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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)

Man, people love to throw around "terrible", "awful", and "horrible" in Halo 5 threads. Nothing about the game is even close to those adjectives.


semen stains the mountaintops
Man, people love to throw around "terrible", "awful", and "horrible" in Halo 5 threads. Nothing about the game is even close to those adjectives.

This looks terrible.


Like those super early maps you used to see in VidDocs when you knew they weren't done with final assets so they were just putting placeholders all over.
This looks terrible.


Like those super early maps you used to see in VidDocs when you knew they weren't done with final assets so they were just putting placeholders all over.

If I'm not mistaken I think they released this screenshot a few months back, even if it is grouped with other newer ones.

It doesn't look great, I will say that. But this one of those games where I don't think screenshots do it justice anyway.
I fail to see what is terrible about these screen shots... I actually thought there was some sarcasm involved but I guess people actually think those shots look terrible?
Halo 5 is a weird mixed bag - some visuals looks amazing, others awful. With things like the lack of blood, reused animations and lacking AI I can't help but feel they could have used more development time.

That said, the level design looks fantastic and I'm fairly excited to play.


WorthPlaying Preview:

Full preview is at the link, but I've quoted selected bits as replies to the thread below.

Welp time to go dark on campaign stuff.

'Wake me, when you... see Forge stuff, I'm dying to know about that'.

Control F
0 results


Don't expect any Forge news.

WorthPlaying said:
Over the course of eight hours, we played two campaign missions, did some co-op, and checked out various multiplayer maps in both Arena and Warzone. The only thing Microsoft wasn't showing off (or talking about yet) was Forge mode. The multiplayer coverage will be hitting in a few days; today is all about campaign.


Everything looks great so far. Great job 343i.

One thing I have noticed. Its looks way to easy. And empty.

levels are big with great design. Needs more enemies and alot more harder. Like epic Legendary. since this will always plays with coap.

The Halo 5 campaign levels do seem easy. It's more like Halo 4 in terms of difficultly then say Halo 2.

WorthPlaying said:
Microsoft didn't put any limits on the difficulty that we played at, so I chose to play on Heroic. Maybe it is the fact that your AI squadmates can now heal you, but Halo 5's Heroic felt a lot more like playing on Normal than playing on Heroic. Enemies put up a fight, but none, aside from the Prometheans, ever felt really challenging. That includes Covenant Hunters. In previous games, Hunters were something to be feared. Here, they are just obstacles.

After playing through the two levels solo, we restarted and jumped into Enemy Lines a second time, this time in co-op. My group had a squad of three humans and one AI player. One of the group was new to Halo, so we played on Normal. Even though co-op is supposed to scale up as you add players, playing on Normal was like facing off against enemies made of tissue paper. I did manage to die during the co-op run, but that was mostly due to the fact that the ease of killing the Covenant encouraged me to play recklessly.


*flashback of fans hating halo 2 because of Arbiter*

oh great just what we needed lol

It's funny that you mention Halo 2... ;)

WorthPlaying said:
What was made obvious is that Halo 5 doesn't really seem to be about Locke versus Master Chief so much as it is about the two of them chasing after the same goal, though from different perspectives. From what I saw during my time with the game, I got the distinct feeling that we'll see the story play out similar to how Halo 2 handled the Arbiter's story. Each mission will reveal a bit more of the overall plot, but it's not just going to be a simple Spartan vs. Spartan tale.


Game looks awesome! The difficulty of the AI looks kinda worrying though. In these video's, they seem really, really easy to combat. Of course, it could a lower difficulty, but for now, it seems like I'll start the campaign on legendary for the first time.

Also, the Kraken fight looks kinda underwhelming from what I've seen. It doesn't seem to do much besides be there. No big guns like the scarab.

The Kraken was interesting, but ultimately pretty straightforward. There are multiple ways to enter the Kraken's core, and that bodes well for player creativity, but once on-board it was rather small. Especially if you enter via the landing bay rather than the main deck. Sneaking in below means avoiding almost all resistance. :)

Indeed; none of the Blue Team videos explained why they were blowing up the ship. (Unless I missed something).

Can't let it fall into Covenant hands.

Huh. I feel the opposite way. The inside is like a small level on its own, and there are multiple ways to attack the outside parts. And it hassles you throughout the level before you fight it properly.

