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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Turning Star Fox into a furry space opera is certainly her fault. Love drama in Star Fox is a no go for many people. The character is horrible. She is pretty much the Shadow (or maybe Rouge the Bat) of the Star Fox series.

Romance and drama are not the problem, space drama was sort of the idea behind Star Fox to begin with, thus all character dynamics and talking during missions, but it was mostly left implied, like with Katt.

Crystal represents a turn for the worst for Star Fox not because she gets close to Fox, but that you booted up the highly anticipated game long awaited after SF64 from a developer you trust, expecting Fox in some space shooting battles in all his glory, and instead got some blue chick in a loin cloth waving a stick and shooting glitter from a pterodactyl and tediously tossing barrels, providing one of the worst first impressions of a game, which only continued to disappoint as it dragged on. I honestly can't remember if she has any real personality or has any redeeming character traits besides her sick sexual appeal. But more so I just don't want to remember anything about Star Fox Adventures, and no one should be made to.


Super Member
You're right about gameplay, which is why I set it aside. They need to bring it back to 64's direction.

However, the animal drama story has been happening since the first game.

What Command does is offer several optional endings for the playable characters. They are all reasonable endings within the world of Starfox. Some of them are sillier than others, but that's okay since only a couple of them are supposedly canonical.

The series isn't something that just got ruined just because Krystal appeared. If anything, Starfox impeded Dinosaur Planet's story.

Would I use her for Smash? Maybe not, but a staff-user could be a fresh concept for the current roster.

It started in Command, and arguably in Assault.
NO, it started in Starfox 1. All the story events are carried under the banner of silly animal drama. Falco had a somewhat romantic interest (Katt) show up in Starfox 64.

I don't like Assault and Command is unusual, but the stories are the least of their problems. Adventures was different but alright, with the exception of all the item collecting.
This whole Krystal argument is just bizarre. She was the downfall of Starfox? i'd say average games that she happened to be in were the problem really. Hell I didn't even mind the two GC games that much, Krystal was pretty non-offensive, she sits in a crystal (oh the hilarity!) for most of the game and Fox gets hot under the collar in the ending but questionable outfit aside i'm not seeing the problem regarding SPACE DRAMA!
In Assault she basically sat in the arwing in place of old man Peppy and did her job with the only drama based banter coming from Panther while Fox basically gave no shits because he was too busy blowing stuff up with his new best buddy Wolf, from the way some of the people in here are going on I must have missed the stage that involved numerous bouts of saucy banter between the two foxes that threatened to increase the age rating.
Now as for command....okay you've got me there but that game made everyone suck to some degree, it takes something special to make Slippy worse but they did it with that pink frog.

I wouldn't say she's a good character by any stretch but she doesn't come across any worse than most others in Starfox, anyway it's kind of a moot point as I don't think Starfox should have had more than 2 reps and they would be Fox and Wolf alone with Wolf having further altered special moves. Hey maybe we'll get the SF64 style Wolf in the next Smash, i'll take the smug bastard edition over the Assault antihero Wolf.

Oh but anyway this whole thing is on about what if Krystal was in smash and is she deserving, She's not worth a slot if you ask me and few starfox characters are but at least she has moveset potential since Fox isn't going to be picking up that staff any time soon. Or is this whole SF stuff really just something that boils down to a mad starfox fanbase that i've never bothered to take a look at?

But screw Krystal, we all know the only female animal based character who should be a smash newcomer is Dixie Kong.


Super Member
Donkey and Diddy should be merged into one team (ala Ice Climbers), whilst Dixie can team with Kiddy. They can even use team moves like they did in the DKC games.

or leave DK alone and team Diddy with Dixie

boom 1-2 empty slots ;P


But screw Krystal, we all know the only female animal based character who should be a smash newcomer is Dixie Kong.

This I can get behind. Though I think we will be getting either K. Rool or Dixie Kong, not both, and I think K. Rool has the edge.

Seriously though, replay Command and it will become clear why Krystal is bad character for the series

I think the reason why people are suggesting trash characters like Krystal, is because there really is so few female characters from Nintendo that are notable (or have notoriety). I mean who else is there? Dixie Kong (whom most people don't count as "female" due to not being someone who even a noisy minority would find sexually attractive)? Wario side characters? Fire Emblem one-shot lords?

