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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more

The final evolution have a lot of personality; they've really grown on me. (Rowlet's line is still the best, though. Grass/Ghost is cool af)

So Red got out of that cave and Blue grew up, and they subsequently became friends again. Dawww.

Alolan Persian is still a wound on my soul.


Having some Ghost typing in a final evolution is a good way to get me to break my tradition of always picking a fire starter for every gen ever released.
The f***?

Why did they spoil that characters from other regions are coming back in the trailer? I feel there won't be any surprises at this point.

They've shown very, very little of the actual plot yet,
and the mined data suggests that the plot this time around is going to be pretty darn big, given the sheer number of UBs involved.

There's going to be plenty of surprises going into the games proper, I'm sure.

Meanwhile goshdarn, ghost owl or heel wrestler? I am so unbelievably torn. I think the answer is going to be "beg for lots of breeded starters".

And side-note: holy crap the soundtrack is shaping up to be god-tier. There's not been a bad track in any of these trailers yet, and some of them have been astounding. I am so looking forward to the full OST.

Thank you for this.


Like no disrespect, but if you don't think Water/Fairy means something on its own then you don't have a strong grasp of strong that typing is, straight up. You keep using Azumarill as this example to push your point, but Azumarill proves the opposite. Remove Huge Power from the equation. Azumarill as a Water-type is garbage. Azumarill as a Fairy/Water is good. Now bring back Huge Power. Azumarill as a Fairy/Water + huge power is exceptional. It wouldn't be as good if it had any subtyping. That should tell you something.

Dude. DUDE. I literally just fucking said this. Azumarill without Fairy typing is worthless. Azumarill without Huge Power but with Fairy typing is better, but still pretty damn worthless. Azumarill with BOTH is good. Not with one or the other, both. Along with it's strong movepool (Blastoise and Swampert are trash, get out of here). Typing alone does not. Mean. Shit. I've been playing competitive since I was 8, so no, I have a "strong grasp of strong typing that is". It's good. Very good. Can it do it all on its own? Hell no. There's nothing in the game that proves otherwise. Get out of here with that condescending bullshit.
Lol all this arguing about Popparina has me in the lab looking at ways to take this thing down. Lol all that arguing don't mean nothing if ya battle skills weak and ya team even weaker 😂
Grass/Ghost damnnnnnn. I'm officially sold on Rowlett. I was dead set on Litten until I saw that it's final evolution was on two legs.

Wasn't expecting that typing at all. I'm so stoked!!
Is ghost grass good typing though? Wasn't that Trevenant?

Nah, sadly Ghost/Grass leaves the owl vulnerable to a lot of different types for somewhat dubious defenses in trade (immune to normal/fight, resists ground/water/grass/electric, but weak to fire, ghost, flying, ice and dark.

If it's fast enough, a decent bit of this won't matter (and ghosts always annihilate each other, so lol), but it'll always struggle against some of the popular attacking types.

Its real strength might lie in baiting the opponent into switching in something good against it, using the pinning arrow (and hopefully the oppo isn't normal), and then tagging out for something that can demolish the pinned mon. The question then becomes how to swap the owl back in to repeat the trick - there are ways, but they're a bit specific.

It's really good offensively. If it gets good flying moves on top, that's incredible coverage.

It'll probably have access to flying-type attacks, but not having STAB is going to hurt, and Flying attacks are still a bit dubious for covering the types it's weak against.

The owl is probably going to be pretty good, but we'll have to see if it's Really Competitive.


I can't believe you can challenge grown-up Red

There's nothing left. You can't add anything else to Pokémon

PK Gaming

Dude. DUDE. I literally just fucking said this. Azumarill without Fairy typing is worthless. Azumarill without Huge Power but with Fairy typing is better, but still pretty damn worthless. Azumarill with BOTH is good. Not with one or the other, both. Along with it's strong movepool (Blastoise and Swampert are trash, get out of here). Typing alone does not. Mean. Shit. I've been playing competitive since I was 8, so no, I have a "strong grasp of strong typing that is". It's good. Very good. Can it do it all on its own? Hell no. There's nothing in the game that proves otherwise. Get out of here with that condescending bullshit.

First off, Calm down, I'm not trying to pick a fight.

Second, I could not give less of a shit how long you've been playing competitively. I know players who literally started 3-4 years ago, and are literal Gods at this game. Sit down!

Third, the point I've been trying to make all this time is how much disproportionately better Azumarill (and other Pokemon like Clefable) are with Fairy as a sub-type. You're acting like a bunch of key things fell into place for Azumarill become amazing, but it was Fairy type that mainly propelled it forward. Give Fairy-type to literally any competent Pokemon and you'll see immediate results. And that's what this dispute comes down to. You're underestimating just how good of a typing Fairy is.

And finally, Blastoise and Swampert aren't trash. Not good for OU, whatever, but most Pokemon aren't due to power creep. But that's besides the point, since they absolutely have good movepools.


