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New Super Mario Bros. 2 |OT| Coins!


Asymmetrical screens.

Mismatching colours if you decide to buy anything but the black one.

Far too large for the small-sized buttons.

3D is stupid, you turn it off after the novelty wears off and then you realise the fucking device is overpriced because of the goddamn gimmick.

Nintendo sold out and I keep buying their systems because I hate myself.

So much truth. No idea if you're kidding or not, but I agree with every word.
Also, has anyone else's D Pad started to crack and peel? Shoddy build quality for Nintendo.

Anywho, I think I'm going to pick this up. Haven't played any actual 3DS games in about a year. How long is it? I'm hoping to just blast through it in a couple of evenings.
Does this game have the silliness from the first one that requires the player to bring in mini mushrooms from another stage in order to access a single small pipe to get a single star coin?


Unfortunately the eReader sucked

The eReader wasn't THAT bad. It was another one of Nintendo's decent ideas with too high of a cost for entry, like the Gamecube games that required each player to have their own link cable and GBA. To unlock the Mario stuff with the eReader, you had to have two GBAs(or a GBA and the GBPlayer on Gamecube), one with the game in and the other with the eReader, plus a link cable, plus the cards. It was just a bit much. The cards(for Mario) we did actually get in America were kinda awesome though. Not a whole lot else worthwhile for it.

And back on topic, I haven't found the secret exits in the Mushroom world yet. I'm pretty impressed with the level design. And I like that if you walk to certain spots, coins just appear for you. The 1UPs are more plentiful than ever, though. I haven't even finished World 2 and I've got over 150 lives.


Maturity, bitches.
Got a StreetPass today and smoked the person's record in their Coin Rush challenge. Levels 1-1, 1-2, 1-Castle: my 3812 vs. his 2426. :)
I'm pretty sure my current score is easily beatable but I've only had a quick gander at coin rush so far.


Fucking capitalism.
I'd rather have the portable model released first.

Oh for Christ's sake. That nonsense is close to being a dealbreaker. It came close to ruining the original's post-game.
there is a fun level which gives you two mini mushrooms.


I agree 100%. I'm sure it works fine for Japanese hands or kids hands, but for me it hurt badly. Especially in a competitive game like Mario Kart where you hold a button to drive. I can tolerate NSMB2.

I bought the 10 dollar grip, and I wouldn't turn back. My hands hurt, and it does the trick.

To be honest, for intense gameplay, a better control device is needed than what we somehow managed for the first two decades of handheld gaming. Try playing the original gameboy or the GBAsp, they aren't very comfortable (I might get slain for making such remarks).

I've heard the 3DSxl is very comfortable, so it's not like you can hate on Nintendo when they have a solution.
I REALLY miss the squishy a/b buttons like the GBA and GBC had.
Has the ground pound move always been mapped to down + L while jumping? It's almost impossible to do it with the Slide Pad, why couldn't they map it to just jump + L? It's really frustrating (I know many will say YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT WITH THE D-PAD, but I shouldn't have to if I don't want to)
Has the ground pound move always been mapped to down + L while jumping? It's almost impossible to do it with the Slide Pad, why couldn't they map it to just jump + L? It's really frustrating (I know many will say YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT WITH THE D-PAD, but I shouldn't have to if I don't want to)

Don't you just hit down while jumping?


Speaking of the spotpass coin challenges, my record is at the 30k coin cap for the mushroom pack. How can anyone possibly beat me?
Speaking of the spotpass coin challenges, my record is at the 30k coin cap for the mushroom pack. How can anyone possibly beat me?

No one can beat you, they can only join you in coin filled paradise as per Nintendo's urge to ensure nobody feels like a loser, everyone can win equally and reach coin based enlightenment.


I dunno. I think its worse than any Mario game, even the likes of Mario Land 2 and the original NSMB.

Well you're wrong. No question about it, you're just deluded by the fact that NSMB was actually "new" and the resurgence of 2D mario.

Seriously, go back and play it and tell me the level design in that game is anything but shit, same with SML2.
Don't you just hit down while jumping?
Yep it's just down. L to pound is the other Mario platformer on the 3DS.
WTF? Hasn't it always been down + shoulder button? (I'm talking about the console games as well).

