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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


How does GT do it? The lighting is so true to real life. It has a quality to it that is a cut above every other racer presented in this thread.
GT always had this thing going for it ever since the original PS1 game.

At this point, i think its the art/good choice of colors.


They also seem to be lacking shadows from the track lights. FM6 looks like the only one that has it. (and it's only one shadow, despite there being lights on both sides of the track)

GT5 was already doing multiple shadows at once in 2010.


Going back to this, I just saw in a video that the game is in fact, capable of casting multiple shadows, albeit at selected parts of the track:



What stands out to me is assets in the two scenes: Open Track vs Lush trees on back streach.
Camera view: Close and low vs far and high.

There are some suspect DriveClub pics out there too. Les we all pick and choose what to compare.

Yeah minus the weather effects and dull lighting there are some sketchy graphics going on





The weather effects and lighting are hands down the best, but on the two or three occasions when I got to play this it was daylight, no weather effects and I can honestly say I was as impressed as I would be seeing a pigeon at a zoo.
Yeah minus the weather effects and dull lighting there are some sketchy graphics going on





The weather effects and lighting are hands down the best, but on the two or three occasions when I got to play this it was daylight, no weather effects and I can honestly say I was as impressed as I would be seeing a pigeon at a zoo.

You can easily get unflattering screens of any game...I think these are as selective as the carefully framed shots.


You can easily get unflattering screens of any game...I think these are as selective as the carefully framed shots.

I dunno, like I said, I think the game's strength lies in it's lighting and weather.

Check the video. Look at the first in daytime, the textures and the vegetation in daylight don't look great and the game looks just as arcadey as any other game, then the next example you are in the snow, at dusk and it looks like real life. Lighting is a very groovy tool

I dunno, like I said, I think the game's strength lies in it's lighting and weather.

Check the video. Look at the first in daytime, the textures and the vegetation in daylight don't look great and the game looks just as arcadey as any other game, then the next example you are in the snow, at dusk and it looks like real life. Lighting is a very groovy tool

That's the problem with using a full real time lighting system. You gave little artistic control on how it looks like every time. So you can have boring shit looking tracks sometimes.

One of its cons yeah, but it's a con that I'm ok with since everything else thanks to the real time lighting is gorgeous.


You can easily get unflattering screens of any game...I think these are as selective as the carefully framed shots.

Yes, that we should keep in mind - people usually don't post pictures where Driveclub doesn't shine. But by doing so they also somehow negate unintentionally that Driveclub *can* look like no other racing but also does can look bad, like every other game.


Yes, that we should keep in mind - people usually don't post pictures where Driveclub doesn't shine. But by doing so they also somehow negate unintentionally that Driveclub *can* look like no other racing but also does can look bad, like every other game.

This is odd, why would you post pictures of a game in a next-gen racing graphics face-off that doesn't shine?

Isn't it that's the whole point of the thread? to post pictures of a game in it's best possible light so we can compare it to another game's best pictures.

So unless the game you are invested in(or console for that matter) is on losing side of face-off, of course that's what you will do, you will intentionally post bad pictures of a game.


This is odd, why would you post pictures of a game in a next-gen racing graphics face-off that doesn't shine?

Isn't it that's the whole point of the thread? to post pictures of a game in it's best possible light so we can compare it to another game's best pictures.

So unless the game you are invested in(or console for that matter) is on losing side of face-off, of course that's what you will do, you will intentionally post bad pictures of a game.

It already happened in this thread. The reasons for this are yours to interpret.


But graphics come at a tradeoff of other things. It wouldn't be fair to say "this game looks like shit" without being aware of why its graphics are inferior to another game.

Dude, everyone is aware of the fact that F6 runs at 60 frames.

But it's just not what the thread is about. Put the games side-by-side and compare graphics. That's it.


Project Cars patch 3.0 is looking mighty good


Except that low-res reflection

Well at least it now has reflections...

Dude, everyone is aware of the fact that F6 runs at 60 frames.

But it's just not what the thread is about. Put the games side-by-side and compare graphics. That's it.

It's a completely pointless exercise.

I honestly can't understand how people can separate 'graphics' and frame-rate. What's the most significant option you can change when playing a PC game if you want to activate more VFX? You turn down the frame-rate. And if the frame-rate is choppy? You turn down the VFX. They are absolutely linked to each other.

Its not about DC vs Forza. Its about a totally flawed way of comparing 'graphics', and a flawed understanding of what 'graphics' are.


It's a completely pointless exercise.

I honestly can't understand how people can separate 'graphics' and frame-rate. What's the most significant option you can change when playing a PC game if you want to activate more VFX? You turn down the frame-rate. And if the frame-rate is choppy? You turn down the VFX. They are absolutely linked to each other.

Its not about DC vs Forza. Its about a totally flawed way of comparing 'graphics', and a flawed understanding of what 'graphics' are.

