Fuck images, I got text bitches:
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong/King K. Rool (Pick One, though I like/want both)
Prince Fluff
Captain Syrup
Pokemon Trainer
Pokemon Rival/Team Member
Captain Falcon
Black Shadow
Kumatora (only mentioning this, I know it's a slim to nothing chance

One offs:
Mr. Game & Watch
Ice Climbers
Mike Jones
Saki/Isa/Katchi (Pick One)
Little Mac
Ray Mk. III
Simon Belmont
Neku Sakuraba/Chrono/Red Mage/Black Mage/DQ Hero/??? (Pick One, ordered in my personal preference)
- Fuck your assumed logic, game needs more
cowbell characters and even if it's just speculation, we shouldn't settle because of precedents.
- Whenever Smash 4 rosters start being talked about, I realize that with so many of my picks being moderately popular to fitting some sort of niche not yet represented in the games, it's more about when than if regarding their inclusion. Still, nothing's ever set in stone until release day.
- Assume all characters from Brawl make it back in with the exception of Toon Link (not because I feel like he's getting axed or should be, but because I would love to see a more full featured and competitive Link with an alt costume before that). Zelda series is one series that's always tough to think of a good newcomer for even if alongside Mario and Pokemon, it is the only one that can get away with having more reps than usual.
- Mario in my roster might be dominating the roster in sheer numbers, but seriously, I've wanted Toad from forever ago. I want a nimble speedy "catch 'n carry" type of character, someone with moves more like Diddy Kong's side B but on greater scales. There's room enough for Toad to be interpreted as such between his SMB2 incarnation and notes on it, I just hope someone's creative enough to play with the idea. Plus you all know it'd be damn hilarious watching him suplex someone like Bowser or dashing full screen carrying Dedede while he struggled to break free. :lol
Daisy is my other pick from this series for a number of reasons. Playing as the tomboy foil to Peach's princess (and completing a Mario princess power duo), representing all of the Mario Sports, Kart & Party titles with emphasis on moves that take major inspiration from Strikers (especially), Tennis, and Golf, bringing in potential for a Sarasaland level and Tatanga as a story mode boss, "Hi, I'm Daisy!" and more
- Pokemon is tough. I don't know nearly enough about popularity or recent events to even hazard guesses at it, which is why most times when I do this, I just leave it blank. That being said, Mewtwo should come back and the Pokemon Trainer idea is so cool, I feel like there should be one more slot like that dedicated to a Rival, Champion or one of the villain Team members for different 'mon to shine and the Trainer to have a counterpick.
- Kamek seriously needs to happen. :lol
- Wario gets both Captain Syrup and Ashley to tie him to Wario Land and Ware respectively. Captain Syrup brings a inverted Olimar style of gameplay where her help (Maple Syrup Gang) brings her opponents to herself for her to deal with and could have any number of Final Smashes (or whatever the equivalent in Smash 4). I'm personally fond of summoning the genie from Wario Land 1 to raze the stage temporarily. Ashley gets a pick because out of all the characters in Wario Ware and what I know of it, she's the only one with any kind of fighting viability. (Not like that's all that should make a character Smash worthy, but seriously, Smash is starved for witches and magics, this was an easy choice.)
- Kid Icarus is blowing the fuck up. Not only am I expecting both Palutena and Medusa to join on merits of being part of the primary three from the series' inception and bringing a secondary character and villain to the fold, I'm expecting Sakurai to go all out making cool staff based movesets with opposed natures. Palutena could be all about defensive styles using the staff to block and poke with the added caveat of barrier based fighting (think creating barriers for locking people inside/"capture bubbles", pushing them forward, reflection/refraction of projectiles, etc) while Medusa brings offensive staff use and straight up nutty uses of magic to the game.
- I'm cool with Black Shadow coming in as a F-Zero villain and I'm also cool with him getting Ganondorf's move set only if Ganondorf keeps Flame Choke (Side B), Warlock Punch, and Thunderstomp (Down Air). Ganon's needed a better emphasis on his, you know, warlock side since forever and if this can expedite that process while giving us a cool new character for the roster, I'm totally down for it.
- Fire Emblem is proving to be a hard one to call. Marth is forever a part of the cast (thank God), and Ike is cool, there aren't a lot of heavy sword users in the series and he has potential to be great with new tweaks. The issue here comes from how they handle the series in terms of a newcomer. Lyn used to be my top pick because I had an itch for a quick draw style of swordsman/woman but with the advent of Takamaru upon us, there's a good chance that they'll opt for him with an experiment in that style. (Also she's apparently like really really unpopular in Japan as much as I hate the character popularity = chance at roster status debate.) Micahah was another pick for simply bringing something other than a sword to the series from FE, but again, unpopular and her story was more of a side story to Ike's greater story in the PoR-RD games. I always thought Shiida would be cool for a dynamic duo with precedence as she is Marth's wife and she also brings a pole-arm/halberd to things. On the other hand, I bet no one knows who she is outside of FE heads, that and if a precedence was to be set, it would have been done so in Melee with regards to them being a dynamic duo. Finally Roy. He was cool in Melee, cloneness aside, but relevance (as much as it shouldn't matter) and the reception to his game kinda make me second guess his chances.
- Obvious one off newcomers are obvious. Also, if the Japanese can rally and get so many JPN only characters from Nintendo's back catalogue into this series, it makes no sense to say that we can't do the same for Mike and the StarTropics series.
Edit: Totally didn't think of Prince Fluff, a character like that has amazing potential even if I feel like the Kirby series has all of its major players covered at this point.