Red Chocobo
Spot the flying Ferrari 

Well they are teasing the moon in the latest trailerSpot the flying Ferrari
Spot the flying Ferrari
It comes down to how big are the payouts are going to be. I think they are going to continue the trend, that the online events are going to be the cash cows.
I'm not worried about it.
I'm much more skeptical of the claims that users will be able to add scenery elements to Course Maker tracks.
It comes down to how big are the payouts are going to be. I think they are going to continue the trend, that the online events are going to be the cash cows.
GT5 2.15 hands out credits like candy thanks to the seasonals, but will this pay for credits thing signal a return to the dark ages of GT5 1.0 wherein one had to grind the Indy oval for ~78,000 a pop?
Agreed, they just need to make it shorter. Much better isnt it?
Guys, every Gran Turismo game has had that one event that nets a huge payout. GT6 will be no different.
In other news, I am hyped for this. I hope they improved clutch support, but something tells me it will be the same as in GT5.
Guys, every Gran Turismo game has had that one event that nets a huge payout. GT6 will be no different.
In other news, I am hyped for this. I hope they improved clutch support, but something tells me it will be the same as in GT5.
Guys, every Gran Turismo game has had that one event that nets a huge payout. GT6 will be no different.
In other news, I am hyped for this. I hope they improved clutch support, but something tells me it will be the same as in GT5.
Lol. I do not mind grinding 1 event. Sure I rather have good game design, but tbh it never really bothered me.
Players will not only be able to drive along their local routes in the game. They can also get technical data readouts, including lap times and a routes impact on a cars suspension and tires, as if they were racing on Gran Turismo 6s professional circuits. This could potentially give somebody a whole new perspective on how to take the surface streets into a city after they had driven through them in a Pagani Huayra supercar.
Preorder cancelled.
I'll buy it second-hand.
Not giving my money to PD.
And if/when i buy DLC (which I sure won't resist) I can still feel like PD did not screw me that much.
Monetizing the credits in GT = monetizing the game mecanichs as GT consists in earning money to buy cars.
F2P model in a game I payed for ? No way Kaz !
if there was ever a developer that deserved us giving it money or having faith in them it would be PD
LOL AI and sound failures spanning 3 (or 4 depending on how you count) generations of console say no.
Actively supporting the game for almost 3 years with free updates and content say yes.
Fixing a broken and unfinished game for almost 3 years with free updates and paying content say yes.
Like you even had it pre-ordered lol
If you give me your email i forward you the canceling receipt from amazon...and then you can apologize. Deal?
Yes... that was all they did wasn't it? I already proved to you it wasn't so I'm not gonna bother doing it again.Fixed.
Only if you forward me the pre-order too and not just the canceling receipt.
Yes... that was all they did wasn't it?
Preorder cancelled.
I'll buy it second-hand.
Not giving my money to PD.
And if/when i buy DLC (which I sure won't resist) I can still feel like PD did not screw me that much.
Monetizing the credits in GT = monetizing the game mecanichs as GT consists in earning money to buy cars.
F2P model in a game I payed for ? No way Kaz !
Credit to Abraxas from GTplanet
Hello toxa ! What do you think of this shit ? ;-)
PD can't sill merge DRY/W/T with one track ?
Micro transactions only work if there is an inherinant value in them. If in game cr. are cake, no one would buy them. The irony is, PD stumble so badly a implementing industry standard features, they will probably fuck up and make the buyable credits pointless so this worry will be for nothing.
I really don't see the fuss, paying for credits isn't something I am going to, or will need to do, If people want to do it why not. Even looking at the image of what cars are going to cost I am sure it will be fine.
If not and credits are really hard to come by, well I guess crow is on the table!
These features never exist in a vacuum, just like with Deadspace 3 and Diablo 3. It will be built around it and it pretty much killed any interest I had in this game.
Dead Space 3 is a horrible example of a game doing it wrong. It's there entirely for the people that just want to overpower themselves from the start. You can play through it like any other Dead Space without any issues.
It's not really an issue of how benign they make it look. It's about F2P mechanics in a 60 Euro game, it's not acceptable to me. And again, even in Dead Space, the feature doesn't exist in some sort of vacuum.
And as far as GT is concerned, accept it now and it will be back for GT7 and nowhere near as friendly as they may make it look to you right now.
We'll just have to wait and see. Microtransations are something that have a bad reputation because how easy it is to set them up to force the user to have to purchase them. But they can be implemented in a way that isn't intrusive to the usual game experience, like in DS3. I just don't see PD being a studio that's going to set it up in a way that it's going to harm the experience. Not when this game is being designed to address criticisms found in GT5.
Bigger issue - still no Suzuka West.