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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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That is insignificant if the negative press isn't even widespread to begin with nor has it tipped the scales in a substantial way.
Prior to the AMD leaks, these forums and gaming circles were all buzzing about how Sony was gonna be 13tflops, and MS was less powerful. It was all blue skies for Sony. All the questions were about MS.
If you honestly think the AMD leaks hasn't totally flipped the PS5 narrative on these forums then you havent been reading them.
It has had an effect, and not a good one. If Sony could click their fingers and make that AMD leak disappear, do you think they would be clicking their fingers?


Lord of Edge.
[Me to a random cat on the street]



Prior to the AMD leaks, these forums and gaming circles were all buzzing about how Sony was gonna be 13tflops, and MS was less powerful. It was all blue skies for Sony. All the questions were about MS.
If you honestly think the AMD leaks hasn't totally flipped the PS5 narrative on these forums then you havent been reading them.
It has had an effect, and not a good one. If Sony could click their fingers and make that AMD leak disappear, do you think they would be clicking their fingers?
The moment Sony says something particular about Specs - it'll flip back just as fast. And we have like 10-11 more month to change narrative in any possible way, so current "negative sentiment" will looks like a joke.
It would be bad if we have this narrative and consoles would be launching in 2 months - not much time to change narrative, but for 10+ months - who cares, sentiment will change several times in this period.
So now you're moving the goalposts to the amount of "steam" the "bad press" has, of which you have not been able to quantify the amount. Like I said, haphazard conjecture.
Do you even English? Do you know what steam means? You are literally trying too hard here.
No goal posts have moved. Having more steam means it is far bigger. So that means that the RT talk was minor compared to the AMD leak. Like the AMD leak is 100 times more than the RT.
You seem agigtated, scared and trigered to be honest with responses you are posting here. Chill dude. Ps is a global gaming juggernaut that doesnt need to answer everything ms do. They have their own schedule . Nothing reactionary needed when u r confident.u lead u dont follow 😉
Hardly. If you have read my posts you would see I want Sony to also have 12tflops. Im not scared of Sony putting out a powerful system. I have said I also want Nintendo to do one as well.
This is called sharing opinions, which is the whole point of these forums.
The two biggest gaming forums = Reset and Gaf. This topic has been the biggest thing on them since the AMD leaks.
The biggest gaming YouTube channel DF did a video on it basically saying that it indeed looks like the PS5 will be a 9.2tflop console and that the XSX will have 56cus and will be more powerful.
Type into Google PS5 news, and the 9.2tflop issue comes up.
Go onto Twitter and look at what people are saying about PS5 and it's all about the AMD leaks.
Just because soccer mum Betty down the road doesnt know about it, all the hardcore gamers who are first adopters, spend the most money, buy the most games, they well and truly know about it.
This is not quantifiable and you have given no evidence that "all the hardcore gamers" are aware. The fact that a substantial amount of those hardcore games are skeptical and are just waiting for the official reveal is also a major counterargument against this bogus claim. Try again.

Not at all. The talk about Sony having 4gigs came about when Sony actually was going to use 4gig. Their decision to change was so close to the reveal, it wasnt worth making anything of it.
So my point still stands. Not sure why you're so hung up about this...

And with regards to RT, you are actually proving my point for me. Sony DID address it. It only took 10 days for Sony to set the record straight. The AMD leaks have been out for far longer than the RT question was. It's got FAR more press and buzz than the RT thing ever did, and Sony hasn't gone anywhere near setting the record straight.
Yes, the evidence that refutes your claim somehow supports your claim. Fantastic mental gymnastics. 10 days is not immediate.

Most likely because the record is straight. The 36CUs is what the machine is.
Continue on with this Affirming the Consequent fallacy. If you repeat it ad nauseam, it must be true.

So you points prove my side of the argument, so im not sure why you keep pushing them.
And with a side of the Proof by Assertion fallacy.

Here's another piece of counterevidence. After the XB1 reveal, rumors began floating around that the PS4 would also use the same type of DRM. Sony did not immediately shoot down this rumor. Instead, they stayed silent until E3. This is why Ethomaz's argument has some merit because Sony has intentionally stayed silent to gain a strategic advantage.

Your claim would only hold water if Sony has established a consistent history like what MS has done with the announcement of MAU over the course of this generation. However, you have provided no evidence of this pattern and are going strictly off of conjecture.

