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New iPods

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Gold Member
Timbuktu said:
Jobs would be so angry with this leak. It's just like what happened with the iMac, or was that TIME magazine?

Not likely to be a leak. These things rarely happen by accident. Most likely Apple's PR agency has been pimping a positive Apple interview feature in exchange for an exclusive first look and cover feature in a major national / international magazine, on an issue right under the annuncement. Sure they have looked at Newsweek's printing dates when checking the interview and posing in the pics.

By just putting a press release out and showing it in a tradeshow wouldn't have got this model to the cover of the Newsweek.

Remember that Nintendo did a similar thing, gave Nintendo DS picture exclusive to USA Today, featured on the cover page on the morning before the announcement.

Now, on to the actual news:

I'm disappointed. I was expecting more innovation and surprise, however now they are just riding the experience curve to milk profit (which is good for the investors in the short run). However, in terms of renewing and dramatically improving the experience, not much there. Wireless would be great, as would video capabilities.


I love this part:

The iPod keeps getting slimmer and more streamlined. While the initial version had a relatively boxy feel, subsequent versions have been curvier and smaller. This one is about a millimeter thinner and, more significantly, eliminates the control buttons that sat under the display screen.

Wholly molly! An entire millimeter?! What'll they think of next?

EDIT: BTW, this one is said to have a longer battery life:

Longer play. Coast-to-coasters rejoice: the new iPods are rated for 12 hours of rockin' between charges—a 50 percent boost in battery life. This is accomplished, Apple says, not by a heavier battery but diligent conservation of power.


Hey does anyone know wheat the Estimated release date is??? Not that I want one, because so far this doesnt have enough changes to warrant getting a new one. My current 3G, 15GB model is fine.
aparisi2274 said:
Hey does anyone know wheat the Estimated release date is??? Not that I want one, because so far this doesnt have enough changes to warrant getting a new one. My current 3G, 15GB model is fine.

They're announcing it Monday, so I'd say if they're not avaliable Monday they will be within a month's time. That's Apple's usual lead time for product annoucment to ship date (unless they announce and release on the same day).


GAF's Bob Woodward
I hope they're available in Europe as soon..though if they get here by the time iTunes opens in Ireland (i think october), I'll be happy :)


asking dangerous questions
I wonder if the 20GB version includes a dock, remote, and all the goodies...

edit: ^^ d'oh. This is photoshopped^^^^^

Good job by Apple.
There's not much innovation, but when you're the market leader and your sales are still increasing after each quarter, there's no need to dramatically change things - it's just not worth the risk.
I wish the battery life was a bit better, but this ain't bad - and the price drop (sorta..since no more 15GB version) is nice.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The guy who posted that pic really needs to do a side shot so we can judge the slimness...1mm slimmer may not sound much, but it could lend a different feel to it. Side-by-side comparison shots with the older models are needed! :)


BatiGOOOOOOL said:
Thank God I checked the forum. Just now I was brwsing through Apple´s store to order an iPod. Now I wait. =P


1) Orders aren't processed on weekeds, so you would've had time to cancel it.

2) Even if you couldn't cancel it directly, Apple, in the past, has been willing to automatically upgrade users to the new model if they ordered the older one within X days of the announcement of its replacement.


All I know is that I just want a firmware update for 3G iPods that will let me do some of the more basic stuff that the 4G can do. Multiple on-the-go playlists, and the ability to delete songs from them is something I've wanted for awhile.

Also, cross-fading, but that's just a pipe dream, I don't think the 4G has it.
xsarien said:
All I know is that I just want a firmware update for 3G iPods that will let me do some of the more basic stuff that the 4G can do. Multiple on-the-go playlists, and the ability to delete songs from them is something I've wanted for awhile.

Also, cross-fading, but that's just a pipe dream, I don't think the 4G has it.