Thanks for the heads up, don't know why but now I can pull it off very easily (I thought it would be just as hard since I was already pressing down, but I guess me pressing L at the same time was somehow messing it up)
Well you're wrong. No question about it, you're just deluded by the fact that NSMB was actually "new" and the resurgence of 2D mario.

Seriously, go back and play it and tell me the level design in that game is anything but shit, same with SML2.

I can't do that because I sold it. But I liked the slightly more emphasis on mini-mario, and the propeller hat platforming.
World 2-Castle gave me a lot more trouble than I expected. Ended up having the Super Guide show up. Loving the game so far. The level design is a lot stronger than the first NSMB title (and I enjoyed that!). Much more akin to NSMBWii. The game is loads of fun so far, even if it doesn't tread too much new ground. I'm looking forward to Coin Rush mode and going for the big million.
WTF? Hasn't it always been down + shoulder button? (I'm talking about the console games as well).

Thanks for the heads up, don't know why but now I can pull it off very easily (I thought it would be just as hard since I was already pressing down, but I guess me pressing L at the same time was somehow messing it up)

Most of the 3D games have it as the L button, or whatever L button equivalent the controller uses. The 2D titles always have it as "Down", even Yoshi's Island.


OP didn't seem to have any gaffer reviews - have any been posted?

this kmart coupon is good as of next week, and i'm thinking this'd be great for $20.

Recent GAF opinion has shown a lot consider it to be a very easy game.

that was a complaint about Mario Land 3D as well, up till the last few levels i wanna say (i'm at the end of stage 5 now that i have enough star coins). i don't mind difficulty if it's said to be fun and have good replay, is that the case here?
OP didn't seem to have any gaffer reviews - have any been posted?
Well I don't have anything properly laid out but I can quote some of what i've said a piece it together as a make shift review

If I were to make a quick verdict on the game right now i'd say that its earlier stages do a good job of being a bit more enthralling than previous NSMB games but unfortunately the tempo doesn't pick up quite as much in later stages, hidden stages tend to be a lot stronger so maybe the real gold is still hidden from me but it's made easy enough that most casual players can make it through to the end, I need to delve into the mushroom, flower (I assume) and star worlds.
The stage design is noticeably of a different style, criss crossing pipe formations, stages that actually head upwards or downwards in a diagonal like fashion, some alterations to the more mechanic hazards like flame jets, saws, spike balls.
The coin approach is actually quite fun, Gold Block Mario is enjoyable to just pick up speed and propel coins rapidly out of your head, speaking of speed the raccoon tail P meter is easier to keep topped up, with a few ground returns you can keep up a full bar for some time. The stages don't tend to be designed too much around flight so don't expect SMB3 "puzzle" stages that need flight. Gold Flower Mario is basically an explosive fire Flower and I wish I could take it everywhere, the mega mushroom only turned up twice so far and one was kind of hidden so no need to worry about it destroying your fun (it's basically a rarer superstar, never got the hate), no longer do you earn lives based on your rampage of destruction as Mega Mario. Mini Mushroom gets more use on the whole.
Oh and snake blocks everywhere, these guys must really like them
I've still got plenty to do before giving it a proper judgement but it's safe to say that...

If you like NSMB Wii: More of the same but that's not all bad, more background and theme variety with a faster pace make this borderline level pack worth the investment if you just want more solid 2D Mario, you probably already knew this anyway.

If you just hate the NSMB series: You already hated this game anyway, it still has a basic visual style, the music that violates your ears is more BAH filled than ever, no amount of level design speeches will change your mind.

If you're indifferent: May be best to wait until the Wii U game comes out for proper judgement.

Okay i've done all the stages and got all the coins, i'm pretty much done here so now I can reach a proper conclusion.
Is NSMB2 better than NSMB Wii? not quite, Mario games are never particularly tricky but they have a noticeable curve, NSMB2 sort of drops the curve around world 4 and it never really feels like the difficulty heads much higher bar one of two exceptions.

The hidden aspect of the game is a mixed bag, on one hand it may have the most fun to search for star coins in the NSMB games but there are a surprising amount of secret exits and coins hidden up in the sky through the use of vines/Beanstalk blocks and the bizarre thing is how most invisible blocks are poorly telegraphed, I can go through certain stages finding tons of invisible 1-up or superstar blocks in positions that makes some semblance of sense yet the vines are usually just baffling in their placement, rarely did I feel satisfied finding these exits aside from "well at least i'm no longer spending the next 20 minutes going up and down this stage". The fact that these games no longer indicate which stages have secret exits is just plain annoying leading you on a guess work run around.

