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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Just exposing him, he predict something gonna happen because he heard it from sources then... it doesn't happen, oh well guys it's last minute change of plans sony pulled the plug...
the same technic fake insiders use for thirsty people.
He was right though so you did not expose anything.
He said Sony will talk about PS5 at CES and that happens.
He said the specs talk will be on February event and that needs time to confirmed.

You can't twist things if you want to be fair.
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Yep its gonna be rough on some of you guys. Enjoy the orisis black fantasy and klee chomping wood stories 😂. When feb comes and goes I wonder what will happen. Thanks for following me and being a fan on twitter 😂
Who said anything about me believing them? Also I dont follow you Im a fan of BlackB0nd and how he always clowns you. How are those xbox exclysives coming? Wait till next E3 am I right!?


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I guess its only ok to tell me things like you will see. One thing i been has always been consistent on this. Power matters, Xbox wont be slightly less powerful. Its not about me antagonizing others, just responding to those that claimed id be shut up . It continues. Feb next up .
If power matter so much then why is the Switch beating the X in terms of sales....hell even the playstation slim.....oh wait oh um oh yeah....games..!!
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Nah. There is a heap of negative press about the situation with the PS5. DF videos, Twitter, Forums, etc. Sony would hate that situation and if it wasn't true, they would say something. Remember when people said Cerny didn't specify hardware RT? He came out and clarified it. He didn't want a negative narrative out there. They plan these reveals perfectly to keep up interest and hype. These AMD leaks have smashed the PS5. They would have done something to correct that by now if it wasnt true.

Cerny clarified it after 6 months. Yes, 6 months. Sony is relaxed that has a long game plan while MS is scrambling to get attention. :messenger_winking:


one thing is weird. MS now has final chip delivered from AMD for XSX (from the pictures) and yet sony doesnt have that even though they started the development of PS5 2 years ahead of MS. Why is that?
For all we know they already have theirs and are just not being reactionary and just doing what a market leader should do, play the game on their own terms.
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Who said anything about me believing them? Also I dont follow you Im a fan of BlackB0nd and how he always clowns you. How are those xbox exclysives coming? Wait till next E3 am I right!?
Huh? MS announced like 3 exclusives since last E3.. And obviously there will be a lot more when they fully reveal Series X.
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Now I hope we can all agree that Series X will be at least 11.3 tflops Navi and can forget about that 12 tflops GCN BS. It's exciting consoles are hitting these levels, a year ago I would have never imagined next gen consoles would be this powerful.


Lol you sure about that? I think Times running out brother
So let's get this straight, you know nothing about ps5 and they have revealed no specs. The one leak we've had has proven irrelevant. Most people in the know are saying ps5 has the advantage.

Yet you are still going with your narrative Xbox is stronger because you believe double x one X means 12 tflops because that's how one website interpreted Phil's vague comments.

lets assume the ps5 9.2 tflop rumour is true for the devkits that were out in the wild. It at worst it's on par or in most Devs opinion slightly better performing.

What does that say about the Xbox?

Certainly not telling me it's a 12 tflop box if ps5 is only 9.2.

I know fanboys don't like facts but come on now how exactly is your brain coming to terms with this info and still claiming Xbox is some kind of all conquering beast?

Have you convinced yourself this is because the ps5s ray tracing is far better so games with RT will be similar but you don't care about RT so you will enjoy the full 12 tflops when you disable it?

Just trying to understand how you can ignore absolutely everything other than vague comments from Phil that to most sane people scream not actual 12tflops at all. We calculated it's twice the power blah blah. No creative maths required it it was 12 tflops.
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So let's get this straight, you know nothing about ps5 and they have revealed no specs. The one leak we've had has proven irrelevant. Most people in the know are saying ps5 has the advantage.

Yet you are still going with your narrative Xbox is stronger because you believe double x one X means 12 tflops because that's how one website interpreted Phil's vague comments.

lets assume the ps5 9.2 tflop rumour is true for the devkits that were out in the wild is true. It at worst it's on par or in most Devs opinion slightly better performing.

What does that say about the Xbox?

Certainly not telling me it's a 12 tflop box if ps5 is only 9.2.