That is the reason why I think Palutena and Medusa are going to end up becoming so popular (or at least the most desired possible female newcomers). They are both very prominent in their game of origin, and actually more important than any other male character in their games (aside from Pit).
Never thought about throwing Kiddy into the mix before, Dixie and Kiddy would make for a fun duo team what with the weight and power differences between the two, maybe make them a duo where you could switch between each as your lead for various different moves and properties. Shame most people hate Kiddy Kong too much to consider this an option, i'd love some DKC3 representation.
Donkey Kong has to stay on his own though.
Subspace Emissary should be done in 2D with sprite characters. It would be eliminate the floaty nature of the 3d characters that throws off the sidescrolling gameplay and give it a unique look to seperate it from the the melee modes. I think it'd look awesome to see Mario in all his SMW world sprite glory fighting alongside 2D Link, Samus, and company.


I think it's because Krystal attracts a certain fanbase that people don't want associated with their games. In that sense she ruined the series.

Subspace Emissary should be done in 2D with sprite characters. It would be eliminate the floaty nature of the 3d characters that throws off the sidescrolling gameplay and give it a unique look to seperate it from the the melee modes. I think it'd look awesome to see Mario in all his SMW world sprite glory fighting alongside 2D Link, Samus, and company.

It would be nice but also a huge waste of time on the development side and maybe disc space.

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Subspace Emissary should be done in 2D with sprite characters. It would be eliminate the floaty nature of the 3d characters that throws off the sidescrolling gameplay and give it a unique look to seperate it from the the melee modes. I think it'd look awesome to see Mario in all his SMW world sprite glory fighting alongside 2D Link, Samus, and company.

The idea of 2D sprites for a game mode would be cool, but it'd be really lame if they reuse sprites from their past games. I've seen enough of SMW Mario in fan games/flash movies/etc etc.

EDIT: And yeah what Chet said, unfortunately.
This I can get behind. Though I think we will be getting either K. Rool or Dixie Kong, not both, and I think K. Rool has the edge.

Seriously though, replay Command and it will become clear why Krystal is bad character for the series

I think the reason why people are suggesting trash characters like Krystal, is because there really is so few female characters from Nintendo that are notable (or have notoriety). I mean who else is there? Dixie Kong (whom most people don't count as "female" due to not being someone who even a noisy minority would find sexually attractive)? Wario side characters? Fire Emblem one-shot lords?

That is the reason why I think Palutena and Medusa are going to end up becoming so popular (or at least the most desired possible female newcomers). They are both very prominent in their game of origin, and actually more important than any other male character in their games (aside from Pit).
I don't think i'll be taking you up on your offer to revisit command and rediscover such "gems" as Kursed Krystal and weeping Fox McCloud as he drinks his romantic sorrows away.

As for KI characters, I get the feeling that Palutena will be very much a background character who just flings advice and banter at Pit, though I could be wrong and I hope I am as it would be nice if that wasn't the case, i'm thinking Medusa has the higher odds right now, I guess all will be revealed when uprising comes out.

I think it's because Krystal attracts a certain fanbase that people don't want associated with their games. In that sense she ruined the series
I think this likely has a fair bit to do with it for some people, it would explain both the fans and detractors to some degree


As in "Heathcliff"
Sometime, I wish that Nintendo didn't sell Rare characters back to Rare, so we could see Banjo-Kazookie, Conker, Joanna Dark and etc.

I know everything what happens with legal rights and hocus pocus.. Just that I wish Nintendo would keep it away from Rare since those characters felt like they are belong to nintendo. (sorta)


Here is my roster for Smash 4:





What is this bullshit mini-roster?

You've got to dream a little bigger, darling. I want the 3000 character mega-rosters back.

the fuck , they took away Bills pharaoh hat in star fox 64 3DS :( now i don't want him in the next smash :p

bleh i'll be pissed if King K Rool doesn't get in now, he's perfect , i want a throwing crown move B^)

the kid from The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is gonna make it D:
Sometime, I wish that Nintendo didn't sell Rare characters back to Rare, so we could see Banjo-Kazookie, Conker, Joanna Dark and etc.

I know everything what happens with legal rights and hocus pocus.. Just that I wish Nintendo would keep it away from Rare since those characters felt like they are belong to nintendo. (sorta)

Well at least we got the Perfect Dark Cloaking Device, they can't fool me with that "top secret" nonsense.
Banjo-Kazooie would be so good, maybe somehow they can get the duo in the 3DS version since Rare games were allowed on previous Nintendo handhelds (this means nothing now, it wont happen)


As for KI characters, I get the feeling that Palutena will be very much a background character who just flings advice and banter at Pit, though I could be wrong and I hope I am as it would be nice if that wasn't the case, i'm thinking Medusa has the higher odds right now, I guess all will be revealed when uprising comes out.

