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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)

No. The games have different gameplay styles, but are both polished, content-rich, and high-quality, so the "better" one depends on which kind of racing game you like. I don't like a simulation physics model and car customization, so for me Driveclub is better. But I'm not going to outright say it's the better game.

Yeah, you can't really compare sim to arcade.

The only way you could say one is better definitively is if you compare purely by average review scores, but even then reviews are a matter of the person's opinion.


The tessellated PS4 standard gameplay exteriors will look better than car models featured in other games and be of equal quality to GT Sport premium exteriors, all they have to do is put in the PSP interior game play view and they won't be a problem.




I don't understand why people think GT Sport won't better Driveclub visually? It's just going to take it apart with ease.

GT6 looks stunning until now, and yes the tessellation is incredible







^ Very Cool

Forza 6 track detail. (stolen from the OT)


Is it just me or is the screenshot not showing up for anybody else? Been having problems with those hosted on xboxlive.com these days.

Edit: Just downloaded the screenshot by selecting part of the URL. Damn that's some nice super-close up detail.
Hey that Driveclub Playstation Plus Edition and Season pass bundle is the whole game and the pass right? Or is it somehow just the PS+ version and the season pass?


aka andydumi
Is it just me or is the screenshot not showing up for anybody else? Been having problems with those hosted on xboxlive.com these days.

Edit: Just downloaded the screenshot by selecting part of the URL. Damn that's some nice super-close up detail.

Anyone who is browsing from behind some sort of content filtering likely don't see them. Most gaming sites, including Xbox are blocked by work filters.
Thats amazing. Is the video on youtube, too? Nobody clicks on vid.me links when you share them.

Damn @1:47


Sorry I don't know how to make high quality gifs

Edit: Something I noticed in the comparison vid:
At 2:10 if you look at the black bar below the window left from the driver.
In Driveclub you see it lit up with a light slightly flickering green touch because of light reflected from trees you drive by.
In Forza its just plain black.
These are subtle differences, but its a huge difference in the quality and capability of the lighting tech.


I've spent more time with Forza, and I can appreciate most of it. I wish it was nicer looking. I want DC graphics, with FM6 handling.


Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off

Driveclub wins. It's astonishing we're still debating the obvious. If I asked 10,000 people which was real and which one was a game, it's 100% more likely they'd pick Driveclub. That doesn't make Forza 6 a bad game though does it.

No one is debating which game is the prettiest. Or at least, not for the last many, many pages.
I think if its racing in space it counts, too.
Wipeout ships are technically not cars either and that would count, too, no doubt.
I was racing in star citizen and I laughed as I stopped to look at a tree because of this thread.

I'm simply saying that Turn10 made some wrong decisions and should think more about visuals next time.
Performance is always an extension of "visuals" as it dramatically changes how things sample and how things animate.
I just can't get past how forza looks like the car is floating on the track.

Great thread tho, Will be interesting once GT7 shows up.

It doesn't look as bad when you play the game on the big TV screen. The car still looks very disconnected from the world but its not as bad as in this gif.

I was racing in star citizen and I laughed as I stopped to look at a tree because of this thread.

What did it do? Did it rotate?^^
You should upload screens or video from the SC racing.
Someone mentioned GTA V in this thread earlier, so this should count, too.

Edit: Isn't SC taking place is space? Are there spacetrees?


Driveclub wins. It's astonishing we're still debating the obvious. If I asked 10,000 people which was real and which one was a game, it's 100% more likely they'd pick Driveclub. That doesn't make Forza 6 a bad game though does it.

Real talk though, the answers would almost certainly be "neither" in most cases, with more people believing random GT6 (or 5) gifs to be real.


Dreams in Digital

I'm simply saying that Turn10 made some wrong decisions and should think more about visuals next time.