I know fanboys don't like facts but come on now how exactly is your brain coming to terms with this info and still claiming Xbox is some kind of all conquering beast?

Have you convinced yourself this is because the ps5s ray tracing is far better so games with RT will be similar but you don't care about RT so you will enjoy the full 12 tflops when you disable it?

Just trying to understand how you can ignore absolutely everything other than vague comments from Phil that to most sane people scream not actual 12tflops at all. We calculated it's twice the power blah blah. No creative maths required it it was 12 tflops.
He is TimDog... you won't make him have sense... he is part of the crapgame xbox gang... they will spread FUD how many times they needs to.
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one thing is weird. MS now has final chip delivered from AMD for XSX (from the pictures) and yet sony doesnt have that even though they started the development of PS5 2 years ahead of MS. Why is that?

They probably planned to be early so they could be sure to make enough for both XSX and Lockhart.


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Huh? MS announced like 3 exclusives since last E3.. And obviously there will be a lot more when they fully reveal Series X.
Sure are those games going to be system sellers or critically acclaimed, or we looking at another State of Decay
one thing is weird. MS now has final chip delivered from AMD for XSX (from the pictures) and yet sony doesnt have that even though they started the development of PS5 2 years ahead of MS. Why is that?

It's not unusual for companies to have different R&D strategies, MS's approach has always been to start later and turn-up quickly, that has it's ups and downs in equal measure. I would expect Sony's chip to be more customized that MS's. Also, it's important to note that Sony may have their silicone also, they just aren't showing it around.


Sure are those games going to be system sellers or critically acclaimed, or we looking at another State of Decay
The Hellblade 2 and Everwild trailers were jaw-dropping. Grounded looks like a fun and unique AA game. DIdn't State of Decay perform really well lol? If we're going by what Osiris said it sounds like Xbox is going to have an awesome launch lineup. Xbox has 15+ studios now and we're already seeing the results of that.
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Gold Member
That’s a large piece of silicon. I can’t imagine any price but $599

Maybe 549? 599 won't be surprising at all though. 499 is going to be difficult when they launched X at 499 with outdated tech just couple of years go.

“I would say a learning from the Xbox One generation is we will not be out of position on power or price,” says Phil Spencer, Microsoft’s Xbox and gaming chief, in an interview with The Verge. “If you remember the beginning of this generation we were a hundred dollars more expensive and yes, we were less powerful. And we started Project Scarlett with this leadership team in place with a goal of having market success.”

But keep trying to push that price up to make it look bad.


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Can we all agree that TimDog should get banned? The guy is bringing his Twitter war over here and starting unnecessary arguments.
Gave me a good idea
Hey XcloudTimdog XcloudTimdog I bet you my account that regardless of who has the power edge that this Holiday season up until the beginning of Jan 2021 after the new year that the PS5 outsells the Xbox Series X in terms of sales. Loser catches a ban on their account here for life.


from that Chinese manufacturing forum(which have been accurate on many stuff). they said oberon is not ready yet and getting many enhancements hopefully it can be ready by end of 2020.
These chips MS is showing is not the final production chip.
It is probably the test chips too.

Every time you do a new revision for tests you need to build a full Wafer of chips... of course in the case of a near 400mm2 chip it will give you less than 70 chips and from these these tests wafers the number of functional (good) chips are really... let's say 30 chips are good for each revision.

These are the chips (tests and defectives) that TI people trend to collect like a trophy for their creation.
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
The Hellblade 2 and Everwild trailers were jaw-dropping. Grounded looks like a fun and unique AA game. DIdn't State of Decay perform really well lol? If we're going by what Osiris said it sounds like Xbox is going to have an awesome launch lineup. Xbox has 15+ studios now and we're already seeing the results of that.
Xbox can have a fine launch line up hell itll prob be better than Sony's but the key to the matter is that xbox staggers off atleast 2-3 years in and cant ever keep up. And sorry but you cant tell me a game looks good when you saw no gameplay and all you saw was a woman chanting in tongues, that dont fly and "well that looks good"
Rumors of the PS5 not having raytracing first came up on December 27, but it wasn't until 1.5 weeks later that this rumor was ultimately debunked. And the way hardware raytracing was announced was more "Here it is. Moving on" and less so in response to something.