This thread IS NOT for discussing the balance between graphics and frame rate and point out wich game is better.

This thread IS FOR discussing wich game looks better when you take an screenshot of what it renders. END.

This is a GRAPHICS face off, not a performance face off. Whichever puts out better graphics, INDEPENDENTLY of the frame rate, wins. Simple.


It's a completely pointless exercise.

I honestly can't understand how people can separate 'graphics' and frame-rate. What's the most significant option you can change when playing a PC game if you want to activate more VFX? You turn down the frame-rate. And if the frame-rate is choppy? You turn down the VFX. They are absolutely linked to each other.

Its not about DC vs Forza. Its about a totally flawed way of comparing 'graphics', and a flawed understanding of what 'graphics' are.

the fact you can compare a games graphics in a still image kinda kills your argument. motion comes into it, but unless higher frames suddenly make textures, lighting, volumetric, particle effects, asset geometry etc better. then it's a moot point. you're simply seeing the same graphics at a higher framerate.

in my mind, one is graphical. one is performance. now, if the thread was called next-gen racing technical proficiency, framerate would of course come into the equation...as would scale of the world. but that's not the thread. it's graphics. it's which game LOOKS better in a genre clearly aiming for realism.
This thread IS NOT for discussing the balance between graphics and frame rate and point out wich game is better.

This thread IS FOR discussing wich game looks better when you take an screenshot of what it renders. END.

This is a GRAPHICS face off, not a performance face off. Whichever puts out better graphics, INDEPENDENTLY of the frame rate, wins. Simple.

Yet the OP doesn't state any of that. It seems that it is a few posters who have decided this amongst themselves without realising how bloody pointless and stupid it is.

Its almost as if you don't actually want a discussion at all...


Driveclub still looks better than any other racing game. Curious to see if the new need for speed takes the crown back though.

GT7 won't beat it I think, will be the PS4s forza: physics and AI above eye-candy.
It's a completely pointless exercise.

I honestly can't understand how people can separate 'graphics' and frame-rate. What's the most significant option you can change when playing a PC game if you want to activate more VFX? You turn down the frame-rate. And if the frame-rate is choppy? You turn down the VFX. They are absolutely linked to each other.

Its not about DC vs Forza. Its about a totally flawed way of comparing 'graphics', and a flawed understanding of what 'graphics' are.

To me graphics are what we see in the frames, not about how many of them we see every second.
Yet the OP doesn't state any of that. It seems that it is a few posters who have decided this amongst themselves without realising how bloody pointless and stupid it is.

Its almost as if you don't actually want a discussion at all...

Feel free to make a 'Next-gen Racing Graphics & Performance Discussion | (Next-gen means current-gen)' thread.


I was under the impression this thread was made because the whole graphics comparison was derailing other threads (pretty sure theres another large driving game versus thread on here) so it was decided to throw all that discussion into one.

Its why the agenda is such a select slice

Im sure the OP can elaborate...

ps3ud0 8)


This will probably be a controversial statement, but I find Forza 6 (mainly the photomode pics, won't get into the gameplay/framerate discussion) quite uneven looking due to two factors; the lack of tesselation and the bad lighting/shader setup. The second factor is by far more impactful.

For example, the car in this pic (credit: G Rom) looks like some kind of playdo model since the shaders and lighting are so dull:

Same here (credit: shinnn), the car looks more like a low-grade render than something even remotely real, even though the actual geometry of the car is nice:

And regarding the tesselation, this is very nitpicky I admit but there are quite a few sharp edges that break the illusion, especially since quite a few other edges are curved nicely. Take the contour/whatever-it's-called at the base of the windshield here (credit: G Rom), the polygon edges are rough especially compared to everything else:

Thus, if we go by pure photomode looks, I think Forza is still doing somewhat of a poor job compared to some of the other games, especially since the Autovista mode has been through a couple of iterations already.



Thus, if we go by pure photomode looks, I think Forza is still doing somewhat of a poor job compared to some of the other games, especially since the Autovista mode has been through a couple of iterations already.

I find that although good, Forza games do not look at all lifelike, as you would expect them to this gen. The lighting is always off.
Feel free to make a 'Next-gen Racing Graphics & Performance Discussion | (Next-gen means current-gen)' thread.

Come on. Like I said, there is nothing in the OP that says I can't bring up the frame-rate issue here. As far as I'm concerned, the two are inextricably linked.

If you want to ensure the discussion is strictly limited, it should have been very clear in the OP. We clearly disagree about how 'graphics' should be compared, which is fine, but I don't think this is an inappropriate place to have this argument.
The amount of VFX in those frames determine how many you see per second, hence they are extremely closely linked.

So what? We are discussing the best visuals here, not what cutbacks have been made in other areas to achieve them.

