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New Republic: Liberals Helped Create Trump’s New Bogeyman, the “Alt-Left”

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I wanted to post this so that when people see party hacks and radical centrists appropriating "alt-left," they know just how craven these people are.

Liberals Helped Create Trump's New Bogeyman, the ”Alt-Left"

But we should be at least partly surprised by the origins of this misleading and corrosive term. It is beloved by the likes of Sean Hannity and former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who have used it to denigrate Trump's opponents. And it has also been popularized—and legitimized—by red-baiting liberals who fear the rise of a progressive populist movement.

Unlike the term ”alt-right," which was coined by white supremacists to give their age-old movement a modern edge, the ”alt-left" is an insult. As my colleague Clio Chang wrote in March of liberals who choose to use the term: ”A graver sin is the adoption of a term that was created by conservatives to smear the left and discredit criticisms of the growing clout of the racist right."

Here are some examples from the article:

Center For American Progress president Neera Tanden: [tweet]https://twitter.com/neeratanden/status/831377046848884736[/tweet]
MSNBC commentator Joan Walsh: [tweet]https://twitter.com/joanwalsh/status/839621777919782912[/tweet]
Tom Watson of CauseWired: [tweet]https://twitter.com/tomwatson/status/798140808566280192[/tweet]
MSNBC's Joy Reid: [tweet]https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/765596904801599489[/tweet]
ShareBlue's Eric Boehlert: [tweet]https://twitter.com/EricBoehlert/status/858705345404948481[/tweet]
Markos Moulitsas, founder of DailyKos: [tweet]https://twitter.com/markos/status/896747477428314112[/tweet]

Edit: Here is more of the article, for people who don't want to click the link:

The function of the term ”alt-left" is to collapse the distinction between the activist left and the racist right. That's why reactionaries like Sean Hannity use it. That's why Donald Trump has taken it up. We are likely to hear a lot more about the alt-left in the coming months and years—and if liberals continue to use it, they will be doing the right-wing's work.

So it is time for the entire left to permanently retire the term. It insults the dead and the work the left is doing to stop the rise of fascism in our country. It serves the cause of the right wing, amplifying its noxious tactics of delegitimization. These liberals have invested a lot of energy in an effort to discredit anyone sitting to their left. They are so furious, so disturbed by the emergence of this invigorated movement, that they paint them with the brush of fascism—even while the very people they vilify are on the streets fighting the Ku Klux Klan. In so doing, they have served the purposes of Donald Trump and no one else.

One year ago today.
The right wing viewed the so-called "alt-left" (which in their view is basically anyone remotely progressive or anti-reactionary in any way) as a bogeyman well before that and were hardly influenced by what a tweet by a "neoliberal"/"liberal"/"Centrist"/[pejorative of the day] said. The term is being used completely differently in those tweets.


The right wing viewed the so-called "alt-left" (which in their view is basically anyone remotely progressive or anti-reactionary in any way) as a bogeyman well before that and were hardly influenced by what a tweet by a "neoliberal"/"liberal"/"Centrist"/[pejorative of the day] said.

Sure, but the "centrists" adopting the term validated it


It should go without saying, but the left does not promote hate crimes or commit them. It does not strive for an ethno-state. It is explicitly anti-racist and feminist.

The problem is, it doesn't go without saying. This is the kind of blithe dismissal that is so frustrating -- it airily dismisses the concerns of many actual people of color and women, derived from their lived experiences engaging with people who claim to be part of the left who are clearly not anti-racist and feminist and who consistently escape scrutiny and censure from their theoretically leftist colleagues. It is simply erasure.

I agree that the left needs to stop saying "alt-left." It's approximately as useful as when the left calls people "centrists" or "neoliberals," i.e., it's merely a cudgel with no particular content, and demonstrates no desire for compromise. But I categorically refuse to agree that the encounters with racism on the left that I and others have had aren't important because their bona fides should "go without saying."


So, a handful of tweets is your proof of the neo-liberal boogeyman injecting a term into the public conciousness? Well, it's New Republic, so I'm not surprised.