Would beg to differ on the "hassling." It is mentioned and seen in other parts of the level, but you do little more than drive by it in a Ghost when you first see it.
I think that looks bad because you're viewing that large environment from a vantage point that you wouldn't normally view it from.... I don't think it's meant to be seen from their during gameplay.

That being said, they should probably not show the level from that vantage point.
I fail to see what is terrible about these screen shots... I actually thought there was some sarcasm involved but I guess people actually think those shots look terrible?

I no rite. I'm not saying it looks like a dream, but looks alright to me. God damn I hope I never get the eyes that spot every problem, or the vocab that can only use very strong adjectives rather than subtle ones... I just play and enjoy.

As for difficulty, sounds like Legendary it be!
The Kraken is disappointing as it doesn't move around. There might be more interactive aspects once you board it, but what made the Scarab fun was its dynamic nature the fights were never exactly the same, it moved around and was an enemy in itself. The Kraken just becomes a large base you have to destroy. It's the same reason the Lich was disappointing in Halo 4.


Neo Member
This looks terrible.


Like those super early maps you used to see in VidDocs when you knew they weren't done with final assets so they were just putting placeholders all over.

it looks more like concept art or a mix of concept art and in game, more so than a full on screenshot from in game, looks kind of rough and painted

one reason why i think it is not in game or at least a VERY early build screenshot is that look at the halo ring in the background, it looks way too simple compared to the h2 anniversary halo ring you see in the map ascension


Finally got around to watching the kinda funny campaign gameplay and it just looked bland. Was the fireteam not helping or was Alfredo just not playing right? Also the last bit when he was downed and the ai tries to res him and gets pushed around by the ghost just looks sloppy.
Finally got around to watching the kinda funny campaign gameplay and it just looked bland. Was the fireteam not helping or was Alfredo just not playing right? Also the last bit when he was downed and the ai tries to res him and gets pushed around by the ghost just looks sloppy.

Alfredo was spamming the DMR, not making use of team squad orders or using the spartan abilities much, so I would say it was the way he was playing. Though it still looked better than other shooters that are coming out.


Where's the Kraken footage?
Edit: Nvm, just watched it. And yeah, I agree the content there was a bit disappointing... I mean, Scarabs in Halo 3 were smaller but were consantly moving and shooting at you, what makes it basically a giant enemy. This Kraken footage was more like destroying a tower. Hopfully we will see more of these moving and trying to kill you.
WorthPlaying Preview:

Full preview is at the link, but I've quoted selected bits as replies to the thread below.

Don't expect any Forge news.


The Halo 5 campaign levels do seem easy. It's more like Halo 4 in terms of difficultly then say Halo 2.


It's funny that you mention Halo 2... ;)


The Kraken was interesting, but ultimately pretty straightforward. There are multiple ways to enter the Kraken's core, and that bodes well for player creativity, but once on-board it was rather small. Especially if you enter via the landing bay rather than the main deck. Sneaking in below means avoiding almost all resistance. :)

Can't let it fall into Covenant hands.

Would beg to differ on the "hassling." It is mentioned and seen in other parts of the level, but you do little more than drive by it in a Ghost when you first see it.

That quote by Worthplaying sounds bad, real bad. It's a rather odd situation,...cause this guy:


Said it was still quite a challenge even on normal and died a few times. He sounds very impressed by especially the Hunters and died several times by their hands.
That hud is actually offensive to my eyes. Like a good chunk of the screen obscured so they can...replicate what it's like to have a helmet on? Yeah this is Halo I think you can leave weak attempts at realism at the door.

Edit-And the Elite AI still doesn't look anywhere nearly as good as Reach's. Sadness.


That hud is actually offensive to my eyes. Like a good chunk of the screen obscured so they can...replicate what it's like to have a helmet on? Yeah this is Halo I think you can leave weak attempts at realism at the door.

There's 8 specific HUDs in campaign, 1 for each Spartan. In multiplayer, everyone has the same HUD without the additional helmet pieces.


Alfredo was spamming the DMR, not making use of team squad orders or using the spartan abilities much, so I would say it was the way he was playing. Though it still looked better than other shooters that are coming out.

Ok good, cause I didn't think anyone could make a Halo game look bland unless they tried


The friendly AI in some of the Blue Team footage is awful. Jackals become sandwiched between the three Spartans and nobody shoots at them. I'm hoping it's a bug.