Prior to the AMD leaks, these forums and gaming circles were all buzzing about how Sony was gonna be 13tflops, and MS was less powerful. It was all blue skies for Sony. All the questions were about MS.
Of which they don't even have that far of a reach as the audience of those forums and gaming circles are a fraction of the core gamers. And there you go again with the qualifiers. How much is "all buzzing"? It sounds like total exaggeration to conveniently fit your conjecture.

If you honestly think the AMD leaks hasn't totally flipped the PS5 narrative on these forums then you havent been reading them.
It has had an effect, and not a good one. If Sony could click their fingers and make that AMD leak disappear, do you think they would be clicking their fingers?
"These forums" of which aren't representative of the core audience. You have no quantifiable evidence. Therefore, I can simply reject your claim as you lack anything that is first-hand or substantial.

Do you even English? Do you know what steam means? You are literally trying too hard here.
No goal posts have moved. Having more steam means it is far bigger. So that means that the RT talk was minor compared to the AMD leak. Like the AMD leak is 100 times more than the RT.
You are moving the goalposts because now you're talking about "steam" to shift the conversation away from my counterexample. Where's this large amounts of "steam"? Tweets? Articles from non-gaming sites? Is it as big as the DRM fiasco with the Xbox One?

Throwing out a bunch of qualifiers is not proof and until you show otherwise, it is a bunch of crockshit.

Mass Shift

I know this sounds crazy but here me out. I remember when titan fall was revealed as an Xbox one exclusive it seemed analogous to Microsoft a tech titan “falling” from grace post 360 days. Now, with Sony we see “god fall” as an exclusive and the way things are trending seems kind of analogous to them. They may not be the titan that Microsoft are but certainly rule the roost currently. Maybe the signs and symbols have been before us this whole time? The fates tell us what will happen if you know what to look for?



Lord of Edge.
I know this sounds crazy but here me out. I remember when titan fall was revealed as an Xbox one exclusive it seemed analogous to Microsoft a tech titan “falling” from grace post 360 days. Now, with Sony we see “god fall” as an exclusive and the way things are trending seems kind of analogous to them. They may not be the titan that Microsoft are but certainly rule the roost currently. Maybe the signs and symbols have been before us this whole time? The fates tell us what will happen if you know what to look for?
I'm calling the police.


Prior to the AMD leaks, these forums and gaming circles were all buzzing about how Sony was gonna be 13tflops, and MS was less powerful. It was all blue skies for Sony. All the questions were about MS.
If you honestly think the AMD leaks hasn't totally flipped the PS5 narrative on these forums then you havent been reading them.
It has had an effect, and not a good one. If Sony could click their fingers and make that AMD leak disappear, do you think they would be clicking their fingers?
Hmmm, from my point of view I have seen a shit ton of neo members jumping on board spouting negativity and nonsense since that bs leak.
Real world Sony seems to be doing fine and as usual rolling out their news in their timeframe just as they did with the PS4 and that appeared to work out ok.
So I will patiently wait until February or whenever Sony decides to reveal actual specifics before going all chicken little on this place and looking foolish.
With how much they are holding back on GPU power Sony must be extremely confident in what they have or they would spilled the 9.2 bsflops by now. Better to get it out of the way now so people can become used to it instead of dropping it later. Not a good idea to hold back on that kind of bad news.
Say hello to your 13Tflops beast boys and girls.
See how easily the narrative can be swapped using a bit of common sense?

Seriously it appears Sony is once again playing a brilliant bit of chess here. Throw that wired article out there with certain specific details about their console to see if Microsoft “bites” and boy did they ever. Within a month or two we have a rough Tflop idea (Phil’s 2x the One X statement), we have the consoles design, the type of memory, etc.
This should enable Sony to plan, create and reveal the specifics of the ps5 in precisely the order and timeframe that will best showcase it against their competition.

Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t take much to get Microsoft to spill the beans on their console as they appear to be supremely confident in what they have cooked up.
From what I have seen they certainly have every right to be too. So far I like what I am seeing and so are my friends.
Anyway, not looking for meltdowns from either camp, just looking for two excellent console manufacturers to deliver their absolute best so I can be happy playing some face melting, mind altering games for the next 7 years.

lol you said all this as if Microsoft revealed their hand moments after the wired article. Microsoft dropped all this less than a year before the launch of both consoles, and the console still isn't fully revealed as it were. Whatever design sony is going with holiday 2020 was already pretty much set in stone by VGAs and it can't be changed without significant r&d going out the window and a significant delay. If they have some major surprise up their sleeves, so be it, but right now this doesn't at all look like a Sony that is all the way confident in what they have compared to what Xbox has.

