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Newly Elected Governor Strips 140,000 Of Voting Rights, Lowers The Minimum Wage

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Republicans gonna Republican.

To those who insist that both parties are the same - read this story and shut up already.

(Also, doesn't Kentucky have a pretty successful state Obamacare insurance exchange program? I'd imagine something like that would also be on the chopping block under a Republican governor.])

Bevin campaigned on this

Highest Medicaid-dependent counties supported Bevin
BOONEVILLE — The 66 percent of Owsley County that gets health coverage through Medicaid now must reconcile itself with the 70 percent that voted for Republican Governor-elect Matt Bevin, who pledged to cut the state's Medicaid program and close the state-run Kynect health insurance exchange.

Lisa Botner, 36, belongs to both camps. A Kynector — a state agent representing Kynect in the field — recently helped Botner sign up for a Wellcare Medicaid card for herself and her 7-year-old son. Without that, Botner said, she couldn't afford the regular doctor's visits and blood tests needed to keep her hyperthyroidism in check.

"If anything changed with our insurance to make it more expensive for us, that would be a big problem," Botner, a community college student, said Friday at the Owsley County Public Library, where she works. "Just with the blood tests, you're talking maybe $1,000 a year without insurance."

Yet two weeks earlier, despite his much-discussed plans to repeal Kynect and toughen eligibility requirements for Medicaid, she voted for Bevin.

"I'm just a die-hard Republican," she said.


If you define it that way, sure. I guess my neighbors would be more than happy to have such enlightened gaffers see them as "backwards."

Not talking about subjective perceptions. If you say that the country is objectively moving towards a certain direction, but Kentucky is moving in the opposite direction, you can only objectively conclude that they are backwards.

$7.25 an hour is the lowest they can go due to federal laws.
That's false. They can set a lower rate.



What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.
If they were good ol' Christian, nation loving, god fearin' people, they wouldn't be on the street. They're part of the problem; the canker sore of America. Hell, I'd even go far'say they're probably (modern day equivalent of communist)!


“Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,”

This can't go wrong at fucking all, can it? Because the labor market is a platform of reason, sincerity, and fairness? Right?

That's the argument, no? Just so I know what level of batshit we're dealing with.

I really think these idiots don't understand the vicious the cycle of desperation, the exploitation of that desperation, which increases the desperation, and thus increases the exploitation of that further desperation.

The labor market is amoral. It does not reward hard work, merit, or character. It only rewards leverage.


force push the doodoo rock
Hey I have a fun idea, let's elect fucking idiots to fuck up our country for us. Who's with me?

Bevin is also kind of King Idiot, too.

Kentucky dems really fucked up because he should have lost. A combination of Trump fever and dem apathy gave him just the push he needed. And now shits gonna get run into the ground.

Get ready for a few years of boneheaded laws coming out of Kentucky. This is just the beginning.


Lived one year in Louisville. Glad I am gone!

It's only natural for the GOP to pass their agenda when in a full, and unprecedented majority.

Feel for Kentuckians as I feel for a lot of states including mine that keep electing GOP clowns but, if pain is what it takes to get your butt off to go and vote..then, that might be what's required.
I read an article a few weeks ago about a Kentucky voter who voted for this guy because he was an "outsider". And he did it while needing the state healthcare that Bevins said he would cut. This guy is who Kentucky wanted so they have to deal with it now. It's fucked up but this is what happenes when you vote against your best interests because the guy is an "outsider".


People like this are just unbelievable. I get it; politicians suck and are assholes but I'd rather go with the one who wouldn't end up cutting my health services. This is what the extreme gets you. That and a lack of self interest when voting.


The trend seemed to hold across the state. At Transylvania University, political scientist Andrea Malji said she has crunched state data and found a "99 percent confidence level" between the counties' Medicaid enrollment levels and their gubernatorial choices.

The larger the Medicaid numbers, the more likely they were to back Bevin, she said. The lower the Medicaid numbers, the more likely they were to favor the Democratic nominee, Attorney General Jack Conway.

That is nuts. The more likely Bevin was to hurt them, the more likely they were to vote for him.


I can't believe what I'm reading -- I am shocked. Doesnt being a die hard republican mean refusing Medicaid no matter what ? As it is the complete opposite of what the party stands for .

Hey! She's willing to pay. She even she said she be willing to pay $20 a month for her whole family to receive full comprehensive and preventative healthcare coverage. You know, like the kind other people pay $500+ a month per individual for?

She's already too stupid to vote for her own interest. Why would we expect her to see the absurdity in her own statement?


To be fair, it's not like their local media was helping inform them.

The community's largest-circulation newspaper, the Three Forks Tradition in Beattyville, did not say much about Kynect ahead of the election. Instead, its editorials roasted Obama and Hillary Clinton, gay marriage, Islam, "liberal race peddlers," "liberal media," black criminals and "the radical Black Lives Matter movement."


I dont understand why we take away voting rights of people who commit crimes anyway.

Because somewhere it was deemed more important to give people with a fuse shorter than a suicide bomber a gun than a right to vote at a ballot box.

