I'll eat a Vanilluxe if he's not in.
To hear its horrified screams at you devour it.
you must be a cold mutha
I'll eat a Vanilluxe if he's not in.
lolI'll eat a Vanilluxe if he's not in.
To hear its horrified screams at you devour it.
you must be a cold mutha
Any chance that Snake will return?
haven't really followed news or rumours, but the E3 hype is starting to get to me.
PSO2 for Wii UI wonder if there will be a Rappy trophy?
PSO2 for Wii U
Xeno as a playable character in Smash
Photon blast final smash.
In my dreams.
- Ryce
- Roboleon
- Snowden's Secret
- Nemesis_
- SmithnCo
- Hasardeur
- Morgan FreeMan
- 18-Volt
- Gonzo The Great
- NeonZ
- Speedwagon
- Azure J
- Jotamide
- JazzmanZ
- kirby_fox
- Codeblue
- G0523
- Whiskeymatt
- GiantBreadBug
- TreIII
- Sadsic
- SalsaShark
- lordfroakie
- EightBitNate
- MAtgS
- Fandangox
- Save 'N Quit
- Gartooth
- BD1
- AnotherVegan
- Darryl
- Exterminieren
- LoftytheMetroid
- TheRedSnifit
- A Link to the Snitch
- EulaCapra
- Mushroomer25
- MasterBalls
- FluxWaveZ
- IceDoesntHelp
- Astarisborn94
- spanks
- N4Us
- Green Mamba
- MysticDistance
- Neiteio
- Tyeforce
- Evenball
- BroBuzz
- Watch Da Birdie
- DaBoss
- MasterCheeze
- PK Gaming
- Astrosanity
- McNum
- Meikiyou
- SkyOdin
- Wichu
- deafsox987
- Valjean Lafitte
- Star Falcon
- oO Arekkz Oo
- IntelliHeath
- bahamut_24
- C.Olimar788
- Shokio
- hb2
- Ezalc
- ?oe?oe
- GamerSoul
- Akibastman
- GamePaddy-Whack
- Javier
- wherearemahdragonz
- TrueBlue
- Incendiary
- Troubled Bat
- Thores
- Kouichi
- ScraftyDevil
- Boss Doggie
- vareon
- Labrys
Why not spread the chatroom to the rest of NintenGAF?
Hmm? I don't know where they are but if you know where. Can you do it for me please?
Why not spread the chatroom to the rest of NintenGAF?
Our current hub. Might as well wait until Sunday night to post it, before the insanity begins.
Because NintenGAF already has a chatroom.
Seriously? I need a link, and we all need that bomb shelter for next week!
The only bad news about E3 is it'll be like the first Nintendo Direct for X/Y...probably months without any information, but probably even a bigger dry period.
And yet amazingly you showed that there can be.Posting this again since there can never be enough JonTron.
Man, I was going run a little joke with Scrafty as a rival. Till I checked his predictions. But he's clearly going to win. Lol.
And yet amazingly you showed that there can be.
If he's right. I can't wait for meltdown.![]()
If he's right. Then he shall forever be a god. And we are like tiny ants. O.e
You're not the Devil.
You're not the Devil.
You're practice.
Do I need to grab Mink and bring back our rivalry?
P.S. I want Tom Nook in this, why isn't he the most wanted new challenger?!
I wonder if Smash 4 will still have as many trophies and such as Melee and Brawl? I hope so, but most of them were just assets from other games. I'm wondering if the move to HD will make them hesitant to re-use a bunch of GC/Wii models.
While I see where you're coming from, Melee was still able to have nearly 300 trophies made up of mostly original, hi-polygon models not seen anywhere else in the game. Maybe if SSB4 did that rather than Brawl only using pre-existing assets (which are never as fun to look at) they could justify the extra effort by all of those new models being be worked into stages/AT's/enemies/bosses for the rest of the game? Especially franchises like Wario and Mother which got nearly nothing in terms of trophies because their games are purely 2D affairs with nothing to pull from (besides World which Brawl pretends doesn't exist).Well, they'll have trophies with the new Smash's own assets too, like usual, so it's not like we'd only have last gen models. They did make many trophy-only models in Melee though, it was Brawl that mostly went with recycled assets for things that weren't in Smash Bros itself. Still, making a bunch of new models just for trophies is pretty much a waste of resources, I think. At this point, if they want to make extra models, they should be used for alternate costumes (which could have their own trophies), not just trophies themselves...
While I see where you're coming from, Melee was still able to have nearly 300 trophies made up of mostly original, hi-polygon models not seen anywhere else in the game.
We are definitely getting a trailer on Tuesday!!!
Just the Dojo? Pfff! Here's the real deal:I feel the urge to reread the entire Dojo before Tuesday.
(Who wants to join me?!)
Only five days separates us from seeing the next Smash Bros.
My god.
Only five days separates us from seeing the next Smash Bros.
My god.
We are definitely getting a trailer on Tuesday!!!
Damn it, hype is starting to get to me.
I want gameplay, Sakurai. GAMEPLAY.
Do we have any more blatantly fake leaks to gloss over recently?
I saw some posted on /v/ and such recently, there were some interesting rumors I read, although the amount of them and the variation made it impossible to actually take any of them serious. Some I recall:
- Baby Mario riding Yoshi would be a reveal, and would be counted as a new character of sorts akin to ZSS. I actually think this would be cool, if for nothing more than to make Yoshi more visually interesting.
- Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening. I see this one a lot. She's supes popular and all, but Fire Emblem has so many character it'd be weird for them to choose a non-Lord imo.
- Calamity was one title I saw brought up a lot. Another was Full Force, the Japanese title being IV (as in four). The Japanese titles all use roman letters (DX and X), so going to IV doesn't seem that weird to be honest...I meant X sounds less than DX.
- Retro's New IP was "Beat All", featuring a Kung-Fu Kabuto that would debut in the Smash trailer...I think this is bunk, but I think it'd be neat if they reveal Retro's New game and then reveal the star of the game to be in Smash 4, like a Roy-type deal.
- Most of the rumors seem to place the Wii U Version over the 3DS, some claiming the latter won't show.
Did we ever have any official pre-Brawl leaks? I don't mean the roster leak before Brawl was released, but rumors before the debut trailer that came true? Did anyone mention Pit being brought back, for example?