong character, two underused ones, and whatever Winston is.
If the show is truly going to succeed as an ensemble show, they need to start utilizing Nick and Jess for a quick joke just as much as they use Schmidt. And Winston needs to start to textualize into a real, funny character.
Ehh I think Nick and Jess have plenty of funny moments of their own as it is. Hell I love Schmidt, but Nick is actually my favourite character. Winston is definitely underutilized though.
The thing is. If they put too much (over the top) comedy on all characters it becomes overbearing and you lose that sense of these characters being real people. Schmidt's crazy outbreaks are just the right amount, but if you start adding that type of comedy to all the characters it will all fall apart. It's my issue with Happy Endings, aside from the fact that the writing just isn't funny. All the characters on that show are just empty caricatures. They don't seem like actual people in any way and are clearly written so that they can deliver an endless stream of mediocre comedy.
Ehh I think Nick and Jess have plenty of funny moments of their own as it is. Hell I love Schmidt, but Nick is actually my favourite character. Winston is definitely underutilized though.
The thing is. If they put too much (over the top) comedy on all characters it becomes overbearing and you lose that sense of these characters being real people. Schmidt's crazy outbreaks are just the right amount, but if you start adding that type of comedy to all the characters it will all fall apart. It's my issue with Happy Endings, aside from the fact that the writing just isn't funny. All the characters on that show are just empty caricatures. They don't seem like actual people in any way and are clearly written so that they can deliver an endless stream of mediocre comedy.
See that's just wrong because Happy Endings is the comedy that New Girl wishes it was, and probably could be, if they gave a shit about anyone beyond Schmidt.
Maybe Jess has her moments, but Nick doesn't. He's just a guy that's defined by his relationships. Same with Winston. And that's a huge issue.
bingo. I don't want a whole show full of schmidt's, as much as I love the guy. It would just be so boring and over done. You need Nicks constant self hatred and pesimisstic views, Jess's over the top girly thing, Cece's hotness and Winston looks good when he's in the background sitting on the couch, or in the background at the bar talking to unnamed extras, or talking to a frightened child....
Sounds like a lot of real life people I know.
I recently caught up on Happy Endings and I still think its mediocre a best. I love New Girl and I think it's the best comedy series currently on television. You think otherwise and clearly love Happy Endings. Comedy is just very subjective which is why I hope they stick to what they are currently doing, because it's excellent and there are now two shows that cater to different audiences.See that's just wrong because Happy Endings is the comedy that New Girl wishes it was, and probably could be, if they gave a shit about anyone beyond Schmidt.
I recently caught up on Happy Endings and I still think its mediocre a best. I love New Girl and I think it's the best comedy series currently on television. You think otherwise and clearly love Happy Endings. Comedy is just very subjective which is why I hope they stick to what they are currently doing, because it's excellent and there are now two shows that cater to different audiences.
I recently caught up on Happy Endings and I still think its mediocre a best. I love New Girl and I think it's the best comedy series currently on television. You think otherwise and clearly love Happy Endings. Comedy is just very subjective which is why I hope they stick to what they are currently doing, because it's excellent and there are now two shows that cater to different audiences.
It starts when the host is introducing everyone. So you probably didn't miss much if anything. This is great. I hope someone caches it on YouTune like they did for Community the other day.Rewound the stream as far as I could go. (about 20min in before it locked.) Good so far.
The creator of the show, Elizabeth Meriwether, is mad cute.
Seconded.I agree.
Thank you for watching today's program! The archive will be available starting 3/15 on Come back tomorrow at 7 PM PT/ 10 PM ET for the "Parks and Recreation" panel at
The creator of the show, Elizabeth Meriwether, is mad cute.
This is a good watch.
Yeah. LiveStream is evil. They reload the page automatically as soon as it starts and immediately after it ends whether you're watching live or are a few minutes behind. If that's a "feature" of the "new LiveStream", I do not want it. It's stupid you can't even finish the recording if you need to.NOOOO! The stream just died. Did they cut it out?
EDIT: This was just posted on the page:
is that her? would.