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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I've been pushing this little guy on other forums, but I keep getting laughed at...


At the bottom of Igglybuff's HUD would be a small meter displaying its Happiness. Once this meter fills up through landing special moves, taunting, using items, etc., a short invulnerable cutscene would initiate similar to the Pokémon games.

Why do I want to see Igglybuff in the game?

  1. Jigglypuff isn't nearly as popular as it once was, and some people feel that its place in Smash Bros. is no longer necessary. On the other hand, there are people who believe that it is too late for any of the "original twelve" to be taken out of the game. Igglybuff would represent the best of both worlds by breathing new life into a waning veteran.
  2. FireRed & LeafGreen gave us Pokémon Trainer and Diamond & Pearl gave us Lucario. HeartGold & SoulSilver were released after Brawl, so Igglybuff is still "relevant" in that sense.
  3. Just as the Pokémon Trainer represents the very important gameplay mechanic of strategically swapping out Pokémon, Igglybuff would represent the Gold/Silver Happiness mechanic. The more unique characters the better!
  4. Sakurai said that Jigglypuff was intended to be the original Smash Bros.' joke character. The torch has been passed!

Plus, I'm hoping to see Pokémon characters from each generation of installments:

  • Pikachu - series mascot
  • Pokémon Trainer - Red & Blue
  • Igglybuff - Gold & Silver
  • Plusle & Minun - Ruby & Sapphire
  • Lucario - Diamond & Pearl
  • Zoroark - Black & White

Yeah, that's technically nine playable characters, but Pokémon is incredibly popular, and the Mario universe would probably have a similar count. It's justified to me.
I'd certainly like to see a pokemon for each gen as well, funnily enough I don't care for Jiggs or Igly but damn do I love Wigglytuff.
But Igglybuff isn't likely, the Jigglypuff fans wouldn't approve and baby pokemon aren't anything I desire to play as, we already suffered Pichu.
But the happiness and evolution idea isn't too bad, i'm all for it If we can also moonstone the Jigglypuff to greater glory


The only way I can see igglybuff playable is an Alternate Costume along with Wigglytuff.

Other than that, Igglypuff has as much chance of being playable like Bellosom, Wailmer and Munchlax
I'd certainly like to see a pokemon for each gen as well, funnily enough I don't care for Jiggs or Igly but damn do I love Wigglytuff.
But Igglybuff isn't likely, the Jigglypuff fans wouldn't approve and baby pokemon aren't anything I desire to play as, we already suffered Pichu.
But the happiness and evolution idea isn't too bad, i'm all for it If we can also moonstone the Jigglypuff to greater glory


pichu is better than pikachu


A good part of me really wants to see each of the five generations represented, and the only Gold & Silver characters that are mainstream enough are Pichu, Togepi, Marill, and the legendaries. The possibility of Plusle & Minun rules Pichu out; Marill would ultimately be too similar to Squirtle; and the legendaries fit best as Poké Ball summons. That leaves Togepi who... I don't know, doesn't seem very practical as a Smash Bros. fighter. Igglybuff's not the most popular of the G2 characters, but being the devolution of Jigglypuff gives it some inherent connection to Smash Bros. that the others are lacking.


well I doubt Sakurai is going to represent all Generation pokemons.

5th is definitely going to get one either in the form of Zoroark or The Pokemon trainer, while the rest of the roster is probably going to be 1st gen biased with Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo or others.


Well then never mind, some people might make a case for Pichu based on how good it was in a previous game but I guessed wrong, actually I don't mind Pichu's design but I wouldn't bring it back or anything.

don't worry, Pichu was never good in any environment, competitive or otherwise.
don't worry, Pichu was never good in any environment, competitive or otherwise.

I never really got what they were going for with Pichu, having a clone to fill space is fine but surely a slower and more powerful version of Pikachu (with Raichu) would have made more sense than making a light and speedy character even lighter and speedier, and then on top of that make it hurt itself and various other non beneficial variations to the moves, forget Jigglypuff being the joke character, Pichu stole the throne as far as i'm concerned.
Though I really assume it was to rep the most recent gen at the time.
The goggles were pretty nice though and its crouching animation.


I think Sakurai said on the Japanese dojo that Pichu was literally a joke, correct me if I'm wrong.


今回のスマブラは、最弱の座をピチューに託しました。 This time in Smash Bros., Pichu has taken the position of the weakest character.