I can't bring myself to do the cliched acronym this early in the morning, so I'll just say that I totally agree w/ everything you just said :)

Also, I think Apple should ride the poker craze and add some sort of poker game to the mix, too, but that's totally dreaming


GAF's Bob Woodward
Saint Cornelius said:

irivers are tempting...but apple stylings are simply undeniable for me. With better battery/pricepoint now, it's gonna be hard not to get an ipod. I've been seriously considering an iriver, though...we'll see after monday.


xsarien said:
All I know is that I just want a firmware update for 3G iPods that will let me do some of the more basic stuff that the 4G can do. Multiple on-the-go playlists, and the ability to delete songs from them is something I've wanted for awhile.

That's the one feature I've really been missing since I exchanged my Karma for an iPod, and I'm thrilled to see it.
gofreak said:
irivers are tempting...but apple stylings are simply undeniable for me. With better battery/pricepoint now, it's gonna be hard not to get an ipod. I've been seriously considering an iriver, though...we'll see after monday.

I actually didn't mean that. To tell you the truth, I'm still wondering how the iPod charges via USB...


Saint Cornelius said:
I actually didn't mean that. To tell you the truth, I'm still wondering how the iPod charges via USB...

It doesn't. The USB cable for the iPod is actually a Y-Cable. One end is a USB 2.0 interface, one is a Firewire 400 interface, the other is the dock/iPod interface. So in the case of a USB-only computer, you'd plug the USB cable into the computer, use the firewire connection to plug into the AC adapter, and use the final end to plug into the iPod.

(Yeah, Firewire for the AC adapter's a little funky, but hey, whatever works.)


More efficient menus.There's less thumbing required to get to your favorite stuff. "Music" is a first-level entry, and now a single click initiates the popular technique of shuffling your library for playback.

New features.You can create multiple on-the-go playlists and delete songs from those ad hoc mixes. And audiobooks are not only easier to find, you can listen to them at normal speed, slower or 25 percent faster, without its sounding like a Munchkin.

Longer play.Coast-to-coasters rejoice: the new iPods are rated for 12 hours of rockin' between charges—a 50 percent boost in battery life. This is accomplished, Apple says, not by a heavier battery but diligent conservation of power.

Lower price.The top-of-the-line iPod, holding 10,000 songs (40 gigs, as geeks will tell you), now costs $399. The lower-capacity model, with room for 5,000 songs (20 gigs), costs $299. That's a $100 price reduction for each. (There's no more 15-gig model.)

Color.Fuggedaboutit. Despite rumors to the contrary, the wide-bodies are still as pure as the driven snow.



Saint Cornelius said:


i'll be anxiously awaiting the first shipment of these 3.5gs. if they really do get 12hrs battery life apple done fixed the biggest non-feature problem with the ipods. anyways, better product is always better for the consumer. maybe this update will get iriver to finish the firmware they promised us 2 months ago.


The click wheel. The iPod keeps getting slimmer and more streamlined. While the initial version had a relatively boxy feel, subsequent versions have been curvier and smaller. This one is about a millimeter thinner and, more significantly, eliminates the control buttons that sat under the display screen. Instead, it uses a "click wheel," where the controls are placed on the compass points of the circular touchpad that lets you scroll through menus. This is an innovation carried over from the diminutive iPod Mini. "It was developed out of necessity for the Mini, because there wasn't enough room [for the buttons]," says Steve Jobs. "But the minute we experienced it we just thought, 'My God, why didn't we think of this sooner?' "

god i hate steve jobs.

aoi tsuki

gofreak said:
The guy who posted that pic really needs to do a side shot so we can judge the slimness...1mm slimmer may not sound much, but it could lend a different feel to it. Side-by-side comparison shots with the older models are needed! :)
No, 1mm isn't much at all. It noticeable to those who own current units, but it's not like it's gonna convert people on the fence, or people looking at getting a player. But then again, the current iPods are hardly bricks.