I definitely think that Palutena's role in Uprising will be non-combative, however, keep in mind that did not keep out Zelda in Melee. Also, considering that Sakurai is basically now the "father" of Kid Icarus, he can pretty much take liberties if he wants to in regards to the characters if he wanted to implement them into Smash Bros. (much like how he made it so that King Dedede's hammer had mechanical properties).


As far as "recent" characters go, and given the unexpected hit Xenoblade ended up being, I say Shulk is a lock for the next Smash.


As far as "recent" characters go, and given the unexpected hit Xenoblade ended up being, I say Shulk is a lock for the next Smash.

Xenoblade has pretty much become a cult hit in Japan. And for whatever its worth, I saw a notable amount of requests for him on Japanese forums. There were certainly more requests for him than a Golden Sun character.

On a side note, its interesting how many new series blonde-haired sword-users are wanted for Smash 4 (Shulk, Saki, Isaac).


As in "Heathcliff"
Xenoblade has pretty much become a cult hit in Japan. And for whatever its worth, I saw a notable amount of requests for him on Japanese forums. There were certainly more requests for him than a Golden Sun character.

On a side note, its interesting how many new series blonde-haired sword-users are wanted for Smash 4 (Shulk, Saki, Isaac).

Actually I don't mind to see Shulk, so we have to figure out what is next popular character from Golden Sun.

Mia? Garnet? Alex? Felix? Dejien?


I really hope Dixie Kong won't be in. Boring and uninteresting character imo. King K. Rool would be way better.

Dixie Kong was planned for Brawl though.

Also, I think Dixie Kong as a character would primarily utilize her oversized ponytail for many of her attacks and even grabs, so she would be interesting in the respect that she could be a three-armed fighter. Donkey Kong Country 2 and Donkey Kong Country 3 were also both superb platformers that still hold up to this day.

However, I do think K. Rool is more likely than Dixie Kong.
The amount of speculation and discussion over a game that hasn't even started development is insane. The fanbase this game has is really something special (good way).

What is this bullshit mini-roster?

You've got to dream a little bigger, darling. I want the 3000 character mega-rosters back.


Looking at that roster hurts my eyes. Character selection proceeds to take 20 mins of people trying to find their character.


Banjo-Kazooie not being allowed in this game is a tragedy. A TRAGEDY I SAY

Banjo-Kazooie being dead in general is a tragedy. Though yes, It's a shame we'll never see Banjo, or any other Rareware character in a Smash game.

Closest thing we ever got to that (sans the DKC representation) was the Motion-Sensor Bomb being a Proximity Mine in the Melee beta.



The biggest criticism that I personally have with my own roster is the lack of recent characters. I think the newest character on my roster is Mii who debuted in November 2006.

Other than that, I think the roster was done well, and is probably the best of what could be done with 53 character spots. I would be glad to elaborate on my decisions and thoughts if anyone has any questions regarding a particular character's inclusion on the roster.

Isa could replace Saki to make it more modern. Other than that, your roster's nice and realistic but it's bit too tame for my taste. Where are the more outlandish inclusions, like Square-Enix characters? :p

Was Black Shadow included just to keep Ganondorf's clone moveset in the game? He's a blander character than Waluigi. If there's room for another F-Zero character, don't you think that one of the OGs like Samurai Goroh would be a better pick?


Banjo-Kazooie not being allowed in this game is a tragedy. A TRAGEDY I SAY

Microsoft isn't doing anything with him. I wish Nintendo would buy him just so he can be in Smash.

Snakey said:
On a side note, its interesting how many new series blonde-haired sword-users are wanted for Smash 4 (Shulk, Saki, Isaac).

I don't know anything about Xenoblade, but I think Saki with his laser sword and blaster and jetpack and Isaac with his magic and summons could still be unique characters despite being sword wielders.
I always wanted to be able to select characters from previous games, like SF2 Anniversary Edition. Even keep the same models. I would love to use old-school Mario again.


