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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Updated version


On a fuckin logo no less. And how long has the Xbox post been up even. Microsoft did irreparable damage to their brand.


Sony will let the 9 floppies rumour fester and fester and then BOOM! They will show their cards and everyone will be Oh Praise Sony
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I would not be surprised if sony were targeting a lower spec ps5 to have a lower entry price as Nintendo have pretty much been leading the way in showing you don't need an expensive showcase machine to wipe the floor with the competition

Not logical.

What works for Nintendo, doenst work for others, what works for others, doesnt work for Nintendo.

Switch is basically handheld system with tv out and how can you call it "low entry" when it launched around 350-380€ and still costs 300-350€? Lite is cheaper but it is also pure handheld system. Switch basically launched almost at the same price as ps4 did.

And switch doesnt wipe the floor with anybody, because there is no competition on handheld space. If we want to compare it we must compare it to 3ds sales and would be even fairer to add wii to that, because it wants to be handheld+home system. Switch sells like shit if compared to 3ds+wii, as it should be compared.

Switch doesnt compete against playstation, because it just cant and there is room for handhelds.

Sony "competes" against xbox, while it is more like Mike Tyson vs some retarded dude to be honest. And they have always tried to output good/great hardware, and it works.

Nintendo on other hand tries to output low quality, slow and old hardware(gamecube were their last real home system with good specs) but sell it for premium price because sadly their main audience isnt tech sawwy and buy almost anything from them.

I have switch too because I got it with 150€ by trading stuff I didnt need, and it doesnt feel like 350€ item, it feels like 150e item. Vita on otherhand still feels like premium item.

My point is, it is smart for Nintendo to sell cheaply made slow systems for way too high price with high margins, because they still sell on some areas(mainly us/japan/some countries) and it is smart for Sony to sell fast as possible systems for fair price/small loss because they sell well all around the globe.

(I have seen sony consoles to be sold out in Finland on every gen, I even saw wii u to be sold out. Switch werent sold out even on launch week at all, maybe in few cities but never seen empty switch shelf in my city + 3 others. So switch arent as universally popular as playstation is)
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lol you said all this as if Microsoft revealed their hand moments after the wired article. Microsoft dropped all this less than a year before the launch of both consoles, and the console still isn't fully revealed as it were. Whatever design sony is going with holiday 2020 was already pretty much set in stone by VGAs and it can't be changed without significant r&d going out the window and a significant delay. If they have some major surprise up their sleeves, so be it, but right now this doesn't at all look like a Sony that is all the way confident in what they have compared to what Xbox has.

Keep in mind what I'm saying here. I'm not saying Sony won't have an amazing system. They have every reason to believe strongly in the system they've designed and that their first party teams will do unbelievable generation defining work on it, but Sony currently seems to me like Microsoft may have caught them off guard this time. If I'm wrong, I welcome it.

But you're almost always wrong.

Messing with their regularly scheduled programming is all. I knew I was going to be banned. And the reasoning is absolute garbage haha. I knew I'd be banned, and even so refused to stop defending what I was saying and giving my view. If they know me well enough, they'd know I never get intimidated even when I know bias mods are lurking looking for any excuse to ban me.

Of course you knew you'll be banned! LOL. Because you tried to push your own narrative that PS5 won't have RT.

Like i said about you few days ago about you : ( https://www.neogaf.com/threads/next...-leaks-thread.1480978/page-494#post-256421272 )

Phil Spencer at E3 last year - Project Scarlet will have hardware accelerated RT - no doubt at all, i REALLY LOVE PHIL SPENCER
Mark Cerny - PS5 will have hardware accelerated RT - doubt, more clear proof, doesn't seem all the way right with their messaging, i have strong doubts.

Now slide show showed again :


Fucking doubt it will have hardware based RT. According to your tweet :

So, then, doubt it will have SSD too. SSD is a fucking lie.

There are still some people in here arguing it doesn't have any ray tracing hardware
Pretty sure someone here tried to tell me Sony didn’t have RT cores while MS did :messenger_tears_of_joy:.