So why would Sony wait that long, and not make sure to tell everyone that the rumor was completely false and that they should calm down? Could it be that much of negative reactions were limited to everyday internet users and not so much from the folks of the business sphere?

That's completely possible (and I remember the PS5 no RT thing coming from that Github doc but only the most hardened of fanboys tried acting like that part was true; logical assumption was that RT wasn't tested therefore no need to list it in the specifications). But here's the other half of the coin: the vast majority of early adopters are hardcore and core console gamers...the very same types that often frequent forums like this, and watch the rumor/leak videos on these next-gen systems.

So no, all this stuff isn't reaching Suzan or Timothy who work at the office, but then again, Suzan and Timothy usually aren't the early adopters. It's people like "TehPowah3293", who posts their gaming rig and hangs out online talking about games, hardware, graphics etc. . And to those types, these rumors/leaks (and the narratives that form around them) matter.

If you want proof, look no further back than late 2012/2013 when those terrible XBO rumors/leaks started popping up. Was MS being quiet because they had some master ace card up their sleeve to play at just the right moment? Or were they quiet because they knew on some level that stuff was true and they were looking for an opportunity to frame it to their advantage?

We saw what they did and we know what happened afterwards.

Now I'm not saying Sony's in anywhere near that type of situation; other than a potential power deficit all else surrounding PS5 is relatively positive (and even the power deficit, if it turns out true, isn't too big a deal at least for me personally. And Sony could be clever in how they address it by indirectly addressing it). However, just like MS back then, Sony's just kind of...staying quiet and not debunking anything, when they know the people talking about this stuff are more or less the first to buy these new systems. So that at least tells me that Sony might be conceding to these things being true, and they're just waiting for the opportunity to frame the discussion in a way that mitigates the deficit as a talking point.

If I were Sony in such a position, that opportunity would be the PS Meeting next month, and I'd simply put out some damn good-looking gameplay footage showing off hardware power and clever artistic talent of 1st-party studios. Let the games do the talking. MS's done a lot of good with XSX so far but they've yet to show an actual in-game play segment (probably because they're waiting until E3). If Sony comes out at PS Meeting with, say, a live playable demo of GT8 on a near-final PS5 retail unit, controller visible, and it's visually stunning, then they don't HAVE to talk about the specs. They can simply shift the narrative to gameplay showing off the visuals. It's a clever way to turn a potentially negative bullet point (hardware power vs. XSX) into a positive.

But this idea that Sony's got some McGuffin of a super-powerful, super-hidden hardware beast just waiting around to "gotcha" Microsoft...I think it's time to give up that fantasy. Patterns are playing out for Sony right now the same way they did for Microsoft going back late 2012 into 2013. The big benefit in Sony's case is they aren't shooting themselves in the foot with absolute dogshit decisions in ill-informed "TV TV TV, hey did we mention we have a Halo TV series in the works (that never came out)! $150 Kinect albatross camera!!!" messaging.

So overall, the narrative for Sony and PS5 right now is nowhere near as bad as things were for Microsoft and XBO leading into the start of this generation. But right now, in terms of hardcore/core gamers and early adopters, who do factor hardware power into the mix, it seems like MS has the advantage and it's very likely going to remain that way. But as we all know, power isn't the only thing that matters and that's where we're more or less certain Sony will excel and where many are very curious/interested to see Microsoft truly get competitive in again.


you dont mass produce test chips though and it seems they have had so many produced.
You have to produce a wafer of tests chips... that is about 70 or more chips of 400mm2.
There is no way to produce less than that.

