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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)




What bothers me here is that none of the headlights of the other cars seem to create a real light source. There's some kind of light texture floating in front of them, but they don't illuminate anything.

It looks like a floodlight against some fireflys.

It's just the particular image, which is far-out standard headlights cast over the top of a hill, next to specialty rally headlights with the camera pointed at it on the approach. You can actually see the HID (white) headlights in the warmer rally headlights, even then. By the time that gif ends, only one car is even visible over that hill.

It's the same idea as you're seeing here, where the car to the left appears to only project a smaller version of its headlights on the body of the car as it pulls to the right. It's the car furthest ahead on that side compared to the player car, so you'd figure the surface on the left would get darker as it pulls away, or more obvious headlights casting to the right after it gets around the player car's back. In both games, anyone who plays them knows the AI cars obviously project light sources (multi-colored depending on the type of bulbs, as well).
Ah lol I know nothing about Transformers, too young I guess.

Looking it up quickly it seems they based it off the Stratos Group 5 car? That's cool.


Haha, sorry, I always forget that they took the pain scheme from a real car, so I assumed that you did a custom Wheeljack paint job.
Yep, no Pro patch either. But damn, that's a 2014 game...

Tbh it's the only 30fps racing game I play, as I'm a solid 60fps whore on PC, but the gameplay is as smooth as it can be in that lock. Not a single hitching, stutter or framepacing issue found yet for me.

GTS replays are 30fps too right? that's when the quality really shows another level.

My bet on the next big leap in quality with 60fps is on the current multiplatform development from Rushy and the rest of ex-Evo guys at Codemasters. On PC is a given, but I think they will go for 60fps on consoles too.

DC and DC Bikes both platinumed and they were both my most played racing games between December 2014 until sometime in 2016! If only someone at SEI feels the burning desire to make a sequel with more newer locations, more cars and bikes, more challenges, ability to race bike and car together, improve on the replay cams!


Horizon 3 at 5k maxed 4xAA with my new monitor.

Solid-ish 30fps with a 1060 too! Dips hard in the showroom for some reason. The colours in this game continue to stun me.



Driveclub headlights work as intended and cast shadows, someone posted a good video of a car overtaking and then the players cars lights making it cast a shadow on the wall. Will see if I can find it, was a long time ago. But for lighting/weather DC is going to be tough to top.

Didn't need for speed shift 2 do that as well?? And then of course Project Cars in turn.

I remember at the time in Shift 2 the headlights casting shadows of cars they hit and being impressed.
Keep going back and forth between GTS and DC. DC's replays are atrocious compared to GTS.

GTS' main issue is the LOD pop in of trees. Really hope they fix it. The trees themselves don't bother me at all.


The Forza Motorsport vs Gran Turismo conclusions are not quite correct, or acceptable, from my view point.

First of all, the last generation we had (Forza Motorsport 3-4 vs Gran Turismo 5-6).
While the Forza Motorsport 3-4 has fully damageable cars,
Define 'fully damageable' cars? By that you mean the industry standard dents and scrapes with a few bit and pieces coming lose? Not exactly revolutionary. Not even evolutionary. Just the same as every other developer and racing game.

Gran Turismo 5 had a damage modelling revolution going on but that got canned, because of...gamers.

The comparison is not fair. The Forza Motorsport Franchise was at 60 fps, while the Gran Turismo was 35-45 fps


in GT, the cars never could be damaged like forza.
You’re right, it’s not fair considering you missed out a list of features not present in Forza MotorSport on XBOX360…some still not present in this generations titles. I mean where do you factor in head-tracking, real-time day-to-night transitions, real-time weather and fully procedural damage modelling (for a time before the complaining)?

I mean how hard can it be for Turn 10 to implement this stuff in 2016 on a current generation system? So I echo your\ sentiments, these conclusions are absolutely not acceptable. Not even close.

The game never, EVER, drops below from 60 fps, its rock solid.

This is so critical…
Wait, you're saying Forza Motorsport games don't run at a consistent 60 fps? What?
And Forza Motorsport has been 60 fps for years now. Are you thinking about Forza Horizon?