Keep in mind what I'm saying here. I'm not saying Sony won't have an amazing system. They have every reason to believe strongly in the system they've designed and that their first party teams will do unbelievable generation defining work on it, but Sony currently seems to me like Microsoft may have caught them off guard this time. If I'm wrong, I welcome it.
I know this sounds crazy but here me out. I remember when titan fall was revealed as an Xbox one exclusive it seemed analogous to Microsoft a tech titan “falling” from grace post 360 days. Now, with Sony we see “god fall” as an exclusive and the way things are trending seems kind of analogous to them. They may not be the titan that Microsoft are but certainly rule the roost currently. Maybe the signs and symbols have been before us this whole time? The fates tell us what will happen if you know what to look for?
Hmmm, from my point of view I have seen a shit ton of neo members jumping on board spouting negativity and nonsense since that bs leak.
Real world Sony seems to be doing fine and as usual rolling out their news in their timeframe just as they did with the PS4 and that appeared to work out ok.
So I will patiently wait until February or whenever Sony decides to reveal actual specifics before going all chicken little on this place and looking foolish.
Yep, that's why I'm mostly having fun mocking the over-exaggeration and the logo reveal. The both of us are willing to admit we're wrong if the official specs come out and show that the PS5 is 9.2 TF. However, to claim that "Oh no! Sony hasn't said anything! They must be panicking!!" is completely asinine.

Also, interesting to see Osiris giving one of your comments a nod.



This basically sums up they got nothing and probably won't go much into the performance as it's not going to push above xbox performance.

3D audio is pointless, haptic triggers is pointless, utltra high speed ssd, so does xbox, haradware based raytracing, yea if you got a GPU u can raytrace so also means nothing, ultra hd blu-ray, guess for the 3 people that care.
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This basically sums up they got nothing and probably won't go much into the performance as it's not going to push above xbox performance.

3D audio is pointless, haptic triggers is pointless, utltra high speed ssd, so does xbox, haradware based raytracing, yea if you got a GPU u can raytrace so also means nothing, ultra hd blu-ray, guess for the 3 people that care.
So to basically sum things up, except for the same features that MS has (SSD, Ray Tracing, HD BR player) everything else is pointless. Got it, thx.


Doesn't Sony get like 5-6$ for every blue ray player sold? (licensing fees) if so they are still going to get a cut from Ms
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Gold Member
Since Sony bailed on talking about PS5 except for a log, it makes those 9.2TF rumours more credible.

Not saying it's the time to do a full blown spec sheet, but at least something. Now was a good time to give some nuggets before a reveal, since MS already has and Sony already had too. It's time to expand a bit on it.

Instead their big showcase was an electric car. lol


Since Sony bailed on talking about PS5 except for a log, it makes those 9.2TF rumours more credible.

Not saying it's the time to do a full blown spec sheet, but at least something. Now was a good time to give some nuggets before a reveal, since MS already has and Sony already had too. It's time to expand a bit on it.

Instead their big showcase was an electric car. lol
Why is every big tech company making a car?! Lol


Not Banned from OT
I'm so lost. Saw a few earlier that ranged from 340-364. We need someone to actually analyze some shits in the coming days
All of them that used capacitors are coming up 390+. Only one that did not used outside of the surround of the chip which is wrong. There is a nice overlay else where shows how bigger it is over the scorpio chip. To tired to find it now maybe in the morning but awesome work.


Gold Member
Why is every big tech company making a car?! Lol
Not sure. I think it's the temptation of $$$. Electric cars are expensive, and companies can make shit loads of money. Problem is the start up costs and getting the scale and quality being the hard part. Read up on Tesla and you'll see tons of quality issues. Not surprisingly as cars are hard to make and takes decades of getting it down pat.

Even Dyson was in on it (ya the company that makes $1,000 vacuum cleaners). But they finally bailed. They were secretly doing e-car R&D for years.

Then again, some of these PR campaigns might just be for just that. PR to get attention. I read the Dyson car articles too...... BUT still have no interest to buy a Dyson vacuum. So I didn't get hooked in.