Coin Rush seems to be a fundamentally flawed mode, as well as the coin cap mentioned recently in this thread there's also too much of a luck based element to the proceedings which is a shame because the mode in itself is pretty fun.

Without spoiling anything the Star World isn't much to get excited about, it's handily eclipsed by World 9 (NSMBwii) and the special World (SMW). The dash cannons is a nice concept that are too few in number yet also a bit "off" so to speak. I think it was the one in the flower world that made me feel that these stages are really designed specifically for Super Mario to the point even that regular/small Mario can get tripped up slightly , oh and have you entered these stages with say a raccoon tail? yeah it's kind of messed up.

But on some more positive notes it's still top notch Mario platforming in here, the level design can be smart, it has variety, there is a unique touch and feel from the newer team who designed these stages. Typically i'd say some stages are more varied or complex with their layouts, it's nice to have mountainous stages that head downwards or a water stage in the confined vertical space of a tower. On that point there is a lot of water stages in this game, some are kind of fresh while the others are some of the most bland in the entire series, I think we could've done without some of them. The cliff theme is underused, I always thought this was the best world theme brought in by the NSMB series so it's a shame how few cliff stages there are.

Ah the Music, not much to say here as it's mostly NSMBWii with more voice effects, sue me because I dig those voices, the athletic theme goes hilariously overboard with it which reminds me some Yoshi's Story style stuff. It still sucks though that they didn't come up with any new music for the most part.

I covered most of the game earlier on anyway so no need to go and repeat myself, it's a fun Mario game of that I don't doubt, it's just that there's not much new in this new super mario bros and at the same time it doesn't really excel over any other 2D Mario in any department really aside from how coin collecting is made much more enjoyable.
But it's fun so really that's the bottom line, do you like fun? I should hope so.

Probably some overlap in there between the two but yeah.
OP didn't seem to have any gaffer reviews - have any been posted?

this kmart coupon is good as of next week, and i'm thinking this'd be great for $20.

that was a complaint about Mario Land 3D as well, up till the last few levels i wanna say (i'm at the end of stage 5 now that i have enough star coins). i don't mind difficulty if it's said to be fun and have good replay, is that the case here?

I'd say no. Land 2 is just kind of technically inferior to every other game, and not as fun as Land 1. Although arguable Land 2 is more important becuz it led directly into the awesome Wario Land series, which sadly Nintendo doesn't care about continuing. I don't care too much about easiness either. 3DLand is great.


OP didn't seem to have any gaffer reviews - have any been posted?

Here's what I wrote a few pages ago:

Beat Bowser. Of course I don't have all the Star Coins yet and there's quite a few levels left to play and exits to find...

But I can safely say that this doesn't reach the heights of NSMB Wii. Not even close. It's an improvement over the first game in the series, but the level design is either too straightforward or too annoyingly open and loose in those levels that have lots of secrets. It's largely unmemorable too. Also striking is how much worse the ghost houses are. Instead of focusing on light puzzles and hidden nooks and crannies, they mostly rely on large numbers of increasingly randomly placed doors. Figuring out how they all connect isn't much fun. It's representative of the level design in general. New ideas are scarce and executed with considerably less inventiveness than when they're lifted from the earlier entries. As a whole the design is strongly derivative of the first two games, level ideas mostly taken from the Wii one but executed on a smaller scale and more conservatively, akin to the design in the original DS game.

The coin collecting leads absolutely nowhere as far as I'm concerned, unless you care about what amounts to little more than another High Score counter. This is certainly a missed opportunity and a puzzling "new" gimmick for a series of games that is reaching the point of *requiring* a more unique hook to distuingish itself from previous entries.

That said, I thought the game looked pretty, and I quite liked the 3d effect in theory, but the stong blur and bloom filter added to the background with the 3d slider all the way turned up ruined many of the quite detailed and intricately designed backgrounds with multiple parallax layers. I assume this was added because players got distracted focusing on the busy 3d backgrounds? Either way, it resulted in me playing with the 3d setting at about 30%. In hindsight I'd recommend either turning it up to 100% to get the full 3d effect or just turning off the 3d completely. At full blast the 3d is pleasing, but the background is extremely blurred, which actually ends up being less distracting than constantly looking at a slightly blurry preview of the sharp background art (the case if you're playing at 20 - 50%). The game itself arguably looks best with the 3d off though, the backgrounds sharp, colorful and bright.