Halo 5 is a weird mixed bag - some visuals looks amazing, others awful. With things like the lack of blood, reused animations and lacking AI I can't help but feel they could have used more development time.

That said, the level design looks fantastic and I'm fairly excited to play.

You're right. They're still using Covenant animation from Reach.


Alfredo was spamming the DMR, not making use of team squad orders or using the spartan abilities much, so I would say it was the way he was playing. Though it still looked better than other shooters that are coming out.
So basically he was playing halo like one would for the last 10 years as if the squad was not there...

Can't these dudes just be put on auto pilot?


graphically, looks nice, the shadow popins in the canyon looking area are fine, I dont care, but the one thing that is annoying is the weird hit boxing with the vehicle and player hitbox.


Hope they fix that.
Okay, I get it. 343 doesn't care about Forge.

I'll just stop hoping for it to be good. Maybe I'll be surprised but considering they still don't want to talk about it, I doubt it.
Okay, I get it. 343 doesn't care about Forge.

I'll just stop hoping for it to be good. Maybe I'll be surprised but considering they still don't want to talk about it, I doubt it.

Forge is in the game. Pretty sure there will be significant improvements. The feature sets in past games that are missing in 5 were deconfirmed pretty quickly. Not the case with forge.


I've seen the vids many times now. Like I mentioned, Great design. But it feels empty enemiy wise. And waaay to easy.

You gotta consider that this games always plays with 4 players. So the amount of enemies feels just to little in those big maps and way too easy vs 4 spartan. Again, since this is always 4 players coap the level of diffculty should be more harder than previous games.

More players should have a lot More enemies to fight and way way harder.

I didn't have problem finishing all previews games Solo legendary. Now, with AI helping you All the time it should at least be 2x harder.

That's my take on what I saw.
Lol, you people...

There's still more than a month to go.

Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong.

Forge is in the game. Pretty sure there will be significant improvements. The feature sets in past games that are missing in 5 were deconfirmed pretty quickly. Not the case with forge.

I'm not saying it's not in the game, just that I don't get the impression that they care about it all that much.
The Kraken is disappointing as it doesn't move around. There might be more interactive aspects once you board it, but what made the Scarab fun was its dynamic nature the fights were never exactly the same, it moved around and was an enemy in itself. The Kraken just becomes a large base you have to destroy. It's the same reason the Lich was disappointing in Halo 4.
The halo 3 scarab fights are awesome but I never felt they were dynamic and actually they were always the same for me:

1 - ride elevator up to crane/platform->wait for scarab to come close-> jump on and destroy

2 - grav lift on top of platform to board and destroy

3&4 - use hornet to shoot legs then the ass until dead.


The halo 3 scarab fights are awesome but I never felt they were dynamic and actually they were always the same for me:

1 - ride elevator up to crane/platform->wait for scarab to come close-> jump on and destroy

2 - grav lift on top of platform to board and destroy

3&4 - use hornet to shoot legs then the ass until dead.

This is how Scarab fights have always been for me and my friends as well, the Kraken not moving around hardly makes it much different. I guess I could see some complaints for there not being a giant green laser gun mounted shooting at you, but whatever.

This footage all looks really, really good, and for the most part Halo 5 has been nothing but good news over and over again. I'm not discrediting anyone's opinions but I think there are some people that only look for what is wrong and pay little attention to all that is right.


That looks pretty rough, especially the ground.

It's warzone. 24 players at 60fps, with scripted enemy AI on maps 4x bigger than any BTB map of the past. It's bound to visually look the worst to maintain framerate. It doesn't look bad to me at all.

All I dislike is the golden lighting that bathes the map much like Ragnarok, Exile and a ton of 343 maps. Even watching the campaign footage of blue team, all I see is one color of sort of seafoam green, broken up with red lighting. I made a post about this. Most levels or maps just have a singular color scheme with several shades for some reason.

Otherwise from what I hear, Warzone still looks better than anything they've played in Halo before, so that's a plus. I'm not too worried about the visuals. I think they look good.


Is there an idea about how long both missions took to finish? I prefer the longer missions of something like Reach than the shorter ones of 2/ODST.
Is there an idea about how long both missions took to finish? I prefer the longer missions of something like Reach than the shorter ones of 2/ODST.

Same body from polygon said the first blue team mission took 50 minutes on heroic and 30 minutes on normal and it took 30 minutes on Normal on the sangelious mission.
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