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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)


It sat on 0% for ages for me, then suddenly leapt to 95% and finished loading.

Gone through all the clips and all I get is the Hunt the Truth blurb and the Pre-order / Replay buttons, though; no code to be found anywhere (Firefox, in the UK in case it's somehow region-locked for whatever dumb reason).
Same for me. Got it working on Safari both desktop and iOS. Jumped straight from hanging at 0% for 45 seconds to fully loaded.

Really cool way to show cinematic a without giving anything away. 343 is really doing a great job giving these men and their squads relatable perspectives. The whole duality thing has really been clear in the marketing and the blunt end of the plot. But how does the the duality manifest in the game itself? You know... SEMIOTICALLY.

(*hands a ten spot to a traveling word-monger*)

No code for me either :(
Cool vids though.

Frankie, any chance the OST gets released before the game? I love getting that feel of knowing the music and then getting pumped when it pops during gameplay. Also, I assume it will be available on streaming services too, right?


Neo Member
Wouldn't work for me either, watched the thing twice and then went and signed into my MS account and watched it for the xbox website still no code. I watched in on Edge btw
How to obtain code for those using Firefox or Chrome:

Once you reach the Pre-Order/Replay screen, right click and select "Inspect Element." Next, on the command tab, click on "Console," which is located between "Inspector" and "Debugger." Finally, look for the file that says "hdv.token =" and your code should be right next to that.
How to obtain code for those using Firefox:

Once you reach the Pre-Order/Replay screen, right click and select "Inspect Element." Next, on the command tab, click on "Console," which is located between "Inspector" and "Debugger." Finally, look for the file that says "hdv.token =" and your code should be right next to that.

I tried that on Chrome but didn't see anything, may have overlooked it. Trying it right now.

Edit: I can confirm it works on Chrome as well, but you have to go to console after "Inspect Element." The issue seems to be the Xbox Token Service not responding properly as it keeps giving a 404 error (I mean 503 error). And don't think about redeeming my token because I already did :). I also just realized you did specify to go into console, duh. I must be more tired then I thought :).




How to obtain code for those using Firefox:

Once you reach the Pre-Order/Replay screen, right click and select "Inspect Element." Next, on the command tab, click on "Console," which is located between "Inspector" and "Debugger." Finally, look for the file that says "hdv.token =" and your code should be right next to that.

Worked on Chrome for me. Thanks.


I tried that on Chrome but didn't see anything, may have overlooked it. Trying it right now.

Edit: I can confirm it works on Chrome as well, but you have to go to console after "Inspect Element." The issue seems to be the Xbox Token Service not responding properly as it keeps giving a 404 error (I mean 503 error). And don't think about redeeming my token because I already did :). I also just realized you did specify to go into console, duh. I must be more tired then I thought :).

Awesome, that worked...thanks.

And LOL at your tabs, mine looks similar. I'm in full hype mode.
The sustain model literally makes 0 sense.

If you are deliberately holding back game types and modes to force people to play your new ones of course people are going to be unhappy. Just give people what they want day 1.

"Hey we know you like KOTH but we are deliberately holding it back from you. Have fun"
The sustain model literally makes 0 sense.

If you are deliberately holding back game types and modes to force people to play your new ones of course people are going to be unhappy. Just give people what they want day 1.

"Hey we know you like KOTH but we are deliberately holding it back from you. Have fun"

Don't agree with the majority of your criticisms, but this is fair.

I'm totally for streamlining the number of playlists and consolidating singular playlist-bloat into umbrella ones. But if staple gametypes are being delayed only to add later for longevity, that would be a backwards
as heck
approach. Ability to experience maps through varied modes is what lends replay-ability. I can see how the sustain plan is super important to Halo 5's success, but removing/delaying modes seems kinda counter-intuitive to the intent.

Gonna try and remain optimistic that there will be the majority of beloved modes, with a few minor launch omissions.


The sustain model literally makes 0 sense.

If you are deliberately holding back game types and modes to force people to play your new ones of course people are going to be unhappy. Just give people what they want day 1.

"Hey we know you like KOTH but we are deliberately holding it back from you. Have fun"

Yeah, lets give people 15+ playlists day 1, and watch every playlist be a complete mess. I would rather they spend time making a good few first.