Grown up Gold?

I'd take grown up Gold over Red in a heartbeat. The true GOAT goes underlooked too often

As far as Ghostbird goes, I could see it being a decent revenge killer. It has the opportunity to switch in safely if you can bait out fighting moves, but I'd like to see how frail it is before I think about whether or not it can safely switch in on attacks it resists. Hopefully it has decent set up tools.
The best part about Decidueye's unique move is that it can trap Legendary Pokemon to prevent them from running away. No more having to trek across the entire region in order to capture Pokemon like Azelf!


You know what I want? I want to be the Champion. Like, actually be champion. Have challengers and have to fight them. Implement online into it where friends/random players can challenge you and if you fail you need to redo the E4 and the champ (random person who beat you) to get your place back. They could let us customise our Champion room and let us make an intro like the Trainer video things in X/Y.

Like it could be a good streetpass/spotpass asynchronous thing where you fight an AI Champion/Challenger that uses their team and customisation options.


The best part about Decidueye's unique move is that it can trap Legendary Pokemon to prevent them from running away. No more having to trek across the entire region in order to capture Pokemon like Azelf!

Well if there are roaming Pokémon this might be useful.


First off, Calm down, I'm not trying to pick a fight.

Second, I could not give less of a shit how long you've been playing competitively. I know players who literally started 3-4 years ago, and are literal Gods at this game. Sit down!

Third, the point I've been trying to make all this time is how much disproportionately better Azumarill (and other Pokemon like Clefable) are with Fairy as a sub-type. You're acting like a bunch of key things fell into place for Azumarill become amazing, but it was Fairy type that mainly propelled it forward. Give Fairy-type to literally any competent Pokemon and you'll see immediate results. And that's what this dispute comes down to. You're underestimating just how good of a typing Fairy is.

And finally, Blastoise and Swampert aren't trash. Not good for OU, whatever, but most Pokemon aren't due to power creep. But that's besides the point, since they absolutely have good movepools.
I'm sorry, but I'm tired of having to repeat myself. Fairy typing alone, as the sole addition a Pokemon receives, does not instantly make it great. I never said that it doesn't make things better, it's just not as universal of a boon as you're making it out to be. Yes, a bunch of key things did fall into place to make Azumarill great, it's silly to say otherwise. It has base 50 attack and speed, which is abysmal. Its HP is its only genuinely good stat, as its defenses are mediocre at best. Without Huge Power and the moves to adequately utilize it, Azumarill would not be in the position it is now. Clefairy already saw a considerable bump in usage when it received Magic Guard, as it already had fairly decent defensive stats and, all be it a very critical weakness, it only had one in Fighting. Fairy pushed it over the top, but just becoming Fairy is not the whole truth as to why it is now used. Fairy is good, very good, that's undeniable. But acting like it's instantly producers killers isn't being very fair to all of the other things those Pokemon either gained or already had that allowed them to become good. All I was saying was that it wasn't smart to immediately assume Water/Fairy = greatness when we know absolutely nothing else.

Blastoise and Swampert are both outclassed in their roles by several other Water Pokemon who have better stats, abilities, and moves than them. They're pretty trash when you could be using other semi-bulky Water types.

Oh yeah, and no, I'm not going to "sit down" just because you know some schmucks who are good at the game. I brought up how long I've been playing because you condescendingly made it seem as if I have no idea what I'm talking about. That is simply just not the case, and was totally uncalled for considering I'm asking for you to do something as simple as waiting for more information to be available before making a claim.


Wait, why is Wally 'the opportunistic d-bag' from the rainy shits here? Does he deserve to be mentioned with Red and Blue?


Gimme new mixes of Red and Blue's battle themes and I'll never ask for anything from GameFreak ever again


Really happy with Rowlet's final evo, though the typing gave me a surprise.

Really not liking that name, though. Especially after hearing that the Japanese name is Juniper (well, Junaipa) with the -niper pronounced like sniper.

How the hell did we end up with Decidueye? What an awkward name.


The best part about Decidueye's unique move is that it can trap Legendary Pokemon to prevent them from running away. No more having to trek across the entire region in order to capture Pokemon like Azelf!
Instead you'll feel the pain when Decidueye KOs them in one hit.
Really happy with Rowlet's final evo, though the typing gave me a surprise.

Really not liking that name, though. Especially after hearing that the Japanese name is Juniper (well, Junaipa) with the -niper pronounced like sniper.

How the hell did we end up with Decidueye? What an awkward name.

I'm guessing they didn't go with Juniper because it'd look the same as the word it's based on, and it wouldn't be obvious to pronounce it like sniper


I'm guessing they didn't go with Juniper because it'd look the same as the word it's based on, and it wouldn't be obvious to pronounce it like sniper

Yeah I guess that's fair, though honestly I think its an awesome play on the word. But it is hard to get across in text.

Decidueye is still awkward as hell, though.
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