Digital Foundry about FM6:

"From start to finish, Turn 10 achieves an unwavering 60fps - and in this sense, there is yet more refinement over its predecessor: the very rare glitches and hitches found in Forza 5 are completely excised from this sequel. Put simply, the rock-solid consistency is the icing on the cake."
History? Seen one video? Wtf?

Have you actually ever played a Forza Motorsport game? History says that if it's not 60fps locked 100% of the time, then it will be 99.5% of the time. Even when the original game was running at 30fps on OG Xbox, that was a locked 30fps (much like the current Horizon games). Gran Turismo has historically been all over the shop in regards to holding a steady 60fps, but with Forza Motorsport is should just be assumed at this point.
I've gone over this before, seen many video's and it's boring now so I'll just leave this hear - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=207597577&postcount=830

Just to add I bought Forza Motorsport 2, 3 (Limited Edition Case and Keyring) & a bit of 4 (looking at the footage now I do remember the Spanish and costal themed tracks...but it was a fling rather than a desire). The rest is just basic research.

Of the three, Forza MotorSport 2 was my favourite. It felt more playful, raw and inspiring. From then on things got way too clinical.

Of course 60fps will affect the visuals, they have half the time to do all the pretty post processing etc. I don't get how you can think that it doesn't matters.
You missed the context. I clearly stated 'shared technologies'. Additionally, one delivers a confined space at 60fps and the other an expansive world at 30fps. Both should be able to display the same lighting technology, right? Forza MotorSport doesn't seem to be. It's not as good. It's never been good.

Another stunning Forza Horizon 3 showing.



You don't know how happy I am seeing more accurate dash reflections on the windshield. When Forza 5 launched, they prioritized showing it off (because they were one of the first), so they artificially had the steering-wheel rotation visible on the glass, even in a few cars where it made NO sense. They thankfully tweaked it down in subsequent games, but that's one of those cases where I prefer Gran Turismo's less flashy approach on special effects.


You don't know how happy I am seeing more accurate dash reflections on the windshield. When Forza 5 launched, they prioritized showing it off (because they were one of the first), so they artificially had the steering-wheel rotation visible on the glass, even in a few cars where it made NO sense. They thankfully tweaked it down in subsequent games, but that's one of those cases where I prefer Gran Turismo's less flashy approach on special effects.

Does dirt build up on the windshield in GTS?


I've gone over this before, seen many video's and it's boring now so I'll just leave this hear - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=207597577&postcount=830

Just to add I bought Forza Motorsport 2, 3 (Limited Edition Case and Keyring) & a bit of 4 (looking at the footage now I do remember the Spanish and costal themed tracks...but it was a fling rather than a desire). The rest is just basic research.

Looking over that thread... you're probably right, that this would be a pretty boring (and potentially annoying) back-and-forth. Whilst I'll agree that seeing footage of a game running locked for X amount of minutes is hardly a guarantee that framedrops outright don't exist ever in a title... it's hardly "history" that indicates it won't be 60fps locked either. Shit, I'd even argue that being able to show literally minutes of footage where the framerate is locked at 60fps is significantly more historical evidence, than a lack of footage showing otherwise. In that previous discussion, you remarked that "if Digital Foundry says it's stable all of the time, you take their word for it"... fair enough, but if you're going to claim that it isn't 60fps (and by extension the next game won't be either), then you need to substantiate it, and with more than "well, maybe if we ran the tests for hours we'd possibly find some".


Looking over that thread... you're probably right, that this would be a pretty boring (and potentially annoying) back-and-forth. Whilst I'll agree that seeing footage of a game running locked for X amount of minutes is hardly a guarantee that framedrops outright don't exist ever in a title... it's hardly "history" that indicates it won't be 60fps locked either. Shit, I'd even argue that being able to show literally minutes of footage where the framerate is locked at 60fps is significantly more historical evidence, than a lack of footage showing otherwise. In that previous discussion, you remarked that "if Digital Foundry says it's stable all of the time, you take their word for it"... fair enough, but if you're going to claim that it isn't 60fps (and by extension the next game won't be either), then you need to substantiate it, and with more than "well, maybe if we ran the tests for hours we'd possibly find some".