You see, I don't necessarily agree. Clearly from the reviews the game is getting it's a bloody good game and people seem to prefer 60fps for Forza 6 over great graphics. Both camps are happy because 99% of people who play Driveclub don't at all seem bothered that it runs at 30fps.

I just find this topic weird and the fact it's taken so long to come to a conclusion is mind blowing to me.


^ It didn't take long. I don't think anyone was arguing that Forza 6 was the better looking racer. There was discussion about the merits of 60 fps vs 30, texture quality, lighting, etc.
You see, I don't necessarily agree. Clearly from the reviews the game is getting it's a bloody good game and people seem to prefer 60fps for Forza 6 over great graphics. Both camps are happy because 99% of people who play Driveclub don't at all seem bothered that it runs at 30fps.

I just find this topic weird and the fact it's taken so long to come to a conclusion is mind blowing to me.

Yep! Driveclub is clearly the prettier game. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But Forza 6 is 60fps. Both games prioritized different things, and neither of them are wrong. Both are great games with different strengths.


Yep! Driveclub is clearly the prettier game. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But Forza 6 is 60fps. Both games prioritized different things, and neither of them are wrong. Both are great games with different strengths.

This. Will be interesting to see what NFS 2015 brings to the table though!


Dreams in Digital
Yep! Driveclub is clearly the prettier game. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But Forza 6 is 60fps. Both games prioritized different things, and neither of them are wrong. Both are great games with different strengths.

I just find it impossible to understand some people's inability to compartmentalise. The debate was about graphics and so the debate was always moot. Given a 'FPS racing game face off', Forza would win immediately. It's as simple as that. These types of threads have no real reason to exist and do little to stimulate interesting discussion. 'Do graphics in racers really matter' or 'Framerate or graphics in racers?' would offer far more room for debate. It reduces the unnecessary hoop jumping.

edit: My mistake. I'd always assumed this thread was just about Forza v Driveclub.
What did it do? Did it rotate?^^
You should upload screens or video from the SC racing.Someone mentioned GTA V in this thread earlier, so this should count, too.
If it did, I would have had a heart attack. It actually has a surprising amount of polygons and even self shadowing from the leafy parts.


then again, it is not as if the game has bad looking plants elsewhere off the track

Edit: Isn't SC taking place is space? Are there spacetrees?
hah It has in atmosphere as well as space racing with the ships. So far though they only have three tracks on one planet.


I just find it impossible to understand some people's inability to compartmentalise. The debate was about graphics and so the debate was always moot. Given a 'FPS racing game face off', Forza would win immediately. It's as simple as that. These types of threads have no real reason to exist and do little to stimulate interesting discussion. 'Do graphics in racers really matter' or 'Framerate or graphics in racers?' would offer far more room for debate. It reduces the unnecessary hoop jumping.

Not entirely true. For example, GT5/6 was often regarded as the best looking racer last gen, even though it was a 60fps title. Hell, it's still being compared (favourably) to these new games even in this very thread. So sometimes even 60fps titles can compete on a graphical level to 30fps ones. I guess we'll know the extent to which when GT7 releases. Then there's the fact that different 60fps racers will be compared as well.


Dreams in Digital
Not entirely true. For example, GT5/6 was often regarded as the best looking racer last gen, even though it was a 60fps title. Hell, it's still being compared (favourably) to these new games even in this very thread. So sometimes even 60fps titles can compete on a graphical level to 30fps ones. I guess we'll know the extent to which when GT7 releases.

Well, yes, obviously if you can have both high framerate and great graphics, and there are two games WITH both, the debate becomes more interesting and valid. As it stands:

Driveclub is the best looking game
Forza 6 has the higher framerate.

In that context, the only legitimate debate is, does it really matter about framerate, because we play games for enjoyment, which then makes the debate one of subjectivity, a far more productive area for interesting debate.
Thats amazing. Is the video on youtube, too? Nobody clicks on vid.me links when you share them.

