What?Genuinely surprised to see this is a republican governor. This is democrat bullshit.
What?Genuinely surprised to see this is a republican governor. This is democrat bullshit.
20% of african americans in Kentucky are felons? That can't be right
Genuinely surprised to see this is a republican governor. This is democrat bullshit.
Genuinely surprised to see this is a republican governor. This is democrat bullshit.
People like that exist IRL. Who's to know sometimes? I knew because stinkles is a lovable jerk, but who else knows that?Stinkles you for got the /s at the end. Some are thinking you actually ment this.
Who are the morons that voted this guy into office then? I mean if his predecessor enhanced voting rights, increased the minimum wage, why would you bring in a Republican then, one who went straight to work reversing it?
They voted him in, they get what they deserve.
Although it's funny because if he said his intentions about revoking voters rights during the campaign he knew that he might set off a match to have them vote against him. Fucking liar.
Keep fucking that chicken GOPers
and keep staying at home when it really matters Dems.
Sorry, sometimes I forget this isn't poligaf.which rhymes with polygraph for a reason.
Like Kansas, I'm finding it really difficult feeling sorry for Kentuckians. They either voted for this or did not vote and so allowed this to happen. I'm convinced people are going to have to start feeling the burden of their bad choices (or their lack of exercising their choices) before anything can happen.
This means innocent people will have to suffer unnecessarily, but it seems people are hell bent on learning the hard way.
No it hasn't. It only seems that way because the GOP has gone so far batshit insane to the right.States like this will give Dems a problem going forward because the national party has moved too far to the left.
Those are misdemeanors.
Exactly what i was thinkingKansas 2.0
People love the GOP. And people keep thinking Trump has no chance. LOL.
You do realize that Democrats are the US liberal party, while Republicans are the US conservative party? Right?
They've been this way since Nixon.
We had a very popular, centrist Democrat. He would have been re-elected easily, but he was term-limited out. The Democrats were stupid and nominated a known terrible campaigner who is also way too liberal for the state.
States like this will give Dems a problem going forward because the national party has moved too far to the left. A coalition of young secularists, single women, academics, minorities, and organized state workers will not lead to victory here.
The coal miners and associated workers in the eastern part of the state used to be solid Democratic voters. The Obama EPA going after coal has really hurt them, they will now be Republicans for at least a generation.
We did elect Jeanne Hampton as Lieutenant Governor, the first African American woman elected statewide in Kentucky.
7.25 in 2015 almost 2016....its a goddamn joke.That's a big fucking difference.
God damn lol..
Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,
This can't go wrong at fucking all, can it? Because the labor market is a platform of reason, sincerity, and fairness? Right?
That's the argument, no? Just so I know what level of batshit we're dealing with.
Can't be posted enough
No it hasn't. It only seems that way because the GOP has gone so far batshit insane to the right.
If voters there sees this as a bad thing, then maybe the Democrats should let the Republicans have them.
I thought felons could not vote, period. I imagine this only pertaining to KY offices only.
Trash like this is infuriating.
So many fucking idiots in this country. Especially in a certain region and of a certain demographic.
It's a travesty that anyone's voting rights can be curtailed
If voters there sees this as a bad thing, then maybe the Democrats should let them Republicans have them.
Yes, I know that would be the Gaf CW....but this was a Democratic state for generations.
Both parties have moved more towards the margins and American politics has become polarized. Bernie would have been laughed out of a Democratic primary in the past. The Atlantic just ran a good piece on American moving left...why do you think that would exclude the Democratic Party?
The voters here are natural social conservatives and in favor or a somewhat activist government. I think on bread and butter issues my neighbors would still vote Democratic...but they are not going to vote for a party that supports things they see as antithetical to their social order. Like gun control, abortion on demand, (what they feel is) extremism on environmental issues.
Yes, I know that would be the Gaf CW....but this was a Democratic state for generations.
Both parties have moved more towards the margins and American politics has become polarized. Bernie would have been laughed out of a Democratic primary in the past. The Atlantic just ran a good piece on America moving left...why do you think that would exclude the Democratic Party?
The voters here are natural social conservatives and in favor or a somewhat activist government. I think on bread and butter issues my neighbors would still vote Democratic...but they are not going to vote for a party that supports things they see as antithetical to their social order. Like gun control, abortion on demand, (what they feel is) extremism on environmental issues.
If only the voters of KY could vote to set the Governor's pay at free
Absolutely disagree on both parties moving leftwards. As a whole, conservatives have dragged the conversation considerably to the right compared to 10 years ago. Yeah, social equality and awareness of class warfare against the poor are on the rise, but that still doesn't mean much when the policy debates still seem to be between far right and center to center right. Imo, Bernies the kinda guy we need on the national stage to start dragging the conversation back to reality. I haven't read that Atlantic piece btw, so I'll have to give that a read.
If you posit that America is moving towards the left, but Kentucky is moving backwards, that supports the stereotype that Kentucky is a backwards place.
What's the over/under on the KY min wage? $4? Or is that too optimistic?
Damn dude, you're a dumbassSorry, sometimes I forget this isn't poligaf.which rhymes with polygraph for a reason.
Bevin, who has previously said he believes legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to parents marrying their children, was swept into office in November in an election marked by dismally low voter turnout.
Less than a third of the states eligible voters cast a ballot.
Sorry, sometimes I forget this isn't poligaf.which rhymes with polygraph for a reason.
I dont understand why we take away voting rights of people who commit crimes anyway.