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New Member Rush 2024




Neo Member
I was a kid during that time. I was sitting out in the streets battling my friends over cable link on our gameboys. I was the go to if you wanted a Mew, Masterball, or Rare Candy cause I was the only one with a GameShark. I dealt pokemon cards and traded stickers.

I have a complete set of original base set pokemon cards and TWO complete original sticker books. sadly i sold all my Pokemon games which i regret. I had R/Y/G/S/C and japanese versions of G/R/B/Y/G/S.
It's great to meet you N nightmare-slain I remember I had a neighbour like you who had a cheat device, which only encouraged me to get my own. I started with stickers, and eventually got the cards and games a couple of years later (we didn't have a lot of money growing up). I managed to complete some old sets such as Fossil, Jungle, and Base before the pandemic kicked off. Followed by Team Rocket in 2022, and just this year I finished Neo Discovery, all these sets I had been trying to complete since childhood, but I was always just a few cards away. I'm very happy with them! Its a shame you sold off your games, the number of people i've encountered who regret selling their Pokémon related items is too many to count.

Good to meet someone else from that era, I bet you have tons of great stories to share :)


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Half-Life 2’s Animated Architecture
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Neo Member
i thought about trying to collect other sets but it's so expensive and i'm happy with my base set.

my favourite sets were Base 1 + 2, Team Rocket, and Gym Heroes. I had some Neo Genesis cards but that was about the time I started losing interest in Pokemon for a while. I have some japanese neo cards of the gen 2 starter pokemon and their evolutions. those cards are the only cards that i kept from back then. i gave away all the cards i collected because i thought i had grown out of Pokemon lol.

in 2011 i got back into Pokemon. well really it was 2009 when Heart Gold + Soul Silver came out. in 2011 i bought a base set booster pack off eBay for about £6 and i'm not joking i got a holo charizard! i sold it years later for ~£170. around the same time that's when i bought my complete base set collection. i think i paid £110 for it and about £60 for the folder. I have looked up the value of it on ebay a few times but I can never bring myself to sell it.

if you're interested i can take a picture of the folder and sticker set.
Thank you for that, and yes I would be very happy to see your folder and sticker set!

I never really got Base Set 2, I didn't see the point of buying reprints when I had a good amount of them from the first three sets. There wasn't a lot of collecting going on around the Gym Heroes/Challenge era for me either. Like you, I have also fallen in and out of love with Pokémon over the years. As time goes on, I find myself resonating more with the love and passion I had for the series during its earliest years, where some of my fondest memories are.

It sounds like that one card was able to buy you the Base set, which is a pretty cool deal! Did that include the Charizard too? That's probably a lot more iconic! I have a sad story about my Base set Charizard unfortunately...


Neo Member
Hi everyone!!! I am finally off the waiting list lol. I hope to make some great friends here and give my input on certain topics in a respectful way. Let’s talk and game how?

Your STYLE!!!
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