I remember Forza 2 used to hitch quite a bit, at least once a race. Not sure if it was my 360 but it was definitely there. I remember 3 and 4 being pretty flawless though. Never played 5 but I expect it was similar.

As for Gran Turismo, were 3 and 4 a stable 60? I've only ever emulated them in the last decade lol.


Lol, nice. It looks amazing. Horizon 4 on Scorpio will be the clear king for a while I reckon.

Wish we got to see what a Driveclub 2 or new Motorstorm would look like on the Pro.


DC and DC Bikes both platinumed and they were both my most played racing games between December 2014 until sometime in 2016! If only someone at SEI feels the burning desire to make a sequel with more newer locations, more cars and bikes, more challenges, ability to race bike and car together, improve on the replay cams!

Sony closed Evolution down for good, and most people moved on to Codemasters, so I wouldn't bet on any continuity of the game. It seems like a waste of talent and technology. That engine is amazing.
You’re right, it’s not fair considering you missed out a list of features not present in Forza MotorSport on XBOX360…some still not present in this generations titles. I mean where do you factor in head-tracking, real-time day-to-night transitions, real-time weather and fully procedural damage modelling (for a time before the complaining)?

You're tripping in your own arguments here. These factors you list have been neglected to hit that framerate that Forza is so famous for having so stable. I don't give shit about real-time day/night cycles if the game is falling down to 40-50 fps a lot. Hopefully GTS can keep focus on delivering a super stable framerate in the final product and go ape shit over details that shouldn't be prioritised.


Pretty photo shoot noobcarft ^^ They are used to do well plastic rendering in forza ;)
In any case it looks fun the tracks at the Wipeout

To answer several, it seems that in the beta of GTS there are deformations of the tires but on the other hand there is apparently no dirt on the windshield or the bodywork.
The reflections of the windscreen we find them on all the windows of the cars, on the sides or behind it seems to me ..

It is subtle as deformation

credit too l2ounD


Are there seriously still people out there trying to undermine the locked 60 FPS of FM6? "But we've only seen 3 minutes of videos and we only have DFs word for it!!!". Seriously. If anyone could produce evidence that FM6 wasn't 60 FPS, they would've done it. Move on.


It is subtle as deformation

credit too l2ounD
I can't tell if the side walls are actually deforming, or if it's just the camber changing with the shift in momentum. Without photo mode it might be hard to tell. Are there any cars in the beta with bigger tires (and smaller rims?)


Are there seriously still people out there trying to undermine the locked 60 FPS of FM6? "But we've only seen 3 minutes of videos and we only have DFs word for it!!!". Seriously. If anyone could produce evidence that FM6 wasn't 60 FPS, they would've done it. Move on.

It's ridiculous. What cooldawn says is that we will never know if a game has a locked and stable framerate in any console game unless we have every second of a game tested.


It's ridiculous. What cooldawn says is that we will never know if a game has a locked and stable framerate in any console game unless we have every second of a game tested.

That's not even the real issue imo. It's that he acts like the lack of that evidence is proof that the drops exist. He states matter-of-factly that FM7 won't be 60fps, then cited "history" as why it won't.


It's ridiculous. What cooldawn says is that we will never know if a game has a locked and stable framerate in any console game unless we have every second of a game tested.

That's not even the real issue imo. It's that he acts like the lack of that evidence is proof that the drops exist. He states matter-of-factly that FM7 won't be 60fps, then cited "history" as why it won't.

There's so many things you can critizise about FM5/6 - and he chooses the one thing, that they actually nail. I don't get it.



Never seen a racer that's so properly weighted and accurately simulates a car being driven on a track like GT. It looks so solid under scrutiny, nothing floaty about it, great physics. The other would be driveclub...but here in GTS, the way the cars bounce over road undulations realistically, the way they bump over curbs, even the way it kicks dust/sand from the outskirts of a track, the attention to detail and immersion of realism is just sublime....


Never seen a racer that's so properly weighted and accurately simulates a car being driven on a track like GT. It looks so solid under scrutiny, nothing floaty about it, great physics. The other would be driveclub...but here in GTS, the way the cars bounce over road undulations realistically, the way they bump over curbs, even the way it kicks dust/sand from the outskirts of a track, the attention to detail and immersion of realism is just sublime....

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