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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I think Ganondorf will probably be fundamentally the same too, but maybe they will incorporate his sword or something into some of his moves to further differentiate them from Falcon.


I'd like to make a case for Samurai Goroh. He has consistently been featured as secondary character to Captain Falcon in the F-Zero series, starting with being one of the original four racers.

He appears prominently in the vast majority of F-Zero promotional material and important game artwork:






Basically if you're the least bit familiar with the F-Zero series, Goroh should be about the first character to spring to mind when asked to name a racer who isn't Captain Falcon. The only other F-Zero character asked for inclusion seems to be Black Shadow, and this is mostly motivated by some hopeful potential moveset switching around business with Ganondorf, the likes of which we haven't seen done before and have no reason to expect to happen.

On top of that he already has an Assist Trophy, which automatically makes a character a candidate for playability, along with a semi-established fighting style.


So I guess that means you don't want Fox's son Marcus in Smash? Or Dash, Andross' grandson?

You know what... despite the trainwreck that was Command's story, Dash was actually a pretty cool character. His character design was okay, I liked his angle, and the endings involving him were among the more interesting ones in that game. That said, he's not even remotely close to being relevant enough to being a playable character or even an assist trophy. Really, he's such a minor character in the scope of the series that he'd be lucky to be a regular trophy.

The most Marcus should be is an alt color for Fox, since Fox doesn't have many palette swaps that are references anyway.


PokéKong;35661997 said:
I'd like to make a case for Samurai Goroh. He has consistently been featured as secondary character to Captain Falcon in the F-Zero series, starting with being one of the original four racers.

He appears prominently in the vast majority of F-Zero promotional material and important game artwork:

Basically if you're the least bit familiar with the F-Zero series, Goroh should be about the first character to spring to mind when asked to name a racer who isn't Captain Falcon. The only other F-Zero character asked for inclusion seems to be Black Shadow, and this is mostly motivated by some hopeful potential moveset switching around business with Ganondorf, the likes of which we haven't seen done before and have no reason to expect to happen.

On top of that he already has an Assist Trophy, which automatically makes a character a candidate for playability, along with a semi-established fighting style.

I agree with this post completely. Plus, in the event that Takamaru appears as a retro character, Goroh's chances would skyrocket as a relatively easy semi-clone.

Let's hope the Melee FMV opening comes full circle...


I dunno, I think throwing out old FE characters just because they're in neither the newest or oldest FE games undermines those game's qualities. An FE:A character will be present, because that game is going to be a big deal for Nintendo, but Ike should and hopefully will stay.

Although I guess having Marth, Roy, Ike and new guy would be kinda cramped. Hmmm. Roy can probably go. (He's not even called Roy in FE Advance, is he?)


The main thing I want back is separate Target Smash levels for each character and not that everyone shares the same 5 stages bull ish.


The main thing I want back is separate Target Smash levels for each character and not that everyone shares the same 5 stages bull ish.

I like the idea behind it, but yeah, 64 and Melee had specific challenges for specific characters that were fun to figure out.

For instance, 64 Jigglypuff's target smash where you had to punch in midair in order to fly far enough to hit the last target.

You don't have that with Brawl's making it rather boring.


I dunno, I think throwing out old FE characters just because they're in neither the newest or oldest FE games undermines those game's qualities. An FE:A character will be present, because that game is going to be a big deal for Nintendo, but Ike should and hopefully will stay.

Although I guess having Marth, Roy, Ike and new guy would be kinda cramped. Hmmm. Roy can probably go.

Seriously, did you see the FE 3DS packaging?!! And Idk, I'd hate to see Ike go...damn it just put all 3 blue haired sword guys in lol. Then add Lyn as an unlocakable for completing the game's tutorial. :p
I could give you y'all hundreds of ideas, most of which already posted.

So instead I'm going to sit here and telepathically beg Sakurai for a squad of advance wars to be a unit, like Pokemon Trainer.


I think all previous characters should be in. Dr Mario, Roy, Mewtwo, Pichu. Taking people out is silly.

Actually, they'll most probably be rebuilding everything from the ground up; assets, engine and maybe even gameplay. So it would take as much effort to recreate a clone with unique animation and model as it would to create a newcomer.

In that case, it would be silly to want all the old characters (especially clones) over new characters, wouldn't you say?


I can see Nintendo adding a lot of third party characters on the next Brawl

Killer Freaks

This list doesn't represent my wishlist at all, those are just names that I randomly remember.
Since Nintendo wants the hardcore gamer back and full third party support I think it would be great if they do this. As DLC could work tho.
I just thought of something...what if they decide to start from scratch and re-do everybody's moveset?

What purpose would that serve? I mean, some characters maybe, but a lot aren't going to get much better when it comes to character representation. I mean, Link is about as Link like as you're going to get, all of his problems are balance related. And I can't really imagine they'd completely recreate an entirely new moveset for Captain Falcon who was already completely made up to begin with.


I wonder how you deal with a character like Pit. His Brawl incarnation only had the first two games to go on, and they did what they could, but they still had to make a lot of stuff up. Now Uprising is coming out, and it's changing and adding a lot to his character.

So do you change Pit to be more representative of his Uprising incarnation? But that would annoy Pit players. You can't just ignore all the new stuff in Uprising, though, because his first game in 20 years is a pretty big deal.

I'd say keep him mostly the same, but replace his side B and some of his normals with various weapons from Uprising.

The Lamp

Wait a minute... Ridley is quite small here. And people are complaining about his size.

It's not like characters in Smash Bros. are even to scale. Or have we not noticed how small Bowser is compared to his real size, and how huge Pikachu is compared to his real size, when put in Smash Bros.?