Framerate of course affects what we see on screen. 60FPS look(not only feel) different than 30FPS, but the difference here is very miniscule.
Would Driveclub look better if it were running at 60FPS?(Given there was a hardware that could run it at 60FPS) Yes a tiny bit, but it would generally look the same and just run a little smoother.
So yeah, the fact that other games run at 60FPS and DC at 30FPS are an explanation why DC looks so much better, but thats not what we focus on is this thread. Here we only focus on what racing game looks best. And right now thats Driveclub and it isn't even close.

Then we should only compare photo mode shots...
Why? Videos just contain more information and give a better picture of what the game actually looks like.


Come on. Like I said, there is nothing in the OP that says I can't bring up the frame-rate issue here. As far as I'm concerned, the two are inextricably linked.
Yeah. Like the OP didnt say anything (and the title is not clear enough) lets just ignore the 100+ pages the thread has like if they doesnt mean anything. Come one. Your logic have less sense than the pure graphics face-off you complain about.
Then post a 60fps gif/webm of forza to compare against the DC gifs.

What's the point? DC is obviously prettier, but for obvious reasons. I've never once denied that DC is a gorgeous game. Just that by waving away any mention of the factors which explain why the difference exists, the thread becomes a pointless procession of people cooing at DC gifs, and criticising Forza for not looking as good, rather unfairly.

So yeah, the fact that other games run at 60FPS and DC at 30FPS are an explanation why DC looks so much better, but thats not what we focus on is this thread. Here we only focus on what racing game looks best. And right now thats Driveclub and it isn't even close.

Who is we? You can see from the last 5 or 6 pages that not everyone agrees with you.
Come on. Like I said, there is nothing in the OP that says I can't bring up the frame-rate issue here. As far as I'm concerned, the two are inextricably linked.

If you want to ensure the discussion is strictly limited, it should have been very clear in the OP. We clearly disagree about how 'graphics' should be compared, which is fine, but I don't think this is an inappropriate place to have this argument.

I wasn't being snarky, I was being serious. You're not going to get the type of discussion that you want in here. This thread is nothing more than a comparison and discussion of which game has the best visuals, you can think it's pointless and shallow all you want, but that's just what it is. You may as well make a new thread with a title that is more suitable to what kind of discussion you're looking for.


aka andydumi
I wasn't being snarky, I was being serious. You're not going to get the type of discussion that you want in here. This thread is nothing more than a comparison and discussion of which game has the best visuals, you can think it's pointless and shallow all you want, but that's just what it is. You may as well make a new thread with a title that is more suitable to what kind of discussion you're looking for.

Indeed. The performance or technical merits discussion can probably go in an OT thread, but this one was started strictly so these types of graphics comparisons stay out of the OT threads and don't derail them.
Who is we? You can see from the last 5 or 6 pages that not everyone agrees with you.

Hm? I think like 99% of people here agree that DC is obviously the best looking racer. There are just some people using FPS as an explanation or excuse that the others fall short of DCs visuals.

I don't really see many people disagreeing its more like a "yeah, but..."


Hm? I think like 99% of people here agree that DC is obviously the best looking racer. There are just some people using FPS as an explanation or excuse that the others fall short of DCs visuals.

I don't really see many people disagreeing its more like a "yeah, but..."

So we can temporarily lock the thread until a new racing game releases? Because what else is left to say?
Hm? I think like 99% of people here agree that DC is obviously the best looking racer. There are just some people using FPS as an explanation or excuse that the others fall short of DCs visuals.

I don't really see many people disagreeing its more like a "yeah, but..."

Did you even read what I wrote? If so, this makes no sense.

I have acknowledged DC is easily the best looking. It obvious. What I questioned was your use of 'we'. Who decided that 'we' agreed to such a narrow and shallow basis for comparison. There are other people who share my view, as you can see if you read the last few pages of the thread.

I wasn't being snarky, I was being serious. You're not going to get the type of discussion that you want in here. This thread is nothing more than a comparison and discussion of which game has the best visuals, you can think it's pointless and shallow all you want, but that's just what it is. You may as well make a new thread with a title that is more suitable to what kind of discussion you're looking for.

Ok, I get it. This thread is basically a nice little place you can get together to gush over how much better DC looks than other racing games out at the moment, with no room for any discussion whatsoever, because ultimately what is there left to say after identifying that DC looks best?


Ok, I get it. This thread is basically a nice little place you can get together to gush over how much better DC looks than other racing games out at the moment, with no room for any discussion whatsoever, because ultimately what is there left to say after identifying that DC looks best?

It's a thread for comparing racing game graphics. It's not the first of its kind.


I think that DC @60fps would look noticeably better than F6. The hell, even GT6 is just superb in some graphical elements compared to racers on current-gen, and that game is from last-gen console.

I really can't imagine what PD will do with GT7 on PS4.
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