He said the same thing about Jigglypuff in the original game. Brawl was never given a real joke character, though I suppose Jigglypuff takes the throne again by default.


I want to see a stock mode where each stock is a different character, so basically a team elimination mode.

Speaking of "matches", I would like to see some kind of tag team mode for multiplayer. Maybe even have team attacks.

I fancy the sound of these.

I'd also like to see them to go even further and appropriate some modes from other genres, like King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Hold the Thingamajig, etc.
I fancy the sound of these.

I'd also like to see them to go even further and appropriate some modes from other genres, like King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Hold the Thingamajig, etc.

The premise of Smash Bros is very much King of the hill anyway, Hold the *insert object* could work as it was used as a mission back in melee where you had to hold a Yoshi egg except it was based around the egg surviving the time limit as opposed to which character held it the most.
Capture the flag would be kind of fun but horribly unbalanced when I think of character movement speeds and such.
They should put in hacker central from perfect dark just to amuse me.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
In Samus' Final Smash, she fires a beam of progesterone and misogyny that turns even the most badass characters into crying blonds with perfect makeup, and daddy/mommy issues.


but what if she isn't authorized to use it?

She gains authorization by smashing the final smash ball!

Or they could ignore other designs like they do with Samus. :D

Or put weird baby bird Ridley in as the ultimate troll character.

Oh boy, you just reminded me of killer furby


Capture the flag would be kind of fun but horribly unbalanced when I think of character movement speeds and such.

Sakurai could make it work; make only certain characters selectable, equalize running speed in that mode, have the flag-carrier move slower, blah blah blah, I'd be happy with any mode that mixes things up, really.

Anyone got a moveset in mind for Ganondorf? We can all agree that he needs new moves, but what should they be? Would he use the Sage sword from Twilight Princess, or the twin swords from WindWaker, or even his trident from the older games? Would his infamous bouncy ball of light be his B move, or should he even have a projectile at all? Are there some abilities from the games I'm forgetting?


The best thing about Wolf being in Brawl is that Krystal has a much smaller chance being in SSB4. I can't see Star Fox having four represantives.


Sakurai could make it work; make only certain characters selectable, equalize running speed in that mode, have the flag-carrier move slower, blah blah blah, I'd be happy with any mode that mixes things up, really.

Anyone got a moveset in mind for Ganondorf? We can all agree that he needs new moves, but what should they be? Would he use the Sage sword from Twilight Princess, or the twin swords from WindWaker, or even his trident from the older games? Would his infamous bouncy ball of light be his B move, or should he even have a projectile at all? Are there some abilities from the games I'm forgetting?

I wrote this up two years ago, taking attacks directly from Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess:

Similar to Peach, Ganondorf has the ability to hover by holding the jump button. Any of his Special Moves can be done from the hover.

The brunt of his changes come in the form of Special Moves. Most notably, Ganondorf has the choice to fight hand-to-hand (Ocarina of Time) or with a sword (Twilight Princess), giving players some strategic play options.


Standard Special Move: Voltaic Blast
Press B to raise Ganondorf's right hand overhead as an electric charge builds. Press B again to fire a ball of electricity. While jumping or hovering, the blast is angled downward. (Origin: Ocarina of Time)

Side Special Move: Deflect
Ganondorf turns to his side and swats any projectile back to the opponent. (Origin: Ocarina of Time)

Up Special Move: Warlock Punch
Ganondorf jumps up into the air and darts to the ground with an electrically-charged punch, creating a small tremor around the point of impact. (Origin: Ocarina of Time)

Down Special Move: Unsheathe Sword
Ganondorf draws the Execution Sword, giving him access to a whole new set of Special Moves. (Origin: Twilight Princess)


Standard Special Move: Execution Stab
With a single-hand grip, Ganondorf effortlessly lunges the sword forward. Hold and release B to charge this attack. (Origin: Twilight Princess)

Side Special Move: Execution Combo
Ganondorf lunges forward with an elbow strike. If the hit connects, Ganondorf follows it up with a spinning back sword slash. (Origin: Twilight Princess)

Up Special Move: Execution Slash
Gripping the sword with both hands, Ganondorf delivers a powerful overhead slash. (Origin: Twilight Princess)

Down Special Move: Sheathe Sword
Ganondorf puts his sword away.
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