The term is dumb. It's not a good term, it has no real meaning, etc. The only one of those tweets that's defensible is Neera's because she's using it to link pro-Russia people on the "left" (aka Jill Stein) attacking people who go after Russia/Wikileaks/etc and actively spread propaganda. At least there you can tell what she's specifically referring to by it and it is most definitely not trying to blanket "all leftists/bernie supporters/etc."


So, a handful of tweets is your proof of the neo-liberal boogeyman injecting a term into the public conciousness? Well, it's New Republic, so I'm not surprised.

The right wing viewed the so-called "alt-left" (which in their view is basically anyone remotely progressive or anti-reactionary in any way) as a bogeyman well before that and were hardly influenced by what a tweet by a "neoliberal"/"liberal"/"Centrist"/[pejorative of the day] said. The term is being used completely differently in those tweets.

The point is not that MSNBC ghouls invented or popularised the term. It's that they subscribe to the same kind of demonisation as Trump does, because they're craven turf-protecting lanyards.


"The POTUS shows himself as a Neo-Nazi sympathizer....how can we turn this into conflict between people on the same side?"


The Autumn Wind
So, a handful of tweets is your proof of the neo-liberal boogeyman injecting a term into the public conciousness? Well, it's New Republic, so I'm not surprised.
The right knows how to play people like him like a fiddle.


No lies detected. Centrists helped create this problem.
No. This is purely the result of the paranoia and purity obsession of the alt-right. The same people who re-used the term cuck, and directed at their own. They have a North Korea like inferiority complex, and the only way to asswage that is to convince themselves they're under constant assault by enemies, even if they have to dream them up.


Unconfirmed Member
"Alt-left" is a meaningless term used to validate the beliefs of the alt-right by watering down their separation from the more mainstream/less aggressive right. Anyone outside the alt-right using the term is just helping to normalize the shit the alt-right is pushing.
The point is not that MSNBC ghouls invented or popularised the term. It's that they subscribe to the same kind of demonisation as Trump does, because they're craven turf-protecting lanyards.

Complaining about demonizing leftists (based on a handful of tweets) in a topic blaming some nebulous centrist/liberal/moderate/[pejorative term of the day] bogeyman for creating the notion of an "Alt-left bogeyman" and validating the alt-right/Trump's usage of the term (with a much broader definition). This is just the latest incarnation of the "no it's the moderates/centrists/etc. who are the villains here!" argument (alongside the Bernie Bro/other crap from the primaries).

It's amazing how this stuff gets regurgitated over and over because people can't let go of their incessant need to feel morally superior.


Let's take a break from fighting the Nazis and pick a fight among ourselves. What could go wrong.

I don't think that this has to be a fight?

"Centrists" should just be like, hey - we fucked up and won't repeat right wing talking points.

Leftists should do the same (they're not innocent of this in the past either).

And we learn and move on?

Complains about supposed demonizing of leftists (based on a handful of tweets) in a topic blaming some nebulous centrist/liberal/moderate/[pejorative term of the day] bogeyman for creating the notion of an "Alt-left bogeyman". This is just the latest incarnation of the "no it's the moderates/centrists/etc. who are the villains here!" argument.

That's not what the piece is saying. The article is saying that the "centrists" should take stock of the negative consequences of appropriating far right language and talking points. See my post above.
I think Trump's definition of alt left and people like Joy Reid's definintion of Alt-Left are two different things.

I think what some refer to as alt-left are the people who embrace economic socialism but balk and decry social causes including racial issues, feminism, and LBGT issues. They claim they are nothing but a distraction and that these issues are used to bludgeon and bully white men. These are the Micheal Traceys of the world.

That being said, Joy Reid is still an idiot for using and possibly coining the term. Creating pejoratives does nothing but create more division in the left. Its as stupid and screaming Neoliberal or Centrist at people.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
This is the label they'll use when they start doxxing people. "Americans have the right to know who these alt-left radicals in their communities are."

Anti-fa, BLM, DSA, LGBT groups. We're all in the same bucket and it hurts that liberal commentators helped to give it legitimacy instead having the foresight to see this for what it was going to become.


When keeping it moderate goes terribly wrong.

Daily kos is moderate? Riiiight...

This is a problem up and down the liberal spectrum. They allow the Right to define language and frames of debate, and ultimately lose because of it. It's like playing a sport where the other team is constantly redefining the rules on their terms.