Prior to the AMD leaks, these forums and gaming circles were all buzzing about how Sony was gonna be 13tflops, and MS was less powerful. It was all blue skies for Sony. All the questions were about MS.
If you honestly think the AMD leaks hasn't totally flipped the PS5 narrative on these forums then you havent been reading them.
It has had an effect, and not a good one. If Sony could click their fingers and make that AMD leak disappear, do you think they would be clicking their fingers?
2.8 million likes for a logo

Not for me. Playstation sounds like a toy now and tis ironic that when Playstation came out it was giving out the impression that hey these consoles aren't just for kids. The Xbox Series X is looking and sounding more grown up and serious. But that's just me.
xXxBoXSexXx for those
adult😏 ... edgy14yos.
Damn bro sorry you got yeeted from REEERA

Messing with their regularly scheduled programming is all. I knew I was going to be banned. And the reasoning is absolute garbage haha. I knew I'd be banned, and even so refused to stop defending what I was saying and giving my view. If they know me well enough, they'd know I never get intimidated even when I know bias mods are lurking looking for any excuse to ban me.


This basically sums up they got nothing and probably won't go much into the performance as it's not going to push above xbox performance.

3D audio is pointless, haptic triggers is pointless, utltra high speed ssd, so does xbox, haradware based raytracing, yea if you got a GPU u can raytrace so also means nothing, ultra hd blu-ray, guess for the 3 people that care.
No, this sums up, for a new audience, what new tech SONY is incorporating into thier next PlayStation.

They don't present for frustrated forum dwellers...they stick to brand message and will roll out thier message when it works for them, not GAF.


Messing with their regularly scheduled programming is all. I knew I was going to be banned. And the reasoning is absolute garbage haha. I knew I'd be banned, and even so refused to stop defending what I was saying and giving my view. If they know me well enough, they'd know I never get intimidated even when I know bias mods are lurking looking for any excuse to ban me.

So then you're maintaining that Cerny and their slide from CES are both lying because Jim Ryan skipped over mentioning the hardware based RT in his presentation, and that the PS5 will not have hardware based RT?

Do you think the PS5 will have absolutely no RT at all then? I'm just trying to get a better picture of what you think their end goal is here.
This is not quantifiable and you have given no evidence that "all the hardcore gamers" are aware. The fact that a substantial amount of those hardcore games are skeptical and are just waiting for the official reveal is also a major counterargument against this bogus claim. Try again.

So my point still stands. Not sure why you're so hung up about this...

Yes, the evidence that refutes your claim somehow supports your claim. Fantastic mental gymnastics. 10 days is not immediate.

Continue on with this Affirming the Consequent fallacy. If you repeat it ad nauseam, it must be true.

And with a side of the Proof by Assertion fallacy.

Here's another piece of counterevidence. After the XB1 reveal, rumors began floating around that the PS4 would also use the same type of DRM. Sony did not immediately shoot down this rumor. Instead, they stayed silent until E3. This is why Ethomaz's argument has some merit because Sony has intentionally stayed silent to gain a strategic advantage.

Your claim would only hold water if Sony has established a consistent history like what MS has done with the announcement of MAU over the course of this generation. However, you have provided no evidence of this pattern and are going strictly off of conjecture.

Of which they don't even have that far of a reach as the audience of those forums and gaming circles are a fraction of the core gamers. And there you go again with the qualifiers. How much is "all buzzing"? It sounds like total exaggeration to conveniently fit your conjecture.

"These forums" of which aren't representative of the core audience. You have no quantifiable evidence. Therefore, I can simply reject your claim as you lack anything that is first-hand or substantial.

You are moving the goalposts because now you're talking about "steam" to shift the conversation away from my counterexample. Where's this large amounts of "steam"? Tweets? Articles from non-gaming sites? Is it as big as the DRM fiasco with the Xbox One?

Throwing out a bunch of qualifiers is not proof and until you show otherwise, it is a bunch of crockshit.
Lol. It's a really easy point to grasp.
If Sony were quick to address the questions about RT within a pretty short amount of time because it was inaccurate, yet they havent addresses the AMD leaks, which is far bigger in terms of how much airtime (steam for those who understand) it is getting then that tells you something, if you're not a fanboy that is.
If you cant follow that, then there's not much I can do for you.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Lol. It's a really easy point to grasp.
If Sony were quick to address the questions about RT within a pretty short amount of time because it was inaccurate, yet they havent addresses the AMD leaks, which is far bigger in terms of how much airtime (steam for those who understand) it is getting then that tells you something, if you're not a fanboy that is.
If you cant follow that, then there's not much I can do for you.

Addressing the reddit / GitHub / etc fakery would require disclosing detailed specs which is reasonably too early for them to do. Nobody has given any detailed specs or number whatsoever, neither MS nor Sony.
Your argument is also fallacious because it does not take hardcore Xbots trumpeting those “leaked” numbers and giving them airtime because they make their competitor look apparently worse and their console tribe apparently better.
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