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Newly Elected Governor Strips 140,000 Of Voting Rights, Lowers The Minimum Wage

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Less than a month after taking office, Kentucky’s newly elected Republican Gov. Matt Bevin reversed a move by his Democratic predecessor that had restored the voting rights of about 140,000 former felons.

Those impacted, who are overwhelmingly African American and lower income, had already completed their felony sentences but remained permanently disenfranchised. The order excluded those convicted of violent crimes, sex crimes, bribery or treason.

Bevin’s move Tuesday night goes against promises he made during the campaign to keep the restoration of voting rights in place. He even told reporters in November that he would stand up to his own party on the issue and convince them it was the right thing to do. Now, thanks to his order, tens of thousands of Kentuckians will not only lose the opportunity to regain their voting rights, they will also be permanently unable to serve on a jury, run for office, or obtain a vocational license.

The only explanation Bevin offered for the reversal is that he believes “it is an issue that must be addressed through the legislature and by the will of the people.”

Kentucky is one of a tiny handful of states where former felons have to individually petition the governor to restore their civil rights after they have fully completed their sentences — a process that can be arbitrary and humiliating. As a result, one in five African Americans in the state are disenfranchised. Studies have found that ex-felons who have their voting rights restored feel more invested in their communities and are less likely to end up back in the criminal justice system.

In another executive order this week, Bevin reversed former Gov. Beshear’s move to raise the state’s minimum wage for government workers and contractors to $10.10 an hour, bringing it back down to $7.25 an hour. About 800 state workers who have already gotten raises will be able to keep them, but new hires will now have to start at the lower pay rate. In the order, Bevin hinted that he would prefer the state have no minimum wage at all: “Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,” he said.

Keep fucking that chicken GOPers

and keep staying at home when it really matters Dems.


“Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,”

This can't go wrong at fucking all, can it? Because the labor market is a platform of reason, sincerity, and fairness? Right?

That's the argument, no? Just so I know what level of batshit we're dealing with.
In the order, Bevin hinted that he would prefer the state have no minimum wage at all: “Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,” he said.

So slavery.


“Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,”

This can't go wrong at fucking all, can it? Because the labor market is a platform of reason, sincerity, and fairness? Right?

That's the argument, no? Just so I know what level of batshit we're dealing with.

It's a blanket statement argument that can be easily repeated by constituents who don't seem to realize they are often the ones most affected by having no labor laws. It's used for all kinds of justifications; just don't use it to set the budget going to anything related to law enforcement or the military.


Letting the market decide your worth seems remarkably unwise with automation on the horizon, especially when "less than this robot" is equivalent to "zero" in terms of wages.

Strange how animistic and almost religious people can be about "the free market" regardless, "market forces" are an abstraction and merely observed effects, it's not as though the free market values anyone or their wellbeing because it isn't actually sentient.


They can always appeal to have their rights reinstated .

Their rights were already re-instated.

This seems like an ex-post-facto change. As-in, shouldn't it legally apply going forward, but not in reverse?

Everyone who already had their voting rights restored should only be able to lose them again via due process (aka conviction of a felony).


What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.


What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero?
Social Darwinism obfuscated under the guise of the "bootstraps" moniker.

"They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps..." and what happens if they can't is left implied. Bonus points for rigging the system against minorities as well.


Their rights were already re-instated.

This seems like an ex-post-facto change. As-in, shouldn't it legally apply going forward, but not in reverse?

Everyone who already had their voting rights restored should only be able to lose them again via due process (aka conviction of a felony).
l was answering their question he thought once they lose them that was it.


What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.

Attack their personhood, as we usually do.

Poverty is a character deficit in America. People literally believe this shit.


The GOP are relying on smuggling connotations as far as the "voting rights for felons" issue is confirmed.

The original law had exemptions for those convicted of violent crimes, sex crimes, bribery, or treason - but the prototypic image of a "felon" is a violent criminal and so snakes and the uneducated fools they beguile will argue "how can advocate for voting rights for FELONS!!!!" without realizing their concerns were already addressed and a non-issue.
This is what happens when the Dems in KY don't vote. I'm getting tired of Dems not voting besides Presidential elections. Hope this is a wake up call If you don't like it Then GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

I vote every damn year wish the Dems in KY did the same. Wish they instated more ways to vote like online or make it mandatory to vote if that happens every state would be Blue and the ruling GOP will die
What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.

"Fuck the poor."


Genuinely surprised to see this is a republican governor. This is democrat bullshit.
When you say "Democrat", how far back are we talking? Dixiecrats?

Lowering the minimum wage with the goal of eventually removing it along with other worker protections is a cornerstone of the "modern" Republican platform and voter suppression aids Republicans far more than Democrats.


In another executive order this week, Bevin reversed former Gov. Beshear’s move to raise the state’s minimum wage for government workers and contractors to $10.10 an hour, bringing it back down to $7.25 an hour. About 800 state workers who have already gotten raises will be able to keep them, but new hires will now have to start at the lower pay rate. In the order, Bevin hinted that he would prefer the state have no minimum wage at all: “Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,” he said.

That's a big fucking difference.

God damn lol..
Don't states with higher minimum wages tend to have better economies? I remember that's what happened in Minnesota. Minimum wage went up along with taxes, and the entire state benefited from it.

Or did I straight up hallucinate an economic philosophy?


Who are the morons that voted this guy into office then? I mean if his predecessor enhanced voting rights, increased the minimum wage, why would you bring in a Republican then, one who went straight to work reversing it?


force push the doodoo rock
I dont understand why we take away voting rights of people who commit crimes anyway.


They voted him in, they get what they deserve.
Although it's funny because if he said his intentions about revoking voters rights during the campaign he knew that he might set off a match to have them vote against him. Fucking liar.

Velcro Fly

Isn't this the same guy that wanted to rollback Medicaid as part of Obamacare too?

Man what the fuck why couldn't the old governor, who seemingly was getting shit done, just run again?


"Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government"

"Pay the absolute minimum required to get people to take those jobs" Keep voting against your own interests, populace! America can we please shake the "fuck you, got mine" mindset? Yeah, didn't think so, but nice to think we could someday.


You get the government you deserve. I sympathize with those who are going to be negatively affected by this fucker's policies (even the ones that didn't vote at all or voted for him), but I can't empathize with you.

This dude is going to do many great things, like Brownback did for Kansas. Can't wait for Kentuckians to blame President Hilldawg for their troubles in the next couple years and probably vote for this ass again.


Man, I tried voting so this asshole wouldn't get elected and now people are about to reap what they sow.

I reiterate. WTF is wrong with my state lately?


Some of the views on the "free market" that are typically espoused by conservatives just seem to be based on nothing other than blind faith/wishful thinking/willful ignorance, it's a cliche and a "truism" in place of actual policy. Apart from being such a vague, ill defined concept, because typically their version of a free market is closer to crony capitalism than some kind of utopian market where everyone gets exactly what they deserve, the idea that something can be self regulating and somehow immune from corruption, vested interests, imbalance is some truly fairy tale shit. But that seems to be the world they inhabit.


The Autumn Wind
Who are the morons that voted this guy into office then? I mean if his predecessor enhanced voting rights, increased the minimum wage, why would you bring in a Republican then, one who went straight to work reversing it?
Because God, guns 'n states rights, or whatever other bullshit ignorant or bigoted people have to tell themselves when they vote Republican.
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