Apple needs some serious competition in both the functionality and design aspects of a digital audio player. The iPod is tempting, but i'll just stick with Minidisc for now. i wouldn't mind an iPod, but it's not a significant upgrade for my uses.

While on the subject, is there any third party solution for PC that lets you load a library of FLACs onto the iPod in another format? i'm slowly buying CDs and my MP3 collection of a few tens of thousands is being made into FLACs. i'd hate to have to go through the current process i have with MD (FLAC > WAV > ATRAC3).


gofreak said:
irivers are tempting...but apple stylings are simply undeniable for me. With better battery/pricepoint now, it's gonna be hard not to get an ipod. I've been seriously considering an iriver, though...we'll see after monday.

im in this exact position. but i just love the lcd remote of the iriver, i know ill never use the controls on the unit itself anyway cuz its bothersome to be taking it out of my pocket all the time to change the playlist etc...and that lcd remote would be PERFECT.
not to mention the FM radio.
still i have been considering the ipod heavily as well, and this new announcement will make the choice easier, hopefully.
nitewulf said:
im in this exact position. but i just love the lcd remote of the iriver, i know ill never use the controls on the unit itself anyway cuz its bothersome to be taking it out of my pocket all the time to change the playlist etc...and that lcd remote would be PERFECT.
not to mention the FM radio.
still i have been considering the ipod heavily as well, and this new announcement will make the choice easier, hopefully.

Have you thought about the Rio Karma 2, the company is under new ownership so the hardrive failures of the old models (and lack of repairs from the company afterwards) should be non-existant. Apparently the Rio Karma 2 has a lot going for it. More file format support, gapless playback, 'real' random shuffle etc. Things i-River is still working on and things that with an Apple you need to buy accessoried for. Also with the new i-River I posted they no longer come with the unit, they are now an accessory. So go figure a step backwards...


karma is ok, but im looking for a more higher end player in line with the ihp 120 and teh ipod. just cheked amazon, the ihp 120 still comes with the remote. as long as the player supports mp3 and wmv, im good to go...i dont really use other formats. but the fm radio and the remote, along with the 20 gig hd and huge battery life makes the iriver a great buy, imo.
Yeah, toss a coin make your choice....both are good at what they do.
In my post I was talking about the new iRiver HP-320, with the color screen etc. Actually if you wait a bit you might get the iRiver a bit cheaper when the new model is about to come out ala creative although then you'd probably want the new model....ah decisions.


oh, i totally missed your previous post. i know about that model, actually my friend suggested i hold off for that one. but i actually preffer standalone audio players, i dont need the extra frills for video and digital images etc...nice to have but not vital, got a digi cam w/ a lcd screen allowing me to view photos much better than the player could do.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Well, it's up on apple.com - and seems to be available to buy now. No 60Gb versions :( Maybe the HP variants will have that?

edit - sweet! they're available here in Ireland now too...so very tempted....


Hang out with Steve.
40GB for $399 comes with dock & remote. That's $100 cheaper than the 40GB 3rd generation.
20GB for $299 doesn't come with dock or remote.

Both come with USB 2.0 and Firewire cables.

NEW features:
Click wheel as on iPod Mini (really good move!)
Up to 12 hours battery life
Save multiple on-the-go playlists
Adjust playback speed for audio books
Sync AND CHARGE via Firewire or USB 2.0
More language support

Some of this is accomplished with software... hopefully an upcoming Software Update will upgrade older iPods to have some of the new features :)


SteveMeister said:
40GB for $399 comes with dock & remote. That's $100 cheaper than the 40GB 3rd generation.
20GB for $299 doesn't come with dock or remote.

Both come with USB 2.0 and Firewire cables.

NEW features:
Click wheel as on iPod Mini (really good move!)
Up to 12 hours battery life
Save multiple on-the-go playlists
Adjust playback speed for audio books
Sync AND CHARGE via Firewire or USB 2.0
More language support

Some of this is accomplished with software... hopefully an upcoming Software Update will upgrade older iPods to have some of the new features :)

God that would rock if they could increase the battery life through a firmware update. All I want is 9-10 hours and I am happy.


You now belong to FMT.
BuddyChrist83 said:
That's the one feature I've really been missing since I exchanged my Karma for an iPod, and I'm thrilled to see it.

Buddy.... I am in the same boat as you, I have my Karma 20GB right now and the thing is all beat up, I have the protection plan at best buy and went to take it back and I can get something else..... How was the change from Karma to IPOD... also anything out about a Karma 2???


asking dangerous questions
Well, they're already taking orders - even at Apple.ca!




20GB for $429cdn, $389.00cdn with student discount.
40GB for $559cdn, $519.00cdn with student discount.

I was hoping the 20GB would include the remote and dock...but I guess not :(


Malleymal said:
Buddy.... I am in the same boat as you, I have my Karma 20GB right now and the thing is all beat up, I have the protection plan at best buy and went to take it back and I can get something else..... How was the change from Karma to IPOD... also anything out about a Karma 2???
The iPod takes a little getting used to, but it's not too bad. You adjust. I haven't heard anything about a Karma 2, but after the quality issues the first suffered, I'm not interested.
So my ipod was stolen a couple of weeks ago and I almost bought one over the weekend. If I go into an Apple store today, will they have these suckers in stock?


GAF's Bob Woodward
IAmtheFMan said:
So my ipod was stolen a couple of weeks ago and I almost bought one over the weekend. If I go into an Apple store today, will they have these suckers in stock?

Hard to tell. I'd be surprised if all Apple Stores had a supply on Day One. That said, I was surprised to see the online stores shipping already (even globally), so anything's possible. It'd be strange if the stores were still selling old ipods aswell, so..


Hang out with Steve.
IAmtheFMan said:
So my ipod was stolen a couple of weeks ago and I almost bought one over the weekend. If I go into an Apple store today, will they have these suckers in stock?

They might. Online it says they ship in 1-2 days.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Only £299 for a 40gb iPod. Only bought a 40gb iRiver for £269 a month ago. Maybe I should have waited.

Do we get student discounts over here in the UK on Apple products? I remember getting an email once about it, but see no mention on the Apple UK store. Hmmph.


You now belong to FMT.
aparisi2274 said:
Fuck that. Only the 40gb comes with the dock??? What a rip.

Yeah that PISSED me off, but the dock is only 40 bucks... i may order the one with the connections to the stereo.... IF I GET THIS IPOD... I cant believe I am taking back my Karma for this.....


Malleymal said:
Yeah that PISSED me off, but the dock is only 40 bucks... i may order the one with the connections to the stereo.... IF I GET THIS IPOD... I cant believe I am taking back my Karma for this.....

You won't regret it........


GAF's Bob Woodward
Great King Bowser said:
Only £299 for a 40gb iPod. Only bought a 40gb iRiver for £269 a month ago. Maybe I should have waited.

Do we get student discounts over here in the UK on Apple products? I remember getting an email once about it, but see no mention on the Apple UK store. Hmmph.

I completely forgot about that. That brings my outlay down to a peachy 412.61 euro for a 40GB model.

I wonder if I should order ASAP, or if supply will be OK..


Great King Bowser said:
Only £299 for a 40gb iPod. Only bought a 40gb iRiver for £269 a month ago. Maybe I should have waited.

Do we get student discounts over here in the UK on Apple products? I remember getting an email once about it, but see no mention on the Apple UK store. Hmmph.

I don't know about non-UK stores, but in the UK Apple's online store has a Educational store that's slightly cheaper (£274 for 40gb). Within that store, there is the HE (Higher Education?) store that gave me a £300 discount off my Mac. You can only access HE through your college/school's network if your school/college is eligible. I don't know what the prices are there since I'm not at my uni at the moment, but my guess is about £250 for 40gb.
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