Nothing new. Been going on for years and Liberals can't seem to stop, think, and shake it.


Centrists thought their best option was to try and throw the left under a bus with the right and they would come out on top.

Problem is it's pushed things too far and now the only choice is the left.
I'm very curious who you think the most significant swing voters in the election were and why you think they flipped?
I would rather talk about issues than argue about names. People have been calling everyone who supports Bernie a BernieBro regardless of age, gender, or race. Politics is ugly and getting insulted is part of the package.
"alt-Right" is a self-chosen term consciously used for rebranding fascism.

"alt-Left" is a term chosen to attack broad swathes of the left and claim they're just as bad as aforementioned fascists. It's never been used with any modicum of intellectual honesty and it's never been more clear that the term and the attitude behind it should be discarded.


The Autumn Wind
That's not what the piece is saying. The article is saying that the "centrists" should take stock of the negative consequences of appropriating far right language and talking points. See my post above.
This is a hilarious lack of self-awareness, considering all the things said about Hillary to this day by the same people constantly complaining about "centrists."

L Thammy

"Alt right" is "alt" because they want to sound like a legitimate alternative to the center right, whereas they're just fucking Nazi shitstains.

"Alt left" is "alt" to make it sound equivalent to "alt right". It's just the left.


"alt-Right" is a self-chosen term consciously used for rebranding fascism.

"alt-Left" is a term chosen to attack broad swathes of the left and claim they're just as bad as aforementioned fascists. It's never been used with any modicum of intellectual dishonesty and it's never been more clear that the term and the attitude behind it should be discarded.

Yeah, this is peak lunacy


if alt left just means you wont compromise with naziism, meaning that is no longer the default righteous position but some sort of extremist outlier, and people actually believe this, then i actually give up believing that anyone who espouses that logic is a person. i am just going to assume they are creatures made of sewage that happen to have the ability to speak, i would rather they slink away into a gutter and die than engage in any conversation with them

i would sooner burn this entire nation to the ground and piss on its ashes than accept the kind of rhetoric that allows nazis to have an equal say
I maintain that there is no such thing as the alt-left and anybody on the left who uses it, either as an ironic self-reference or some sort of centrist short-hand, needs to stop immediately.

That said, almost literally no one maintained such a thing as the "alt-left" existed until yesterday when racists made it up. If somebody says "alt-left" to you, you should same the same thing every single time: there is no such thing as the alt-left.
I don't think that this has to be a fight?

"Centrists" should just be like, hey - we fucked up and won't repeat right wing talking points.

Leftists should do the same (they're not innocent of this in the past either).

And we learn and move on?

Been hearing "move on" since November. And yet here we are.


The problem is, it doesn't go without saying. This is the kind of blithe dismissal that is so frustrating -- it airily dismisses the concerns of many actual people of color and women, derived from their lived experiences engaging with people who claim to be part of the left who are clearly not anti-racist and feminist and who consistently escape scrutiny and censure from their theoretically leftist colleagues. It is simply erasure.

pigeon, I know that this is a problem for you. And I am sensitive to it. But personally I have just straight up not seen this kind of behaviour. If I had ever been exposed to it, I would censure it, and call the person saying it out, and not consider them on the same team as me. But given that I haven't had the opportunity, I don't know what else I can do.

The closest thing I can think of is that people sometimes criticized Clinton for relying entirely on identity politics to define her 2016 brand. But that's a strategic concern, and an accusation of hypocrisy.

I won't live in your country full-time until next fall. And I probably won't be able to vote for a couple of years after that. So I don't want to try to explain to you what your own country's politics are or claim that things aren't happening when you say they are.

But I am interested in this stuff, my fiancee is American and my (hypothetical, mixed race) kids will be too. So I do care and I do want to help the cause of American leftism. But other than, like, eggs on Twitter I don't know where the anti-idpol-leftist phenomenon comes from.


Been hearing "move on" since November. And yet here we are.

Well, the issue with move on is this - move on past name-calling and superficial in-fighting, to actually hashing out policy differences.

There are real policy differences on the left, and the party will continue to re litigate the past primary until consensus is reached on the issues.
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