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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Of course more people will become active in the speculation once more information about Smash 4 is revealed, however, from the people that have voiced their opinion in regards to Smash 4, most people want a Mario newcomer, but seem to disagree with the other choices people bring up. Toad has the most support of all the Mario characters, however, as you saw in this thread, there is many who feel he is too "bland" and too much of a side-character in the Mario platformers to warrant playable inclusion.

Toad does seem kind've bland, imo. If he is included I can see him getting a couple of brand new moves to make him interesting. Like Peach, I think he would also have the turnips and maybe for his upB the magic carpet from SML 2.

I think the Mario character pool includes Bowser Jr., Rosalina, Toad,>>>>>>>>Daisy>>>>>>>>>>>>Waluigi

Yeah. I have noticed that too. Lip also has a much stronger level of support on GameFAQs than other places that allow Smash 4 discussion.

I wouldn't mind Lip, I think she is also a good candidate for a remodel like Pit if she was included.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well Dillion is an entirely new character recently made, Whereas Waluigi has been around since the N64 days.

Yeah but here's the deal - Waluigi is just those extras you call. These people seem to think he's beyond that. That's like thinking Derpy Hooves, nay, Doctor Whoof is part of the main cast of MLP.

Sorry I couldn't think of an example so quickly.


If Waluigi being a playable character in the next Smash Bros. is what it would take for us to finally get a Waluigi game, then I'm all for it, lol. I want him to be playable anyway because he has so much potential, and seeing him in Adventure Mode would be a real treat. He has so much character, it's sad that he never gets a chance to star in anything except spin-off games.


Maturity, bitches.
Waluigi has only appeared in a single minigame in the Wario Ware series. Even Luigi gets more love. If Rare made DKC2 today, Waluigi's hat would be seen along side Sonic's shows and Jim's gun in the No Hopers bin.


A Waluigi game?
He better start acting as a vilain in a Luigi game first.

Luigi has what, 2 games, one to be released soon, plus Mario is missing where he can't even have his name in the title!

Waluigi is a typical sub-character still not used yet by Nintendo, and perfectly suitable for the digitals products they may need to feed their Nintendo network with. I can't see a proper Mario game on WiiUware, but, I can see Ninetndo defining what is a "proper" Waluigi game on WiiUware.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
If Waluigi being a playable character in the next Smash Bros. is what it would take for us to finally get a Waluigi game, then I'm all for it, lol. I want him to be playable anyway because he has so much potential, and seeing him in Adventure Mode would be a real treat. He has so much character, it's sad that he never gets a chance to star in anything except spin-off games.

Your nose, it's becoming long.


It's funny that people are so in *denial* when it comes to Tingle being the next best representative of the Zelda franchise. He is the fourth most important character of the series outside Link/Zelda/Ganon and has three games. Is it because people would much rather see more 'cool' characters? And he basically clears up the problem of Balloon Fighter being too plain looking.

I think that Tingle, Ridley, and K.Rool (the latter two aren't very appealing aesthetically, though) are the only missing superstars from the franchises already included in Brawl.


I'm kind of curious about what stages Smash 4 might have. Sure, the character discussion is all good fun, but there has been several new games that could inspire some pretty awesome stages.

For Mario we got both New Super Mario Bros and the Galaxy games. The NSMB one should be fairly obvious, but they could surprise us and do an airship version. For Galaxy, everyone will probably say Gusty Garden for the music, but... a Bowser's Galaxy Plant stage with that final boss music of Galaxy would be most welcome to give Bowser a home stage. Gusty Garden's music can be used elsewhere, we need a stage to use the Mario battle music in.

Zelda gets Skyward Sword and the DS games. We don't actually have a stage on a moving train, so giving Toon Link (if he's still in) a Spirit Tracks stage could be interesting. From Skyward Sword we have Skyloft or the Sealed Grounds as the obvious picks. Lanyaru's desert that runs into a sea or other timeshift gimmicks could also be fun, or fighting on top of that skywhale I forget the name of.

Metroid has Prime 3 and Other M. Phaaze would be pretty trippy, in a good way, and Other M has some nice locations, too. Could use the holographic terrain to make a Pokémon Stadium-ish stage that shows off several areas of the Bottle Ship. Or just use the Ridley fight area, but we have enough Metroid stages with lava.

Kirby got Epic Yarn, which would make for a fun stage. Bonus if all the characters are yarn or felt versions of themselves, like they become 2D in the Game and Watch stages.

And if Sonic is back, give him a Sonic Colors stage. Interstellar Amusement Park or Terminal Velocity could be great. Fighting while running/falling towards the Earth would be an awesome background. Maybe have each Wisp change the arena.


Waluigi needs more non-sports roles before being in Smash or getting his own game. I'm surprised he (and Daisy and Wario) have yet to show up in the RPG/Paper/M&L games.