It's a sight to behold. And very a sad one. LOL
Looking at the latest AMD 5600 xt card at $279 price point, it makes you wonder how high is the price going to be for next gen consoles with 9-12tf machines. 🤔
Here's a hint.
It's overpriced.
They're all overpriced.
Desktop GPUs are high margin. Console APUs are low margin.

The GPU market is stupidly inflated after Pascal released with the mining boom. And then Nvidia decided to jack things up even further with Turing.

Is this real or it's another fake ?

AMD said it's fake :

Phil dont want AMD see their console
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MS already proved that they are very capable of building a console with high clock speeds and innovative thermal management. Look what they did with the Xbox One X. Now imagine what they can do with the form factor of the Xbox Series X. Sony will probably keep its conservative console design alive with the PS5 which means less room for high clockspeeds and more traditional thermal management. My guess is the following: PS5 - 9.8 teraflops; Xbox Series X - 12.3 teraflops.

I think Sony does not care that much about sheer numbers. Look at the PS4 first party game lineup and tell my why they should. Their first party titles are strong and renowned, in fact so strong that they pushed the PS4 sales over 100m lifetime sales. That console will still sell very well even if they release the PS5. Sony is confident and on its all time high. Sonys Playstation brand will continue to grow even if their new console will have less horsepower then the Xbox Series X. (which we neither can confirm or deny at this point)

However It will be very intersting to see how Microsofts efforts of picking up studios for their first party titles will work out. Surely their Xbox one lineup wasnt half as strong as Sonys first party lineup but they will try to get close to that. MS picked up so many renowned studios and they will continue to bring more great first party titles to its platform.

Microsofts big advantage in the next console gen will be that they only compete with Sony on one platform. However MS has gamepass and dont forget that MS is also on PC. Sony stayed out of that market for many years now and they will probably never enter it. So both, Microsoft and Sony are just calm and they will both try to innovate. Whether its the way we enjoy the medium it self or just hardware vise.

Im excited for both "sides" and I think I can speak for all of us here in the gaf that the next "decade" of gaming will be even more great and amazing then the previous one.


MS already proved that they are very capable of building a console with high clock speeds and innovative thermal management. Look what they did with the Xbox One X. Now imagine what they can do with the form factor of the Xbox Series X. Sony will probably keep its conservative console design alive with the PS5 which means less room for high clockspeeds and more traditional thermal management. My guess is the following: PS5 - 9.8 teraflops; Xbox Series X - 12.3 teraflops.

I think Sony does not care that much about sheer numbers. Look at the PS4 first party game lineup and tell my why they should. Their first party titles are strong and renowned, in fact so strong that they pushed the PS4 sales over 100m lifetime sales. That console will still sell very well even if they release the PS5. Sony is confident and on its all time high. Sonys Playstation brand will continue to grow even if their new console will have less horsepower then the Xbox Series X. (which we neither can confirm or deny at this point)

However It will be very intersting to see how Microsofts efforts of picking up studios for their first party titles will work out. Surely their Xbox one lineup wasnt half as strong as Sonys first party lineup but they will try to get close to that. MS picked up so many renowned studios and they will continue to bring more great first party titles to its platform.

Microsofts big advantage in the next console gen will be that they only compete with Sony on one platform. However MS has gamepass and dont forget that MS is also on PC. Sony stayed out of that market for many years now and they will probably never enter it. So both, Microsoft and Sony are just calm and they will both try to innovate. Whether its the way we enjoy the medium it self or just hardware vise.

Im excited for both "sides" and I think I can speak for all of us here in the gaf that the next "decade" of gaming will be even more great and amazing then the previous one.

*This message has been brought to you by MS.


But you're almost always wrong.

Of course you knew you'll be banned! LOL. Because you tried to push your own narrative that PS5 won't have RT.