Damn @1:47


Sorry I don't know how to make high quality gifs

Edit: Something I noticed in the comparison vid:
At 2:10 if you look at the black bar below the window left from the driver.
In Driveclub you see it lit up with a light slightly flickering green touch because of light reflected from trees you drive by.
In Forza its just plain black.
These are subtle differences, but its a huge difference in the quality and capability of the lighting tech.
This is the gif I've been waiting for.


Dreams in Digital
And the answer to that debate is absolutely yes.

How can you be so absolute when it doesn't matter to me? Unless I'm the only one. I can never tell what framerate a game is running in unless I have an option to change it on the fly. Perhaps that's why it seems PC gamers notice it more. As an experiment I played TLOUR at 30fps to see if I would notice and I actually did. But after a while my brain adjusted and I didn't notice it again. On the other hand, after the patches for The Witcher 3 on PS4 hit, I noticed the draw distance seemed reduced and foggier and I saw details on people's clothing pop in. I tried to not notice it and play on but eventually it got on my nerves so much I couldn't play it and so sold it.
How can you be so absolute when it doesn't matter to me? Unless I'm the only one. I can never tell what framerate a game is running in unless I have an option to change it on the fly. Perhaps that's why it seems PC gamers notice it more. As an experiment I played TLOUR at 30fps to see if I would notice and I actually did. But after a while my brain adjusted and I didn't notice it again. On the other hand, after the patches for The Witcher 3 on PS4 hit, I noticed the draw distance seemed reduced and foggier and I saw details on people's clothing pop in. I tried to not notice it and play on but eventually it got on my nerves so much I couldn't play it and so sold it.

Because racing games are fast paced. 60FPS typically automatically means more responsive input, so when you're driving fast it feels like everything is snappier and more responsive.
Both look really good when DriveClub is out of the picture.

One thing I did notice in this video was, when driving in the cockpit view PC's car shakes like a real car would, where as Forza looks like the car is just gliding along with hardly any shake, which makes it look a little weird when comparing them side by side.

Forza does have some cockpit motion effects, but they are more subtle than the ones in PCars - and also they may just be switched off when the vid was made.


How can you be so absolute when it doesn't matter to me? Unless I'm the only one. I can never tell what framerate a game is running in unless I have an option to change it on the fly. Perhaps that's why it seems PC gamers notice it more. As an experiment I played TLOUR at 30fps to see if I would notice and I actually did. But after a while my brain adjusted and I didn't notice it again. On the other hand, after the patches for The Witcher 3 on PS4 hit, I noticed the draw distance seemed reduced and foggier and I saw details on people's clothing pop in. I tried to not notice it and play on but eventually it got on my nerves so much I couldn't play it and so sold it.

The answer to whether framerate matters on not is simply "yes", much the same as asking whether resolution matters. Asking if deltas between two specific framerates matter is a different matter, and is far more subjective. I don't notice the difference between 900p and 1080p in most cases (yet can still be dissatisfied with the overall IQ of a higher resolution), however there's a point for everyone that they won't go below. 720p is enough for me to seriously start to care about the resolution, and whilst 30fps may not bother you, I'd imagine 20fps would.


aka andydumi

What really stood out to me was the huge difference in reflections when they press the brake in chase cam. The red reflection into the spray mist and onto the ground behind the car is wildly different at 1:06 or so. Though not a comparison point, I like the time of day they picked for Forza, the orangeish dusk clouds at some points are a very nice touch that warms up the scene a lot (1:55).

leng jai

Now that I've spent a few hours with Forza 6 I have to say I'm impressed. The track detail is fantastic at times, the rain looks great despite not being dynamic and the IQ is respectable most of the time. I'm enjoying the colour palette in particular especially coming off DriveClub seems utterly fails at recreating the bright sunny day look with its lighting. The game is super smooth and feels sublime to actually play.

Honestly for a locked 1080p/60fps game with a 2 year development cycle on underpowered hardware my expectations were minimal to begin with.
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