Purchasable currency, that doesn't really bother me, doesn't affect my game experience.
What!? Fuck no. This is not good news. This almost guarantees that the credit system for racing will be busted and require way too much grinding. It also probably means the continuation of not being able to sell prize cars and same idiotic trade restrictions.
I'll never ever understand why people get upset about the idea of buying in-game credits. It's there for the people that simply don't have the time to play through a game as large as GT. Unless they're gimping the progress/credits that you receive in-game, which there's absolutely NO indication that they're doing, then there's no reason to be upset by it. It's just getting upset for the sake of being upset.
I'll never ever understand why people get upset about the idea of buying in-game credits. It's there for the people that simply don't have the time to play through a game as large as GT. Unless they're gimping the progress/credits that you receive in-game, which there's absolutely NO indication that they're doing, then there's no reason to be upset by it. It's just getting upset for the sake of being upset.
I'll never ever understand why people get upset about the idea of buying in-game credits. It's there for the people that simply don't have the time to play through a game as large as GT. Unless they're gimping the progress/credits that you receive in-game, which there's absolutely NO indication that they're doing, then there's no reason to be upset by it. It's just getting upset for the sake of being upset.
Has there been a game yet where they've introduced this and haven't gimped the progress to some extent to incentivise people into buying credit? Genuine question, I can't think of one off hand.
PD is gonna screw us big time with this one.
The funny thing will be when they release the Laferrari for 5 euros... and then we'll still have to buy it with 20 millions in the game (no time to play? no problem! Give us some money and we will let you use the cars you already payed twice...)
Before peole start saying it's a nice option for people who don't have much time, do they REALLY NEED to take our money to save our time?
I remember the days where a cheat code could do the same...for free.
Fuck this shit.
Not sure if serious.
Has there been a game yet where they've introduced this and haven't gimped the progress to some extent to incentivise people into buying credit? Genuine question, I can't think of one off hand.
when will the reviews drop?
Thinking that this is not going to impact the game's progress (making it slower) is completly naive imo.
And again: if it's supposed to help people with not enough time, why make them pay for it ? Juste give them all the cars and let them enjoy? Haven't they payed them already?
This is such a typical case of gamers getting screwed and thanking for it.
Btw, GT5's grinding was already a terrible mess, way too slow, ridiculously untested and uncalibrated (I seem to remember that someone calculated you needed 11 full days of play to get from level 39 to 40... 11 days! ).
Monetizing is building the game against the very interests of the players who already payed the game.
I played Dead Space 3 and had zero issues, nor did I feel pressured. Likewise with Mass Effect 3 multi player. This isn't a 'good' move by Polyphony IMO, but from my experience, it's not a guarantee of gimping anything.
I played Dead Space 3 and had zero issues, nor did I feel pressured. Likewise with Mass Effect 3 multi player. This isn't a 'good' move by Polyphony IMO, but from my experience, it's not a guarantee of gimping anything.
No matter how good it is, most reviews will basically be this:
"With next gen games like Forza and NFS Rivals already out, it feels like GT6 is too late to the party. Everyone else has moved on"
The game is in a no-win situation.
GT always had a bit of grind (remember the GT5 launch?) whereas DS3 was balanced.
I just think it's not right and it's anti-consumer. If they want microtransactions, then they make a F2P game.
But the problem is people don't understand and you just get attacked or ignored for pointing it out.
And it's a problem that needs to be cut down right in its roots. Think what will happen when all games include it or they make it a tedious grind.
They are testing our limitis as to how far they can go with this fisting and we must show it isn't pleasent for us. Otherwise, we could see more and worse.
question if i import gt6 from amazon.co.uk and i live in the netherlands.
will i be able to download the two pre order packs you receive on my ps3? or do i need a uk account?
Pretty sure that you'd need a UK account. But once it's on your console then you can play it on your main.
If they start introducing longer grinds or stupid restriction then it's certainly a terrible turn. However, from what I've seen, these options appeal to the impatient, impulsive spenders. I don't think it's right to prey on them either, but as long as we can play the game normally I'm not gonna care if my neighbor buys his way through the game. It all hinges on how stupid Polyphony wants to be about it, and I am very surprised such a high selling franchise even sees a need for this.
that sucks but its not that hard to make an uk account i guess
btw long time ago since youv been on psn wsup?
This is pure greed, in all its uglyness.
Eh? I was just on earlier today playing Warframe and yesterday playing Ghosts on the PS4. Does that not show up on the PS3?
Players will be able to add scenery? Unexpected IMO
Nice turn of events.
GT5's grinding was terribly slow. We will never know for sure what GT6 would be like without this fucking monetization.
But how can you not see the evil in this? Again (and again and again...) why make players pay ? Why not just a cheat code? They fucking payed the game already! let them enjoy it how they want.
You don't want to cheat? Good! then play the game how it was designed.
This is pure greed, in all its uglyness.
Painfully slow to what? To reach 40? Who gives a shit?
Everything else was very easily achievable. VERY easy.
GT5 2.15 hands out credits like candy thanks to the seasonals, but will this pay for credits thing signal a return to the dark ages of GT5 1.0 wherein one had to grind the Indy oval for ~78,000 a pop?
I am worried about how fast and how much money you'll earn in the game though. Grinding sucks balls.