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New iPods

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This is so fucking tempting. $269 for the 20 GB model after student discount. But i really dont need to be spending anymore money right now. Damn.


btrboyev said:
why si apple having such a tough tiume with battery life??? 12 hrs is stiller lower than basically all the competition

Because the iPod is tiny, and the guts are pretty much crammed into the thing with very little room for manipulation. To get that size, they need to use a smaller battery.

Oh, and fart, they *are* cheaper. I paid $399 for my 20GB back in December. But I'd suspect that this is just the beginning, allegedly Apple's put orders in for Toshiba's new 60GB drive, so, you know, those of you who like lots of space, you may want to wait a bit.
The improvements sound pretty good. If my Karma ever craps out on me, I'll be replacing it with one of these. On a related note, I found out my laptop had Firewire all along, when I thought it didn't (I was right on the verge of buying an iPod, had it at the front desk, and didn't get it when I found it didn't come with a USB cable). I feel stupid now, though it did get me to buy a Karma instead, so fate was kind to me.


You now belong to FMT.
Kurashima said:
The improvements sound pretty good. If my Karma ever craps out on me, I'll be replacing it with one of these. On a related note, I found out my laptop had Firewire all along, when I thought it didn't (I was right on the verge of buying an iPod, had it at the front desk, and didn't get it when I found it didn't come with a USB cable). I feel stupid now, though it did get me to buy a Karma instead, so fate was kind to me.

I am going on my 4th Karma, but I dont think I will get it because best buy 's around me said they stopped carrying them, so I have to get something that can be comparable.. it was 290.. so i may add 100 and just get the 40 gig IPOD now... HMMM
btrboyev said:
why si apple having such a tough tiume with battery life??? 12 hrs is stiller lower than basically all the competition

Because iPods use high powered amps and other equipment. Better equipment = higher power draw = lower battery life.
BigJonsson said:
So...anyone hear anything about a software/firmware update?

Cause I just got my iPod a few weeks ago and I am kinda angry..

yes, there is a software/firmware update, but it adds no new functionality to the 3G iPods.


GAF's Bob Woodward
BigJonsson said:
Then what the shit does it do?

Updates for iPod with a Dock connector and iPod mini

* Compatibility with iTunes 4.5 or later and the iTunes Music Store
* Improved playback performance
* Support for the Apple Lossless Encoder, to enable compressed music encoding at high quality
From Apple:

Updates for iPod with a Dock connector and iPod mini
- Compatibility with iTunes 4.5 or later and the iTunes Music Store
- Improved playback performance
- Support for the Apple Lossless Encoder, to enable compressed music encoding at high qualit

Also, something interesting. All incoming Duke freshman will receive an iPod for free.


But weren't those updates all part of the previous firmware upgrade?

I got mine early june, but I'm not complaining because I've probably used it worth half of its price so far.


GAF's Bob Woodward
BigJonsson said:
I wonder how much of a fuss I would have to raise to get Apple to gimme a new one

Work out the number of days exactly between your purchase and the announcement, and write a letter or email. Be polite, but firm in your feeling sleighted. Explain how you feel quite disillusioned with the company, having had no warning of new models etc. It's worth a shot - you might get a voucher or something, even if you don't get a replacement Pod. I remember Nintendo handing out freebies to owners of N64s who bought just before pricedrops (i bought 2 months before and got a controller). So it's worth a shot..usually most companies will try and do something for those who are annoyed enough to write to them or whatever.
I need to find the reciept I guess

I have used the hell out of it, like I'm using it everyday almost non-stop, but still, some of those new features seem cool


The only thing that annoys me is the longer battery life. Granted that doesn't seem like it will become a issue very often, but it is a very nice thing to have, especially on long plane rides. Why don't more planes have that damn adapter for you to use your electronics on them? It would make travelling so much easier.


Yeah, only the battery is an issue, though I would like to see some software upgrades make their way into a firmware upgrade (though I'm sure it will never happen).
FFS went from £260 to £220 but now u don't get the dock, which costs £30.

