I wanted to post this so that when people see party hacks and radical centrists appropriating "alt-left," they know just how craven these people are.
Liberals Helped Create Trumps New Bogeyman, the Alt-Left
Here are some examples from the article:
Center For American Progress president Neera Tanden: [tweet]https://twitter.com/neeratanden/status/831377046848884736[/tweet]
MSNBC commentator Joan Walsh: [tweet]https://twitter.com/joanwalsh/status/839621777919782912[/tweet]
Tom Watson of CauseWired: [tweet]https://twitter.com/tomwatson/status/798140808566280192[/tweet]
MSNBC's Joy Reid: [tweet]https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/765596904801599489[/tweet]
ShareBlue's Eric Boehlert: [tweet]https://twitter.com/EricBoehlert/status/858705345404948481[/tweet]
Markos Moulitsas, founder of DailyKos: [tweet]https://twitter.com/markos/status/896747477428314112[/tweet]
Edit: Here is more of the article, for people who don't want to click the link: