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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)


Some screens from Apex 7 Warzone



More at http://teambeyond.net/new-halo-5-guardians-raid-on-apex-7-screenshots/
Is it me or is this gen all about watching previews and being "concerned'?

Pretty much. I'm tempted to skip previews not so much for fear of spoiling stuff, but for the endless back and forth speculation about good and bad things which we cannot fully know until we play.

That said, 343, jack up the difficulty.

Edit: It's also easy to look back at older Halos and forget the rubbish AI moments that frequently happened. Grenading at a grunt so he dives off a cliff, that kinda thing. Hopefully we'll be pleasantly satisfied by 5's AI...
I disagree completely on the notion that 30FPS probably wouldn't be 30FPS if they went full on visuals. Not sure what the fate of split screen would be if the game was 30FPS, though.

Are you saying if they went 30fps it probably wouldn't be locked because of the focus on visuals?


AI is a big deal, next only to gameplay mechanics and story for the Halo campaigns. (Followed swiftly by level design). All four factors make up the golden square of replayability.

This is why previewing is a double edged sword. You have to lock down a build for preview, but it still may have some bugs. Fixing them may introduce new ones that break the game in bigger ways, so you go with the last "stable" build, and let some press people play it. It ticks all the right checkboxes but has some gitches, and the enthusiast fans see it and get worried. MS is on an aggressive PR swing with Xbox and Halo, so they need to show things earlier and generate hype. That must be driving 343 crazy when they know there are builds being shown that have bugs.

I'll be worried when the game is out and people start to report these problems. Halo 4 had great AI, and I don't see this game suddenly being worse. That would be a huge failure... at release.
This is why previewing is a double edged sword. You have to lock down a build for preview, but it still may have some bugs. Fixing them may introduce new ones that break the game in bigger ways, so you go with the last "stable" build, and let some press people play it. It ticks all the right checkboxes but has some gitches, and the enthusiast fans see it and get worried. MS is on an aggressive PR swing with Xbox and Halo, so they need to show things earlier and generate hype. That must be driving 343 crazy when they know there are builds being shown that have bugs.

I'll be worried when the game is out and people start to report these problems. Halo 4 had great AI, and I don't see this game suddenly being worse. That would be a huge failure... at release.

Halo 4 had terrible AI. I don't know what game you played.


Halo 4 had great AI, and I don't see this game suddenly being worse. That would be a huge failure... at release.
See, the problem is that

A. I'm not entirely convinced all of the AI glitches can be fixed due to the nature of level design, which I talked about earlier in this thread. Weird terrain/walls can put off even the best AI.
B. Halo 4 Elites had some... issues. It was a noticeable downgrade compared to Reach, anyway.

Things will get better but I can't help but notice every difference in game previews.
This is why previewing is a double edged sword. You have to lock down a build for preview, but it still may have some bugs. Fixing them may introduce new ones that break the game in bigger ways, so you go with the last "stable" build, and let some press people play it. It ticks all the right checkboxes but has some gitches, and the enthusiast fans see it and get worried. MS is on an aggressive PR swing with Xbox and Halo, so they need to show things earlier and generate hype. That must be driving 343 crazy when they know there are builds being shown that have bugs.

I'll be worried when the game is out and people start to report these problems. Halo 4 had great AI, and I don't see this game suddenly being worse. That would be a huge failure... at release.

Then at that point, mention to the previewer that the AI isn't finished so he can also pass the info along to the viewers? And Halo4s AI was not great. Not even close. Prometheans were no fun to fight at all.
I didnt see much of a difference between Arthurs Footage and Greenskulls. Greenskull seemed like he played we too. One of the better players ive seen in the video footage. I am thinking it was just 1 difficulty throughout the play session.

Most impressive though was in the Kinda Funny video was when the hunter bounced the grenade back at the player. Loved that. Where is Stinkles when you need him?


Haven't really looked at the gameplay, but maybe they simplified the AI to make online co-op not run like shit like in the previous Halos? Wasn't that the biggest cause of those issues?
God dam I wish I didn't see some stuff in there like
that massive scarab thing, destructible cover, and the hunter batting sway the grenade

Looks awesome


Agreed, if difficulty is still tinkered with at the end of the development cycle like Frankie said, then it needs to go up. Heroic looks like Halo 4 normal, and Halo 4 wasn't even that hard, tbh.
Halo 4 Heroic was a breeze when tackled solo. Legendary was damn near impossible in the last few levels (fuck you, Knights!) I'd love to see H5 Heroic more difficult, Legendary less.
I asked Arthur on twitter. Blue Team was on Heroic and he cut out a lot of deaths. Team Osiris was Normal i guess because he was on a timetable. Check his twitter.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
That Kraken looks amazing, but it's not at the level of interactivity as a Scrarab - but the scale is mindblowing.