As for stages, I say the biggest priority is Bowser's Castle which is overdue since Melee. It's definitely the most important Mario location that hasn't been used. Although I'll take a variant like an Airship or a Bowser Galaxy.

I also want a Fire Emblem stage that isn't generic. My favorite pick would be Castle Nox (where Chapter 3-13 from Radiant Dawn takes place). It could work as a plain stage with three "floors" (highest level in the middle and goes lower as you walk to the sides). The Greil Mercenaries and the Dawn Brigade could be seen fighting in the background. No pits either, you die by walking offscreen on the sides.
I also want a Fire Emblem stage that isn't generic. My favorite pick would be Castle Nox (where Chapter 3-13 from Radiant Dawn takes place). It could work as a plain stage with three "floors" (highest level in the middle and goes lower as you walk to the sides). The Greil Mercenaries and the Dawn Brigade could be seen fighting in the background. No pits either, you die by walking offscreen on the sides.

Stage hazard is that surprisingly competent cpu archer who leaps off the ballista to take on laguz by himself (in a pit no less!), he'd have ultimate chimera instant killing ability if you dared to make contact with him.
Seriously though a proper FE stage would be great.


We don't actually have a stage on a moving train, so giving Toon Link (if he's still in) a Spirit Tracks stage could be interesting..

Hell yeah! I love the stages where you're on top of moving vehicles (Big Blue ftw). And the music just seals the deal.

I'm partial to Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy myself.

For an F-Zero stage, maybe Lightning? Smash should have an epic storm/rain/thunder stage.

Gaur Plains from Xenoblade would be pure eye candy.

Gangplank Galleon for DK seems like the most obvious choice. Focus less on the jungles and more on the pirates, I say.

As for retro stages, a building being destroyed as you play would be a cool Wrecking Crew homage. Like a wrecking ball just comes through and smashes parts of the level, eventually the whole floor gets destroyed and you fall to a lower level. If they wanna be super ambitious, have it be physics driven, so it's different every time you play it.

Oh and a stage for Chibi Robo where everything's giant sized. Could take place in a bedroom, kitchen, backyard, anywhere.


If there is a moving train stage (from Spirit Tracks or whatever), then I hope there's the option to customize the soundtrack so I can play that stage with THIS music.


How about a Mega Man stage? There are a lot of cool levels in the series, but there's not really one default Mega Man home turf. All his stages represent a boss more than they represent him. How do you choose just one of the many, many robot master stages to represent the whole series?

I think something from Mega Man 2 would be best, since that's where the series really took off for most people. Flash Man could look cool. Metal Man's death factory has potential. And Quick Man's lasers are an obvious environmantal hazard.
It's funny that people are so in *denial* when it comes to Tingle being the next best representative of the Zelda franchise. He is the fourth most important character of the series outside Link/Zelda/Ganon and has three games. Is it because people would much rather see more 'cool' characters? And he basically clears up the problem of Balloon Fighter being too plain looking.

I think that Tingle, Ridley, and K.Rool (the latter two aren't very appealing aesthetically, though) are the only missing superstars from the franchises already included in Brawl.

I would agree, but Tingle is so hated in America that Nintendo stopped putting him in mainline Zelda games. At least Mother and Fire Emblem games didn't come out in America because they were niche; Tingle's own games don't come here because people hate him (for some reason). I don't think he could make it into Smash Bros. as a playable character.

He's really the only possible new Zelda character (unless Sakurai does something totally unexpected, like he almost did with Toon Zelda), though.


It's funny that people are so in *denial* when it comes to Tingle being the next best representative of the Zelda franchise. He is the fourth most important character of the series outside Link/Zelda/Ganon and has three games. Is it because people would much rather see more 'cool' characters? And he basically clears up the problem of Balloon Fighter being too plain looking.

I think that Tingle, Ridley, and K.Rool (the latter two aren't very appealing aesthetically, though) are the only missing superstars from the franchises already included in Brawl.

Thank IGN for convincing Nintendo that the world hates tingle. The fact that he hasn't been in the last four games is not a good sign.
How about a Mega Man stage? There are a lot of cool levels in the series, but there's not really one default Mega Man home turf. All his stages represent a boss more than they represent him. How do you choose just one of the many, many robot master stages to represent the whole series?

I think something from Mega Man 2 would be best, since that's where the series really took off for most people. Flash Man could look cool. Metal Man's death factory has potential. And Quick Man's lasers are an obvious environmantal hazard.

Mega Man stage would have loads of mechanised stage props. Conveyor belts, Mets, those disappearing block things, spikes, the works. Just a real lethal stage. Wily's Castle would be best pick, IMO, for the 'setting', but the stage itself could be fairly non-specific given how similar many Mega Man levels are.


Tingle should be in Smash 4.

With his Majora's Mask design.


The last time I ever enjoyed Tingle was in Wind Waker. Tingle Tuner for ghetto 2-Player mode was fun as hell, and him posing with you in his tower was hilarious.