Fuck sake apple.

Actually is a dock really that essential can u use it ok without one?


If you want sexiness, it's useful. Even more useful is the lineout. Otherwise, it's not. I'm glad I got mine with my 20Gig though. :p


MrPing1000 said:
FFS went from £260 to £220 but now u don't get the dock, which costs £30.

Fuck sake apple.

Actually is a dock really that essential can u use it ok without one?

You can live without it, but it is something you want to have imho.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
MrPing1000 said:
FFS went from £260 to £220 but now u don't get the dock, which costs £30.

Fuck sake apple.

Actually is a dock really that essential can u use it ok without one?

Whoa, I only just realised that. That takes the piss!


The dock isn't necessary, it's just a prettier USB terminal than the cable. The only practical reason to get it is if you have a need for the line-out jack, or for some reason, really need the iPod to be standing when it's syncing with your computer or charging.

But yeah, it is kinda sexy. ;)
xsarien said:
The dock isn't necessary, it's just a prettier USB terminal than the cable. The only practical reason to get it is if you have a need for the line-out jack, or for some reason, really need the iPod to be standing when it's syncing with your computer or charging.

But yeah, it is kinda sexy. ;)

It also eliminates the minor hassle of having a cord dangling around your comptuer desk and constantly getting knocked behind it because nothing is anchoring the end of the cord to your desk. The dock keeps the cord in place and you never have to go fishing behind your computer to find it. Just plug in your iPod and bam, you're set. At least, that's why I like it.


xsarien said:
Oh, and fart, they *are* cheaper. I paid $399 for my 20GB back in December. But I'd suspect that this is just the beginning, allegedly Apple's put orders in for Toshiba's new 60GB drive, so, you know, those of you who like lots of space, you may want to wait a bit.
i mean the price of entry is still the same, cheaper for same size is to be expected since parts cost inevitably drops. also i expected the 60gb to debut today, but i guess it's not quite time.


StrikerObi said:
Because iPods use high powered amps and other equipment. Better equipment = higher power draw = lower battery life.
actually it's mostly because of the power draw of the embedded uproc they use afaik.
Idle Will Kill said:
It's not needed. Give one reason why it would be neccessary.

"Necessary"? Are you serious? The whole reason ipod sells more than similar mp3 players with cheaper prices, better sound quality, and bigger HDs is ALL ABOUT style. Sooner or later people are going to start to wake up and demand more of a reason to own an ipod, and a color screen is a small step forward.
It doesn't make sense though. Why have a color screen for browsing through a list of text?

iPods are never going to be used for video or photos, Steve is very adamant about this point. The iPod is, and always will be, a music device.


well think about it, color screen, funky visualizations will all slowly have to be added. people would wanna "personalize" their ipods. they'd wanna create their own color themes etc. but these things will not be hard to implement.


Any tips on getting my 6 month old 3G ipod to stop working so i can swap it with a new one thanks to extended warrantee?


Dez said:
Any tips on getting my 6 month old 3G ipod to stop working so i can swap it with a new one thanks to extended warrantee?
Dez said:
Any tips on getting my 6 month old 3G ipod to stop working so i can swap it with a new one thanks to extended warrantee?

Hmm, maybe blast it at full volume and just let it play to try and blow out the audio output?

I'm pretty sure that's how my 2G iPod broke. The right earphone was totally filled with static (and no, it wasn't just the headphones).

Or maybe repeatedly drop it to try and mess something up inside? Try not to get an physical damage on the outside though.


Dez said:
Any tips on getting my 6 month old 3G ipod to stop working so i can swap it with a new one thanks to extended warrantee?
Drop it a bunch - actually, throw it really hard at the ground. You can say you tripped.