If its not in Matchmaking day 1, then who gives a shit. If that is literally the 1 thing that will prevent you from enjoying what IS available. Then don't buy the game.


Am I the only one who would rather have a smaller number of playlists? From my experience, a large number of playlists divides the player base significantly.

Having 5 or 6 would be perfect IMHO.

Team Slayer (4 vs 4)
Team Objective (CTF, KOTH, Extraction, Assault)
Team Variants (SWAT, Snipers, Griffball, Zombies, other fan game types)
Big Team Battle (8 vs 8)

MCC was a disaster getting friends to play games together.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Am I the only one who would rather have a smaller number of playlists? From my experience, a large number of playlists divides the player base significantly.

Having 5 or 6 would be perfect IMHO.

Team Slayer (4 vs 4)
Team Objective (CTF, KOTH, Extraction, Assault)
Team Variants (SWAT, Snipers, Griffball, Zombies, other fan game types)
Big Team Battle (8 vs 8)

MCC was a disaster getting friends to play games together.

You need a FFA option in that list. And SWAT needs to be its own playlist, too.

About that site. Anyone else tried it on Safari on the iPad? Doesn't work here, either.


Yeah. I was right the first time. That site is a buggy mess. Spank them, 343i. Also, the videos buffer 3-4 times on a 15 second clip, over a fiber connection. Not good.


Website didn't give me a code on any browser on my pc or on my phone. No code in the console bit of Chrome either :( ah well.
Yeah there's definitely a bug with the site retrieving the code from whatever server is meant to be sending them out. I'm sure it'll be sorted soon enough.
Yeah there's definitely a bug with the site retrieving the code from whatever server is meant to be sending them out. I'm sure it'll be sorted soon enough.

Yeah, they are having a 503 Error (Service Unavailable) when attempting to obtain tokens from their token server. It still gave me the code, but you have to jump through a few hoops to get it.
Anybody noticed this in the clip with the warden?


Site is not giving me a code either. firefox doesnt even load the site, just want me to replay the youtube intro video, edge will just show preorder and replay...


I believe all these clips are part of the same mission. Also Chief's cracked visor happens during this mission because during the first clip, his visor is fine, but during the others it is fucked up.


Can't get it to work after three tries (Egde and Chrome - even looking at the console tab when inspecting element), and I had to see a thing or two I probably didn't want to see... A bit disappointing.
I'll retry later, I guess.


I believe all these clips are part of the same mission. Also Chief's cracked visor happens during this mission because during the first clip, his visor is fine, but during the others it is fucked up.

Love the look of this level. I guess this is where Chief is determined to be worthy by the Warden Eternal, then later during the E3 demo level, Locke gets denied.


I'm guessing that the Guardian moves from Meridian to a Forerunner location? All the footage we've seen of Meridian is in the city.


Looks like Warden Eternal will pop up more than once during the campaign, judging from the clip above and the E3 reveal.

Reminds me of how Destiny's Skolas kept appearing in campaign missions. I liked that structure.


Can't get the token thing to pop up at all in the console. It just spits out an error in the console right as I finish watching all 10 clips. I'll try again later.
How to obtain code for those using Firefox or Chrome:

Once you reach the Pre-Order/Replay screen, right click and select "Inspect Element." Next, on the command tab, click on "Console," which is located between "Inspector" and "Debugger." Finally, look for the file that says "hdv.token =" and your code should be right next to that.

Thanks. Did all that but no code shows up in there... I get the pic that has been posted previously with the red failed error messages...

Edit:with Explorer, the "Console" tab is empty. No coding info showing up...
I know it's just one skin but goota catch 'em all...


The site seems coded poorly. My first two videos for the Chief's side are the first two Locke videos, and I think that's why it's not progressing for me. For a fiber-optic connection, I'm also getting some weird video jumps.


The Warden reminds me of Ultron. Yawn. Not a huge fan of his design. The whole flaming skull thing on prometheans is kinda lame. Couldn't come up with anything better than that for a new enemy type?

The Guardian looks really cool though so there's that.


The Warden reminds me of Ultron. Yawn. Not a huge fan of his design. The whole flaming skull thing on prometheans is kinda lame. Couldn't come up with anything better than that for a new enemy type?

I'd imagine the quality of the character has more to do with his script than appearance. For better or worse.
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