Isa could replace Saki to make it more modern. Other than that, your roster's nice and realistic but it's bit too tame for my taste. Where are the more outlandish inclusions, like Square-Enix characters? :p

Was Black Shadow included just to keep Ganondorf's clone moveset in the game? He's a blander character than Waluigi. If there's room for another F-Zero character, don't you think that one of the OGs like Samurai Goroh would be a better pick?

Thank you for your compliment.

Anyway, in regards to your questions,

I picked Saki over Isa because Saki is far more popular than Isa (and besides S&P2 bombed harder than even the original).

I was actually contemplating a more "out there" character to place in such as Duck Hunt Dog or Lip. However, I opted for more conservative choices I guess. I was thinking about possibly switching out Toad for Paper Mario too. If I brought in Duck Hunt Dog or Lip, I would probably switch them with either Starfy or Saki.

For third-party characters, considering the only third-party character that is widely desired is Mega Man, he was the only one I added. Smash Bros. is first and foremost a collection of Nintendo characters. For Square-Enix, I don't think there are any characters that really stick out to me or would draw people to the game like Snake, Sonic, and Mega Man would. Maybe Cloud would build hype, however, he has never have a prominent appearance on a Nintendo console (outside of small cameos in Kingdom Hearts games and I think he will be appearing in Theatrhtthym Final Fantasy). There have been people who have suggested Slime, however, I am not sure exactly how the character would go over, even in Japan.

In regards to the F-Zero character, yes, the main reason I chose Black Shadow over Samurai Goroh because he could easily take Ganondorf's old moveset. Black Shadow is a very important character to F-Zero though, Captain Falcon's arch-nemesis. For Samurai Goroh, I also assessed that there was little to base a possible moveset for him on, and that Takamaru was already in to give the Japanese katana swordplay style. If there is a newcomer for F-Zero added, it will either be Black Shadow or Samurai Goroh. I think the F-Zero anime does make one also appreciate Black Shadow a bit more (he is voiced by Norio Wakamoto in it). On that note, I remember reading a few years ago prior to Brawl, that Wakamoto would be glad to reprise his role as Black Shadow for Smash Bros. if he was asked to.


I think the dude from Xenoblade (Shulk?) will be in this for sure. North American popularity of characters has never mattered when it comes to the Smash Bros roster.


It's hard to predict how the character selection is going to go considering it's two new Smash bros games were getting. Will the 3DS and WiiU version just share the same roster or will the 3DS version get only a few new fighters with the WiiU version picking up the slack? I'd imagine the 3DS version would release first. Or was it said they would release at the same time.


If Japan gets their vaguely Zelda-ish region-exclusive NES game character in Takamaru, we should get our vaguely Zelda-ish region-exclusive NES game character in Mike Jones.

It's only fair.

Takamaru isn't region exclusive anymore though... (Samurai Warriors 3 Wii)


Takamaru isn't region exclusive anymore though... (Samurai Warriors 3 Wii)

I think Little Mac is our equivalent of Takamaru as well. However, I would think Mike Jone (of StarTropics) would seriously warrant inclusion if the series is being revived by Retro Studios (however, there is a whole plethora of rumors pertaining to Retro Studios's current project).
Something about Lanky Kong looks so much worse in that render up there than he does in game, well at the very least one could easily make a moveset for him since DK64 piled on the moves for each character, plus he comes complete with Dhalsim style punching from the other side of the screen.


Super Member
It's hard to predict how the character selection is going to go considering it's two new Smash bros games were getting. Will the 3DS and WiiU version just share the same roster or will the 3DS version get only a few new fighters with the WiiU version picking up the slack? I'd imagine the 3DS version would release first. Or was it said they would release at the same time.
I imagine that a big reason for both will be to transfer data. In which case, both versions might eventually share the exact same cast.

Professor Beef said:
I always wanted to be able to select characters from previous games, like SF2 Anniversary Edition. Even keep the same models. I would love to use old-school Mario again.
I agree, but to go all the way for 64, Melee, and Brawl would be a huge undertaking.

If they got it to work, they would have to figure out how to balance the CPU fighting (I absolutely hate Hyper Anniversary for this reason).

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North American popularity of characters has never mattered when it comes to the Smash Bros roster.

Sonic is extremely niche in Japan. NA/EU mattered... at least for his sake.

(Not disagreeing with you about Xenoblade, though. I can easily see Shulk getting in SSB4 too)
Man, the DK Rap is so good. Can't imagine how Melee players excited for that game would have felt booting up Kongo Jungle for the first time and hearing that that's what they picked for the music. :lol
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