They showed like 8 chips? That is way less tests chips than they have in hands lol

One wafer looks about that got chips not big enough to reach 400mm2:


The chips they showed can be old test revisions and not the actual tests revisions.
In any case they are not production chips.
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Xbox can have a fine launch line up hell itll prob be better than Sony's but the key to the matter is that xbox staggers off atleast 2-3 years in and cant ever keep up. And sorry but you cant tell me a game looks good when you saw no gameplay and all you saw was a woman chanting in tongues, that dont fly and "well that looks good"
Xbox has 15+ studios now (and will undoubtedly have more by the time Series X launches), they'll have no problem keeping up.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Any word, why the SoC have copper IHS? That thing probably going to draw a lot of power... Or maybe it's just for show purposes?.
Lol. It's a really easy point to grasp.
If Sony were quick to address the questions about RT within a pretty short amount of time because it was inaccurate, yet they havent addresses the AMD leaks, which is far bigger in terms of how much airtime (steam for those who understand) it is getting then that tells you something, if you're not a fanboy that is.
If you cant follow that, then there's not much I can do for you.
Ad nauseam fallacy. You're just repeating the same claim with different wording. You already 3 pieces of evidence that goes against your claim, none of which you have successfully refuted:
  1. Sony did not immediately address rumors of the PS4 only having 4 GB of RAM. Later in February, Sony announced that it would have 8 GB of RAM. Whether 4 GB were originally planned or not did not matter.
  2. Sony also did not quickly address rumors of the PS4 having the same kind of DRM as the Xbox One after the latte's reveal. Instead, they remained quiet until E3 as a strategic move. This is why the possibility of Sony staying silent on the PS5 specs for a "surprise" (it's only a surprise for the people who keep believing unconfirmed rumors). holds merit.
  3. Sony did not quickly address rumors of the PS5 not having raytracing. Rumors of it began floating around in December 27, 2019. It was not until January 6, 2020 where Sony proved those rumors to be false. That is 1.5 weeks later, which is not immediate.
You have not shown any historical pattern of Sony immediately shooting down negative rumors. For you claim to hold any credibility, you need to provide several examples and show the amount of time elapsed between every negative rumor that began going around to when Sony addressed it. You need to show that it has been a consistent pattern, not just a few moments here and there.

For example, look at how people reacted to Microsoft not reporting the MAU anymore. Why did they react so strongly? Because for the vast majority of the generation (IIRC, starting in 2014), Microsoft reported the MAU every quarter. However, last fiscal quarter, Microsoft didn't report their MAU even though Gamepass should theoretically boost those numbers. That deviation from the norm was significant.

TL;DR version - You failed to make rebuttals against the counterexamples to your claim and did not prove that historically, Sony addresses "negative" rumors immediately.


MS already proved that they are very capable of building a console with high clock speeds and innovative thermal management. Look what they did with the Xbox One X. Now imagine what they can do with the form factor of the Xbox Series X. Sony will probably keep its conservative console design alive with the PS5 which means less room for high clockspeeds and more traditional thermal management. My guess is the following: PS5 - 9.8 teraflops; Xbox Series X - 12.3 teraflops.

The only thing they proved is that people eat up PR without questioning any of it.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Unless you build a true monster for the enthusiast crowd and have a low cost entry level option :)

They could do that, but, at that point, wouldn’t you just buy/build a PC for the monster version in terms of XBOX? The only benefit I’d see to it being built by MS would be that devs can nail down what top end specs would be for optimization.


It's not unusual for companies to have different R&D strategies, MS's approach has always been to start later and turn-up quickly, that has it's ups and downs in equal measure. I would expect Sony's chip to be more customized that MS's. Also, it's important to note that Sony may have their silicone also, they just aren't showing it around.

Feels like Sony is waiting for EUV. MS likely wants to keep production issues minimized with the need to create 2 SKUs and for what they hope to be much more demand with Lockhart. Makes sense for them to be already in line for production.



When it comes to 8K 120fps GT trailer I really dont believe it was rendered in real time. However I think 10TF Navi GPU should run some games at 8K 30fps, and especially with checkerboard rendering and VRS.