That's how Tingle should be if he gets into the next Smash game; he should be an item that copies your every movement.


I've always loved Tingle as a character. In Majora's Mask he's parody of Zelda otaku who act like children even at 35 years old, and in Wind Waker the creepiness of his character is further parodied to be some crazy slave driver.

But as a SSB fighter? I do not want that. Any other sort of appearance is fine.


Tingle in Zelda = bad, creepy at best.
Tingle in his games = AWESOME

There could be far worse characters to add.

I would love to see him in smash. I think he's hilarious and I loved Rosy Rupeeland. I'm just pointing out that as far as the Zelda series is concerned, they are basically pretending he never existed.


I was wondering how this thread was alive when we have zero information of this game and its going to be years before we see it, then I see Tingle love, I approve!

I'm terrible at fighting games but if Tingle becomes playable I swear I would practice with him until I master him to beat everyone online and taste their bitter tears.
I would love to see him in smash. I think he's hilarious and I loved Rosy Rupeeland. I'm just pointing out that as far as the Zelda series is concerned, they are basically pretending he never existed.

Oh yeah, I agree, but would he have really fit the look of TP or SS? I guess he could have been in the DS games, but whatever.

Obviously the real snub is not putting him into OoT3D
It's funny that people are so in *denial* when it comes to Tingle being the next best representative of the Zelda franchise. He is the fourth most important character of the series outside Link/Zelda/Ganon and has three games. Is it because people would much rather see more 'cool' characters? And he basically clears up the problem of Balloon Fighter being too plain looking.

I think that Tingle, Ridley, and K.Rool (the latter two aren't very appealing aesthetically, though) are the only missing superstars from the franchises already included in Brawl.

No one's in "denial", that thing aint going anywhere. :p

I stand by Impa.
I'd honestly prefer Tingle over anybody else from Zelda if not because I like the character, then because he's the last 'major' Zelda character who isn't a one-off and continues the trend of playable characters for the series which keep reincarnating at different spots in the series' timeline (sans Ganon/Ganondorf; it's been the same individual every appearance, right?). If you already had him though Skull Kid, Midna and/or Ghirahim would be fair game.
'Vaati' or whatever his name was is boring as hell

The only characters I truly want are these two.

Probably never going to happen, what with the series being 'over' and all.

Duster staple-gunning people to walls and roundhouse kicking everything with limp-rag-doll-physics-legs would be hilarious though. If the game goes overboard with AT's I'd like to see both him and Kumatora show up there. Maybe give Kumatora Starstorm and make a new PSI Love based FS for Lucas (and a PSI Rockin' FS for Ness for that matter).


But Impa's only really important if you're interested in the Zelda mythos or whatever. Tingle's appeal goes beyond that. Not to mention that Tingle and Wario are a match made in heaven =P

Speaking of "matches", I would like to see some kind of tag team mode for multiplayer. Maybe even have team attacks.


Sounds like NOA is throwing a pretty large scale Kid Icarus Uprising tourney pre launch.

They best be doing the same with Smash 4.


Sounds like NOA is throwing a pretty large scale Kid Icarus Uprising tourney pre launch.

They best be doing the same with Smash 4.

My experience with GS tournaments have been pretty negative. Not that this reflects on all GS stores but this is how Brawl went in my city:

We had random characters, one on one, items on, Wiimote + Nunchuck, and no explanation of the controls.

Also when they connected one of the Nunchucks they held down on the stick so one person had to play the whole match crouched and they wouldn't fix it.


My experience with GS tournaments have been pretty negative. Not that this reflects on all GS stores but this is how Brawl went in my city:

We had random characters, one on one, items on, Wiimote + Nunchuck, and no explanation of the controls.

Also when they connected one of the Nunchucks they held down on the stick so one person had to play the whole match crouched and they wouldn't fix it.

Well, my GS tournament was:

4 player free for all
only starting characters
only sideways wiimote
items on

It was fucking brutal. I'm fairly certain no one had fun. Everyone asked if they could use Gamecube controllers... no chance. Very unhappy players in that store. Just badly planned overall.

This Kid Icarus tourney looks like it's of a larger scale. Only 3 tournaments located all around the States. Hopefully a potential Smash 4 tourney can be run like that, or better than the Brawl tourney, at least...
Well, my GS tournament was:

4 player free for all
only starting characters
only sideways wiimote
items on

It was fucking brutal. I'm fairly certain no one had fun. Everyone asked if they could use Gamecube controllers... no chance. Very unhappy players in that store. Just badly planned overall.
I remember this at our EB Games. Pretty much exactly as you described, except we weren't even allowed to pick characters from the starting line-up. Just all-out random.

Don't remember many people showing up to that tournament at all.

As for Smash 4? Have a nice cast of 50 characters, and a Subspace Emissary that isn't filled with generic and boring shit. Also, netcoding that's passable would be appreciated, along with a six player maximum.

I need more crazy.
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