Seriously, did you see the FE 3DS packaging?!! And Idk, I'd hate to see Ike go...damn it just put all 3 blue haired sword guys in lol. Then add Lyn as an unlocakable for completing the game's tutorial. :p

I'd love for Lyn to make it in, as well as the new guy, and for everybody else to stay. Sadly, I don't see FE getting that much representation.

I do wish, though, that if someone like Ike were to be canned, they'd at least pass off his moveset to Ganondorf.
I wonder how you deal with a character like Pit. His Brawl incarnation only had the first two games to go on, and they did what they could, but they still had to make a lot of stuff up. Now Uprising is coming out, and it's changing and adding a lot to his character.

So do you change Pit to be more representative of his Uprising incarnation? But that would annoy Pit players. You can't just ignore all the new stuff in Uprising, though, because his first game in 20 years is a pretty big deal.

I'd say keep him mostly the same, but replace his side B and some of his normals with various weapons from Uprising.

Pit in Uprising is a very versatile fighter, using a large range of different weapons. To that end, having him show up in Brawl with a fairly different fighting style is certainly acceptable, as per his new style in KIU. I think his side-B is gone, probably in place of his new hammer or something. I can see the shield either staying or going. He'll remain similar, but they'll incorporate a thing or two from KIA.

I'd rather they redo him to be the nimble, weirdly heavy-hitting KIU Pit, though. He should hit as hard as Bowser and move as well as Meta-Knight. Just nerf his health and weight. He could be a real force of nature if they model him after KIU, but they probably won't.


Seriously, did you see the FE 3DS packaging?!! And Idk, I'd hate to see Ike go...damn it just put all 3 blue haired sword guys in lol. Then add Lyn as an unlocakable for completing the game's tutorial. :p

Marth, Krom, and Ike don't look much alike, really.



When you put them in a group with the rest of the Nintendo characters, they do.

You can say that about any selection of characters from within the same series. Mario and Luigi look much more similar to each other than Marth, Krom, and Ike do. And you can't forget about Ness and Lucas. Fox, Falco, and Wolf also share a similar aesthetic.


Perhaps Krom could replace Marth and Ike because he seems to have characteristics of both.

Ike if anyone, Marth is probably there to stay as the constant FE rep. I hope they don't take out Ike, or if they do they give parts of his moveset to Krom, because I really enjoy Ike's style and feel as a heavy sword-wielder.


Ike might be replaced, but... This new FE game is supposed to have characters from previous game popping up, and Radiant Dawn's ending gives a perfect excuse to make Ike arrive out of nowhere here. Will they still remove him for the new main character even if he still appears as a playable character in the new FE?

Actually, they'll most probably be rebuilding everything from the ground up; assets, engine and maybe even gameplay. So it would take as much effort to recreate a clone with unique animation and model as it would to create a newcomer.

Not if it's a clone of a character who's already in the game, and can just reuse most animations. Anyway, I don't think they'll be rebuilding everything from ground up. I believe it was previously mentioned that they'll start with the basic work done for Brawl and build up from there.

The graphics engine would need to change heavily at least for the Wii U version, of course, but the gameplay wouldn't need to be done from scratch, unless they want to turn it into a 3d fighter or something.


how would Ridley walk? or would he glide/hover like meta knight

one of his B moves should be him throwing a sealed metroid

Probably a little slow/awkwardly like Bowser. There is a Ridley mod for Brawl where he glides, but I think it looks kinda weird for a big character like that to just be gliding a couple inches from the ground. Actually he'd probably work like Charizard where he glides for a run.


It's not like characters in Smash Bros. are even to scale. Or have we not noticed how small Bowser is compared to his real size, and how huge Pikachu is compared to his real size, when put in Smash Bros.?
Yes, I agree. I don't think the size debate matters at all. I mean, isn't Captain Olimar like 2 cm tall or something? Lol.


Marth, Krom, and Ike don't look much alike, really.


I can see all of them in the game, but it's funny how they are the most likely reps of such a diverse series in terms of characters. I'll definitely play as Krom if he's in, he seems like he could be a mix of the two like someone said.

Probably a little slow/awkwardly like Bowser. There is a Ridley mod for Brawl where he glides, but I think it looks kinda weird for a big character like that to just be gliding a couple inches from the ground. Actually he'd probably work like Charizard where he glides for a run.

Yea I think he'll probably move like charizard and a bit bigger in size. As long as he's a bit bigger than Samus it won't look too awkward.


This makes me realize that there hasn't been a game without a blue haired lord since Roy in FE6. I wonder why Intelligent Systems is sticking with blue.

I had high hopes of seeing a fresh new style of main character for reach installment when they had Eliwood, Lyn and Hector, and then Eirika and Ephraim who are some of my favorites. But then with Ike and now Krom, I'm afraid they made a conscious decision to keep the main characters of FE "consistent", probably since the series has more widespread popularity now and they want people to easily recognize it.

Actually, while playing FE7 I always thought of Hector as a unique brawny and husky lord, but now looking at his art I realize he only seemed that way compared to Eliwood, and he's really just Ike with an axe.
Ike if anyone, Marth is probably there to stay as the constant FE rep. I hope they don't take out Ike, or if they do they give parts of his moveset to Krom, because I really enjoy Ike's style and feel as a heavy sword-wielder.

I like Ike too, he's badass.

Funny thing is, in the actual FE game they took him from (Path of Radiance) he fights like a fucking ninja once he gets Ragnell; backflips/roundoffs/front flips, high speed attacks, the whole nine. And he has a shockwave slash attack from range that they were gonna put into Brawl but decided against for some reason.
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