Huh. I feel the opposite way. The inside is like a small level on its own, and there are multiple ways to attack the outside parts. And it hassles you throughout the level before you fight it properly.
Terrible? I was playing on Heroic on my own and it definitely was a nice challenge. Far...faaaaar from terrible. Probably not as good as the older games, but terrible is just ridiculous man, come on.

I had elites not even engage and Prometheans get stuck in corners just from me trying to flank them all on Legendary. I never had anything like that happen in any other Halo game that I can remember. If you were playing co-op it was even more of a joke.

I asked Arthur on twitter. Blue Team was on Heroic and he cut out a lot of deaths. Team Osiris was Normal i guess because he was on a timetable. Check his twitter.

He say anything about the Ai?


Sorry to rain on Halo 3's parade here, while the Scarab encounters were very cool, and while they even had their own AI, they did basically just sit in one place and shoot at you. You destroyed them by boarding them and blowing up their back. Not particularly complicated.

The reason the encounters were fun was because they generally came with a lot of heavy ordnance and/or vehicles, a true sandbox.

I think the Kraken is more akin to the Halo 2 Metropolis Scarab; a cool concept that dominates the level, unlike the Halo 3 Scarab which was more of a boss unit.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Huh. I feel the opposite way. The inside is like a small level on its own, and there are multiple ways to attack the outside parts. And it hassles you throughout the level before you fight it properly.

That sounds fantastic. I think my impression of it is incomplete considering I just watched a single, edited video. The Kraken has me more excited than anything else shown - gives me serious Halo sandbox vibes.
I had elites not even engage and Prometheans get stuck in corner just from me trying to flank them all on Legendary. I never had anything like that happen in any other Halo game that I can remember. If you were playing co-op it was even more of a joke.

He say anything about the Ai?

Just that he cut out a lot of deaths from the Blue Team level. There were a lot of quick kills and cuts from that video so its hard to tell. I bet it was difficult for him.


Sheesh, Halo has got to be the most scrutinized franchise in the history of gaming...

My favorite sentiments from this marketing campaign are:

1) Team Osiris' intro didn't show tactical Spartan-like behavior, meanwhile Blue Team's intro was to methodical

2) 343i is shitting all over Bungie conventions that should be held as gospel... Though many of these design choices were intiated by Bungie in-game or consistent with Bungie sanctioned lore

3) 343i has made too many changes to the formula, meanwhile the formula looks too familiar...

Anyway, I think the footage looks great. I can't wait for a legendary playthrough...


Sheesh, Halo has got to be the most scrutinized franchise in the history of gaming...

My favorite sentiments from this marketing campaign are:

1) Team Osiris' intro didn't show tactical Spartan-like behavior, meanwhile Blue Team's intro was to methodical

2) 343i is shitting all over Bungie conventions that should be held as gospel... Though many of these design choices were intiated by Bungie in-game or consistent with Bungie sanctioned lore

3) 343i has made too many changes to the formula, meanwhile the formula looks too familiar...

Anyway, I think the footage looks great. I can't wait for a legendary playthrough...

Halo on the internet, bro. It started in early 2002 with "Overrated" forum posts and hasn't stopped. Nothing you can do, just go with the flow.


I think aesthetically the screenshots look good, I'm loving 343's outdoor Warzone maps. As for the textures, look at how small the players are in the 2nd screen. The screenshot is being taken a loooong way back. Even The Witcher 3 maxed out on my 980ti does the same at that distance.
Yea those textures are a bit poor, but "awful" is not the right word to me. That looks awesome for a multiplayer map.

For me, i won't mind the poor textures as long as it stays a stable 60fps on that enourmous map!

WE are ready for a good treat! *queue the banana throwing monkeys


Halo on the internet, bro. It started in early 2002 with "Overrated" forum posts and hasn't stopped. Nothing you can do, just go with the flow.

Oh yeah, I'm aware that it's nothing new... Just getting a kick out of it and failing to think of another franchise that also deals with this.
Are 'awful' and 'terrible' and so on and so on really the right words to use? Really?

I don't care about negative opinions, I do care about them being expressed in such hyperbolic ways.
Are 'awful' and 'terrible' and so on and so on really the right words to use? Really?

I don't care about negative opinions, I do care about them being expressed in such hyperbolic ways.

I didn't use any hyperbole. Two out of those three screenshots look awful to me. They look rough in almost every way outside of the Promethean model. Textures, image quality, some weird sharpening going on.

And on top of that, those screenshots don't have the art-style of the campaign footage we've seen so far that is able to mask some of those issues. They look unfinished. Rough. Awful for a game about a month out.
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