Like i said about you few days ago about you : ( https://www.neogaf.com/threads/next...-leaks-thread.1480978/page-494#post-256421272 )

Phil Spencer at E3 last year - Project Scarlet will have hardware accelerated RT - no doubt at all, i REALLY LOVE PHIL SPENCER
Mark Cerny - PS5 will have hardware accelerated RT - doubt, more clear proof, doesn't seem all the way right with their messaging, i have strong doubts.

Now slide show showed again :


Fucking doubt it will have hardware based RT. According to your tweet :

So, then, doubt it will have SSD too. SSD is a fucking lie.

It's a sight to behold. And very a sad one. LOL

Holyshit i missed his meltdown on Ree. Lol permaban. Now he needs to go away from here too with his RT conspiracies. Another one of misterxmedia’s pupil?


AMD said it's fake :

Phil dont want AMD see their console
No Kinect input. Clearly fake.


The way I see it sony showed everyone how much money they have reporting the sales of PS4 games and hardware.

They said the console would show unprecedented speed which is basically all ms said at their first reveal. (The wired articles aren't really reveals)

We all expected Feb to be the time for cerny to take the stage we just got whipped up into a frenzy because Osiris got info ps5 would be a part of the event.

Turns out he was correct but Sony didn't go as far as we'd all hoped.

Logically I don't think anyone really expected more from a general tech. show.

I think ps5 just sat well with the overall Sony message so was included at CES.

Roll on Sony's reveal event.

Hopefully now Sony are officially talking about it we will see more leaks.


I thought AMD will say something about RDNA2 GPU's since their 2080ti killer was rumored to launch in the near future, yet there was nothing. All we have learned is next gen consoles will launch next year 😅 (according to blonde girl with long and shiny wavy hair, she was scared to death and I think she hates public speaking😃)
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SenjutsuSage SenjutsuSage you went all crazy today with conspiracy that sony doesn't have hardware RT and got Perma banned in the other site. was it worth it ?
especially when sony will talk about in feb meeting.come on man .some common sense would have been enough to not do those things. expected better from you man.
Getting banned on Era means you're doing something right, should be a badge of honor for having a personality
Using an ERA account ban as a legitimate reason to refute his claims is far from effective. Those poor saps over there ban you for the stupidest of reasons.
his proof is jim ryan forgot to say it eventhough it was written on the slide behind him. is that really a proof he is offering that sony is lying?come on man


in his case not really. he is basically saying sony is consistently lying without offering any proof. it is ban worthy as it derails discussions
Oh so you want him banned for having a different opinion than yours and for hypothesizing? There's another forum I think you'd really enjoy....no differences of opinions and discussions allowed, must believe what you're told
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Using an ERA account ban as a legitimate reason to refute his claims is far from effective. Those poor saps over there ban you for the stupidest of reasons.

He did something similar here during 2016. Yep, he was banned then.

And also, double standards. He is so transparent, you know.

Phil Spencer at E3 last year - Project Scarlet will have hardware accelerated RT - no doubt at all, i REALLY LOVE PHIL SPENCER
Mark Cerny - PS5 will have hardware accelerated RT - doubt, more clear proof, doesn't seem all the way right with their messaging, i have strong doubts.

I think you get it. One platform ( in this case which he prefers ) has hardware RT, one ( in this case which he doesn't prefer ) doesn't have hardware RT, although it's CONFIRMED MULTIPLE times. And DELIBERATELY still claiming it doesn't have it and doubting is really stupid
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2080ti killer was rumored to launch in the near future,
It's so close to ampere (so people would downplay it with "too late", "wait for Ampere" anywhay, wasted investement) it didn't make much sense, unless there was a cheap way for AMD to produce 350mm2 chip.

And here there wasn't, there go the 14TF predictions.

The GPU market is stupidly inflated after Pascal released with the mining boom
No, mining boom had nothing to do with it.
People buying "next gen" NV GPUs with stale perf/$ is.