The music is pretty much lifted wholesale from NSMB Wii, which is certainly a gigantic improvement over the DS one. But the lack of original compositions is a big disappointment. And the music team's grand achievement this time consists of adding an extra layer of those insufferable synth voices, successfully ruining the game's few stand-out tracks.

The game also probably has the worst designed Bowser end fight in Mario history. Certainly they've been a lot more bare bones in the early days, but this one has the distinction of being uncharacteristically clumsy and unelegant. On top of that it's also somewhat anticlimactic.

And isn't it about time we think up new, better rewards than 1-Ups? The life system is hopelessly outdated considering how easy these games are, but especially here, where the excessive coin collecting will net you an average of 5 lives per level. Hell, I finished the game with close to THREE HUNDRED lives!

So, I'd say it's definitely somewhere in between NSMB Wii and NSMB DS in terms of level design, although much closer to the DS one, sadly. Which means that this is very good, tight 2d platforming, lots of fun, but more forgettable than I'd expected and really lacking in new ideas or that one unique new gimmick to make it stand out. I think with the third entry we've reached the point where we can no longer dismiss this type of criticism. Though this is clearly the most derivative of the bunch, even if it's an improvement over the first one.


I am halfway through and loving it so far. Is it groundbreaking like the Galaxy games or the 2d games on the NES and SNES? Of course. But its a very solid game.
Man, the background compression is REALLY bad.

I have a question, however.

For those of you with the retail version of the game, could you tell me if you have the compression artifacts in your level backgrounds? Particularly levels with the blue skies?

I'm wondering if this is something Nintendo maybe did to either only the digital version to save on bandwidth, or if this was just a sloppy mistake that is in both versions of the game (or in both versions, to save bandwidth for the digital version).
I got this game today thanks to an impulse buy...

I was going to wait a while but I was in town and saw it, and the next thing I know I was walking out of GAME with a copy...

Halfway through World 2 at the moment. Yeah it feels the same as the other two games but I'm enjoying it so far. Level design is nice.
Man, the background compression is REALLY bad.

I have a question, however.

For those of you with the retail version of the game, could you tell me if you have the compression artifacts in your level backgrounds? Particularly levels with the blue skies?

I'm wondering if this is something Nintendo maybe did to either only the digital version to save on bandwidth, or if this was just a sloppy mistake that is in both versions of the game (or in both versions, to save bandwidth for the digital version).

turn off 3D and see if it's still there. all i remember seeing is a blur effect that looks a bit meh, rather than compression. downloaded version here.

edit: yeah just played a level. I'm seeing no compression at all. it must be the blur effect you're looking at.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ya know, I'm actually really liking the 3D effect in this game. It's very subtle, but it completely avoids cross talk and the depth of field is nifty looking in this game. There are also more layers of parallax than the previous NSMB titles. The subtle 3D really adds just a touch of depth to the backgrounds which really enhances them for me.

Now, I would have enjoyed something more like Mighty Switch Force with its strong 3D effect, but I don't dislike what Nintendo have done here.

I'm also enjoying this a bit more than expected. The level design is definitely much better than previous NSMB iterations. Really, at this point, the only thing that still really bugs me is the god awful music. Not only did they re-use tunes from the previous NSMB titles, but they added much more "BAH" to it than ever. What the hell were they thinking?

Man, the background compression is REALLY bad.

I have a question, however.

For those of you with the retail version of the game, could you tell me if you have the compression artifacts in your level backgrounds? Particularly levels with the blue skies?

I'm wondering if this is something Nintendo maybe did to either only the digital version to save on bandwidth, or if this was just a sloppy mistake that is in both versions of the game (or in both versions, to save bandwidth for the digital version).
What you're seeing is NOT compression. That's simply how the background was painted. It's not an artifact, rather, an intentional piece of the background. I agree that it doesn't look great at times.


I'm also enjoying this a bit more than expected. The level design is definitely much better than previous NSMB iterations.

Wait, you're saying the level design here is *better* than in NSMB Wii as well? Really? If so, what specifically would you say puts it ahead of the Wii one?
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