That's the fun one, but this one is easier - while songs are being transferred to your iPod, rip it out. Should muck up the file structure. Or use a computer to completely format the iPod's HD and then take it back - it should be all "FILE ERROR" and "APPLE LOGO"


Hang out with Steve.
nitewulf said:
well think about it, color screen, funky visualizations will all slowly have to be added. people would wanna "personalize" their ipods. they'd wanna create their own color themes etc. but these things will not be hard to implement.

Especially useful with the iPod sitting in your pocket or clipped to your belt.

Jobs is right -- listening to music is a passive activity. Adding a color screen adds cost with zero REAL benefit.
nitewulf said:
well think about it, color screen, funky visualizations will all slowly have to be added. people would wanna "personalize" their ipods. they'd wanna create their own color themes etc. but these things will not be hard to implement.

I don't really want myself or anybody else walking around holding their iPod and staring at it, completly transfixed by a visualization. I walk all over campus and if I or anybody else did this they would be running into people left and right or tripping on stuff because they weren't paying attention.


people! im just saying what "might" be. as far as im concerned, im a very no frills kinda guy msyelf...i just want my audio player to play audio, thast it. but each generation of hardware upgrades should bring about new changes, and the stuff i mentioned might be in the pipeline, just because they can be done! not because they would be useful or necessary.
say, competing products start to offer those, then ipods will start to look a bit bare bones...so on and so forth.
aoi tsuki said:
That's why you keep the unit in your pocket and use the remote.

The thing is it doesn't come with a remote, it's now accessory ala Apple. I mean it makes sense, why else would you have a color screen. $35 I think..

To be honest I'm a bit dissapointed in Apple.

The Creative Zen Touch has a battery life to be reported to be about 20 hours. The next iRiver has a colour screen to view jpg's and txt files (a bit over the top). Radio playback as well as the ability to record from the radio. It has an optical line out and mic as well. The fact it does not need any software to transfer files make it idiot proof. Asthetically the 'kevlar' looks tacky, I would preffered it to be just black and silver.

Karma 2 (Karma is the second selling mp3 player in America) when it comes out is totally going son ipod in terms of features. I mean even now the Karma probably has the best firmware out of all the mp3 players on the market. If Rio can continue what they had before but improve the asthetics by making it long and slim instead of short and fat, they should increase their marketshare.

iPod may just be a music device as Steve Jacobs says but if you judge it on this sole fact, this generation, it is a marketing success and a product failure. Especially due to the fact Apple have had three gens to try and 'kill' the market. Now relative newcomers have prospective consumers second guessing whether they really want an Apple.


Fresh Prince said:
The thing is it doesn't come with a remote, it's now accessory ala Apple. I mean it makes sense, why else would you have a color screen. $35 I think..

To be honest I'm a bit dissapointed in Apple.

The Creative Zen Touch has a battery life to be reported to be about 20 hours. The next iRiver has a colour screen to view jpg's and txt files (a bit over the top). Radio playback as well as the ability to record from the radio. It has an optical line out and mic as well. The fact it does not need any software to transfer files make it idiot proof. Asthetically the 'kevlar' looks tacky, I would preffered it to be just black and silver.

Actually, iTunes is part of what makes the iPod idiot-proof. Using it as your primary music player on your computer, it already knows where your music is, what it's called, who sings it, etc. Plug in the iPod, give it a few ticks, and all of that information is now ready to go with you on the road.

Whereas the iRiver, and products like it, require you to drag the files you want - scattered across the jungle of your hard drive - to the device in your My Computer window. Apple's overall design philosophy is to centralize everything in one place, furthermore, have a place for everything. It works surprisingly well, and the only testimony you need is years of people claiming that the learning curve on a Mac is much less steep than the PC's.

iPod may just be a music device as Steve Jacobs
That's Steve Jobs Mr. Analyst.
Nitpicky, aren't we?

While I understand where you're trying to come I think it's invalid. Most people can successfully arrange their files on their hardrives already. iRiver allows you the freedom to do the same. I'm not swayed either way I do not own any of these players. iTunes seems like a good peice of software, good for you but me I rather actually have control on how I put my music on right out of the box.
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