The rhetoric in this thread has become hilarious now....Sony are shook that Microsoft are so powerful they are scrambing before the PS5 meeting.........or..........Sony are so confident of the PS5 power they are just biding their time before unleashing all at the PS5 meeting.
I think Microsoft is doing really well creating hype, but to claim Sony are underdog or are on backfooot is ludicrous and laughable.
Oh so you want him banned for having a different opinion than yours and for hypothesizing? There's another forum I think you'd really enjoy....no differences of opinions and discussions allowed, must believe what you're told
i dont want him banned . i want him not to create lies based on his feelings and derail thread discussion because of it. Sony has confirmed on multiple occasion that PS5 has HWRT . end of story.different opinion shouldn't change facts.

anyways lets get back on topic of next gen.


Its simple
Good positive press = Good for company
Bad negative press = Bad for company.

Why do you think companies like Sony pay PR and Marketing companies millions and millions to work out how to put the most positive spin on their products as possible?
Because it matters.
It defies logic to think that Sony would be happy with how much the 9.2tflops gimped hardware talk has taken up of the narrative.
If they could easily have struck it down, they would have. Now as I have said in another post, I think Sony aren't 100% sure of where there system will end up. Is the 2.0ghz 9.2tflop just too hot? Do they make some last minute, expensive additions to their APU? I think they are scrambling.
MS isnt scrambling. They seem pretty content with where they sit. Hardware wise any ways.
But there is not actual negative press facts.... only rumors that only people that in forum discuss.

When PS5 is finally announced in a proper event nothing of these rumors will matter.
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I know this sounds crazy but here me out. I remember when titan fall was revealed as an Xbox one exclusive it seemed analogous to Microsoft a tech titan “falling” from grace post 360 days. Now, with Sony we see “god fall” as an exclusive and the way things are trending seems kind of analogous to them. They may not be the titan that Microsoft are but certainly rule the roost currently. Maybe the signs and symbols have been before us this whole time? The fates tell us what will happen if you know what to look for?


The two biggest gaming forums = Reset and Gaf. This topic has been the biggest thing on them since the AMD leaks.
The biggest gaming YouTube channel DF did a video on it basically saying that it indeed looks like the PS5 will be a 9.2tflop console and that the XSX will have 56cus and will be more powerful.
Type into Google PS5 news, and the 9.2tflop issue comes up.
Go onto Twitter and look at what people are saying about PS5 and it's all about the AMD leaks.
Just because soccer mum Betty down the road doesnt know about it, all the hardcore gamers who are first adopters, spend the most money, buy the most games, they well and truly know about it.
Hardcore gamer already has it buy set no matter what MS or Sony shows.

BTW do you realize nobody knows the TFs of MS console and it could be 9.2TFs too?
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Not at all. The talk about Sony having 4gigs came about when Sony actually was going to use 4gig. Their decision to change was so close to the reveal, it wasnt worth making anything of it.

And with regards to RT, you are actually proving my point for me. Sony DID address it. It only took 10 days for Sony to set the record straight. The AMD leaks have been out for far longer than the RT question was. It's got FAR more press and buzz than the RT thing ever did, and Sony hasn't gone anywhere near setting the record straight. Most likely because the record is straight. The 36CUs is what the machine is.

So you points prove my side of the argument, so im not sure why you keep pushing them.
Sony addressed RT in both wired articles months ago lol
They just repeated the picture yesterday.

To you see how crazy the rumor about PS5 not having RT is when months before Sony announced PS5 with hardware RT.

Hater keep creating rumors based in nothing and that basically doesn’t affect Sony plans in any way.
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It's probably 12 GCN flops. Wait for it to come out...
That wouldn't make sense since you would have more than 100mm left and I don't think they need than 100+ for RT alone. If the chip is built on N7+ then they could do it without problems, otherwise I'm not sure how they can fit all that there.
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It's probably 12 GCN flops. Wait for it to come out...
No I tend to believe Klee and he immediately after the tga said it’s a little above 12 Navi tf . However we have to keep in mind that’s the target spec. So they might get close to it but not hit it like 11.8 or something in that range .
Did either komachi or rogen reveal anymore details about Oberon revision from yesterday? That seems to have been buried
People started asking him too many questions and he deleted . Last time he said he will not post anything console related due to many questions he gets .
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