Here's radeon 7 running games at 8K. Some games run at 30fps and nearly 60fps on Titan RTX.
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from that Chinese manufacturing forum(which have been accurate on many stuff). they said oberon is not ready yet and getting many enhancements hopefully it can be ready by end of 2020.(thats what he said)
Matt said not to pay attention to the github leaks as indication of anything. Oberon doesn't have ray tracing (which was confirmed again for PS5 last night) and at realistic clocks it would be 8 teraflops. Maybe it is not PS5.
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Xbox has 15+ studios now (and will undoubtedly have more by the time Series X launches), they'll have no problem keeping up.
You sure about that because history says other wise, its great they have new acquisitions but it hasnt been proven yet, also I bet the majority of playstation games not only score better but also outsell the xbox ones
That's completely possible (and I remember the PS5 no RT thing coming from that Github doc but only the most hardened of fanboys tried acting like that part was true; logical assumption was that RT wasn't tested therefore no need to list it in the specifications). But here's the other half of the coin: the vast majority of early adopters are hardcore and core console gamers...the very same types that often frequent forums like this, and watch the rumor/leak videos on these next-gen systems.

So no, all this stuff isn't reaching Suzan or Timothy who work at the office, but then again, Suzan and Timothy usually aren't the early adopters. It's people like "TehPowah3293", who posts their gaming rig and hangs out online talking about games, hardware, graphics etc. . And to those types, these rumors/leaks (and the narratives that form around them) matter.

If you want proof, look no further back than late 2012/2013 when those terrible XBO rumors/leaks started popping up. Was MS being quiet because they had some master ace card up their sleeve to play at just the right moment? Or were they quiet because they knew on some level that stuff was true and they were looking for an opportunity to frame it to their advantage?

We saw what they did and we know what happened afterwards.

Now I'm not saying Sony's in anywhere near that type of situation; other than a potential power deficit all else surrounding PS5 is relatively positive (and even the power deficit, if it turns out true, isn't too big a deal at least for me personally. And Sony could be clever in how they address it by indirectly addressing it). However, just like MS back then, Sony's just kind of...staying quiet and not debunking anything, when they know the people talking about this stuff are more or less the first to buy these new systems. So that at least tells me that Sony might be conceding to these things being true, and they're just waiting for the opportunity to frame the discussion in a way that mitigates the deficit as a talking point.

If I were Sony in such a position, that opportunity would be the PS Meeting next month, and I'd simply put out some damn good-looking gameplay footage showing off hardware power and clever artistic talent of 1st-party studios. Let the games do the talking. MS's done a lot of good with XSX so far but they've yet to show an actual in-game play segment (probably because they're waiting until E3). If Sony comes out at PS Meeting with, say, a live playable demo of GT8 on a near-final PS5 retail unit, controller visible, and it's visually stunning, then they don't HAVE to talk about the specs. They can simply shift the narrative to gameplay showing off the visuals. It's a clever way to turn a potentially negative bullet point (hardware power vs. XSX) into a positive.

But this idea that Sony's got some McGuffin of a super-powerful, super-hidden hardware beast just waiting around to "gotcha" Microsoft...I think it's time to give up that fantasy. Patterns are playing out for Sony right now the same way they did for Microsoft going back late 2012 into 2013. The big benefit in Sony's case is they aren't shooting themselves in the foot with absolute dogshit decisions in ill-informed "TV TV TV, hey did we mention we have a Halo TV series in the works (that never came out)! $150 Kinect albatross camera!!!" messaging.

So overall, the narrative for Sony and PS5 right now is nowhere near as bad as things were for Microsoft and XBO leading into the start of this generation. But right now, in terms of hardcore/core gamers and early adopters, who do factor hardware power into the mix, it seems like MS has the advantage and it's very likely going to remain that way. But as we all know, power isn't the only thing that matters and that's where we're more or less certain Sony will excel and where many are very curious/interested to see Microsoft truly get competitive in again.
sony doesnt respond to any rumor in general. it was reported many times that PS4 has 4gb they didnt correct that. it has been said by micheal pachter that PS5 is 1000$ they didnt address that eventhough it led to many articles. the Japanese analyist said they will launch 2 models they didnt answer that and so on. its not their style
Matt said not to pay attention to the github leaks as indication of anything. Oberon doesn't have ray tracing (which was confirmed again for PS5 last night) and at realistic clocks it would be 8 teraflops. Maybe it is not PS5.
i m not talking about github asi m aware that info is old. i m talking about the chinese forum where they leaked the PCB and stuff for next gen.
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