Also an establishment that got mad that people were able to finally vote, so you make up some bullshit charges to put them under that now suddenly qualify as vote-removal worthy and take voting rights away again.

As far as I'm concerned it should be impossible to lose your right to vote.


Bevin campaigned on this

Highest Medicaid-dependent counties supported Bevin

BOONEVILLE — The 66 percent of Owsley County that gets health coverage through Medicaid now must reconcile itself with the 70 percent that voted for Republican Governor-elect Matt Bevin, who pledged to cut the state's Medicaid program and close the state-run Kynect health insurance exchange.

Lisa Botner, 36, belongs to both camps. A Kynector — a state agent representing Kynect in the field — recently helped Botner sign up for a Wellcare Medicaid card for herself and her 7-year-old son. Without that, Botner said, she couldn't afford the regular doctor's visits and blood tests needed to keep her hyperthyroidism in check.

"If anything changed with our insurance to make it more expensive for us, that would be a big problem," Botner, a community college student, said Friday at the Owsley County Public Library, where she works. "Just with the blood tests, you're talking maybe $1,000 a year without insurance."

Yet two weeks earlier, despite his much-discussed plans to repeal Kynect and toughen eligibility requirements for Medicaid, she voted for Bevin.

"I'm just a die-hard Republican," she said.

Whelp? I mean, what can you say to that? Its callous, but someone is going to have to convince me that she doesn't deserve what she gets, not matter how cold it is, she is literally fucking asking for it.

These people are fucking nuts.
I don't even know what the obvious is. I know their is obvious incentive to do it for republicans when it'll prevent even more blacks from voting

He'll there were even stipulations on the type of felons that could get their rights back.
GOP are like cartoon villains... Seriously, how can anyone with a modicum of intelligence support these fuckers?

I Can't really respect a lot of modern GOP voters. Even if you agree with a few of their policies, the mental gymnastics required to justify that in light of their blatant racism, sexism, classicism, and general kookiness is absurd. As we've seen by examples in this thread, people with little to no justification to vote for them went out and did.
The obvious will suffice.

There is no obvious reason why and I've never heard anyone actually provide one. Even Matt Bevin "supports" giving felons their voting rights but he wants it to go through the legislature(where it will never be put to a vote in the first place).


So to keep black people from voting. Got it.

I never said a thing about race, only about criminal record. If you're having a fictional argument in your mind with statements made by someone else, please go find that person and quote his posts instead.
I never said a thing about race, only about criminal record. If you're having a fictional argument in your mind with statements made by someone else, please go find that person and quote his posts instead.

You said obvious. Let's not pretend that keeping poor and black voters from the polls isn't a huge part of this. The GOP has an outstanding history of attempting to disenfranchise these populations.

Your justification is extremely poor, especially in light of the above - this would disproportionately benefit republicans so the motivation is very clear. Besides that, there a multitude of different felony offenses, with absolutely no justification provided by you as to how that exactly disqualifies one from being able to vote.

Poor decision making is voting for the GOP in Kentucky.
Did Bevins run on an anti gay marriage platform or an anti abortion platform? That stuff is like catnip for dumbasses and it will make people vote against their own self interest. Anyone know?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I never said a thing about race, only about criminal record. If you're having a fictional argument in your mind with statements made by someone else, please go find that person and quote his posts instead.

As long as disproportionate arrest and conviction of African Americans is a thing a discussion about tying voting rights to criminal conviction can't help but be a conversation about race


You said obvious. Let's not pretend that keeping poor and black voters from the polls isn't a huge part of this. The GOP has an outstanding history of attempting to disenfranchise these populations.

I'm not having it. The obvious has to do with a person's behavior, not race. If you want to swoop in and lay a big racial turd on the discussion, do it to someone else.


For the same reason they can't own fire arms. They've proven themselves to be poor decision makers.

Because the ability to vote and participate in a shared future has anything to do with being allowed to own a murder weapon. Makes sense and is in no way pure ideological bullshit.
I'm not having it. The obvious has to do with a person's behavior, not race. If you want to swoop in and lay a big racial turd on the discussion, do it to someone else.

And yet that is the primary reason it's being done. Should we have iq tests for voting too since you seem so concerned about the unintelligent voting?


I'm not having it. The obvious has to do with a person's behavior, not race. If you want to swoop in and lay a big racial turd on the discussion, do it to someone else.

You really can't separate it since the police and courts provably grind arrest XP in minority neighborhoods and arrest black citizens that don't even get a blink from white citizens doing it.

The system is even racist towards the potential for a felony and prison time depending on if the drug is popularly used by white or black people.

Look up the concept of "civil death" and why it's extremely dangerous to remove voting rights from anyone.

Also, once again, they served their sentence.
For the same reason they can't own fire arms. They've proven themselves to be poor decision makers.

Taking people who have been convicted of crimes and then stripping them of rights after they've served a prison sentence sounds like a way to put people in stocks on the town square in modern society, not a way to improve anything.
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