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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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FAMOUS FOR IGNORAAAAANCE, Quick Beef get some Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime and you can save yourself!

Seriously though this is kind of funny.
What if I don't WANT to be saved?
It doesn't count when you're using your own GameFAQs account to post about yourself.

*waggles eyebrows*

My GameFAQs username is "The Hurric4n3," back when I used to be a fan of "Hurricane" Helms. I'm not so arrogant that I make threads about myself. Oh, and before I forget...


Hi there, GameFAQs lurkers. How ya doing?
Then there is nothing I can do, you will spend the rest of your days inciting the wrath of others for your misdeeds, like when you pissed off Tazz earlier this month.

I wonder how many lurkers know about that incident? I sure wasn't making this Cena avatar proud when I was embracing the hate.
I wonder how many lurkers know about that incident? I sure wasn't making this Cena avatar proud when I was embracing the hate.

No one who witnessed it can ever see you as a face anymore, not with this new gimmick of yours.
No respect for R.O.B and his industry saving abilities or Tazz's commentary, you've made the jump to pure heel territory.
No one who witnessed it can ever see you as a face anymore, not with this new gimmick of yours.
No respect for R.O.B and his industry saving abilities or Tazz's commentary, you've made the jump to pure heel territory.

I'm too eager to embrace the hate. Soon I'm going to be dragging Toad into the abyss, and then I might just make out with Daisy right in front of Luigi.

But hey, at least this is the last week I have to use this avatar.


So do you guys think DLC will be likely at this point? Didnt Brawl have downloadable fan made stages and what not?

Since Smash is a series that we get once per console iteration I think having some type of DLC could really give us more to expect down the line. I'd love to see new stages and alt costumes added for free and new characters added too, probably for a small price but it is way better than expecting another expansive version of Smash 4 down the line. I know the idea is crazy that we might need to pay but the idea itself is interesting and would be a nice addition.

They could even add Smash Bros. channel, assuming they use the same set up as the Wii. Instead of or as an alternative to downloading extras through the gaem itself, they could set up a channel to do that. They could also host polls to determine who else would you want to see in the game and stuff like that.


I hope so. Sakurai said he would have liked to do DLC for Brawl if the Wii supported it.

Nice, I didn't know about that. I think if the WiiU does get that improved online infrastructure promised it would be a no-brainer for one of their biggest franchises.


If they do DLC, then I hope it's not on a per-character basis. That's one of the worst things you can do to a fighting game.

However, if they were to release updates every so often? A year after release, release a pack with maybe 4 new characters, a few new stages, maybe even some new items for $10-15? Sure, I'd be alright with that.

They absolutely need to do free balance update patches, though. If the game has a decent online mode, they could use that stat tracking to help determine what needs to be balanced.


If they do DLC, then I hope it's not on a per-character basis. That's one of the worst things you can do to a fighting game.

However, if they were to release updates every so often? A year after release, release a pack with maybe 4 new characters, a few new stages, maybe even some new items for $10-15? Sure, I'd be alright with that.

They absolutely need to do free balance update patches, though. If the game has a decent online mode, they could use that stat tracking to help determine what needs to be balanced.

Yea I understand if a crucial balance issue is found there should be free patches. This would be the first Smash to ever to do that so hopefully it wouldn't be such an issue.

As for updates, if they do it in larger packages it would make more sense and I like it a lot just becuase it keeps it simple, but I think there could be instances where there's a certain character or even a new IP that they want to add in some wayy to help advertise and promote it. Ofcourse, it wouldn't just be any random character being added but someone that could really be potentially important to Nintendo.


Oh boy, Sakurai in charge of balance patches. Can't wait for that.

Nintendo needs a Seth Killian that is in touch with the community.


As in "Heathcliff"
Oh boy, Sakurai in charge of balance patches. Can't wait for that.

Nintendo needs a Seth Killian that is in touch with the community.

I know you were sarcasm but sakurai already confirmed that he will let other workers to balance the game themselves which is good thing. I hope.


So do you guys think DLC will be likely at this point? Didnt Brawl have downloadable fan made stages and what not?
Sakurai's probably the most forward thinking guy at Nintendo. Just look at Brawl and Uprising, two of the most feature-filled titles in Nintendo's library. And all that daily Custom Stage DLC, Spectator mode, sharing replays, and online multiplayer at a time when Nintendo had barely touched the Internet. There's a 99% chance he will do DLC, and use it extensively.

I'm pretty damn excited for DLC. For one, all those characters that were cut due to time constraints could be included. If Brawl had DLC, we would've gotten Roy, Mewtwo, Dr Mario, Dixie Kong, Toon Zelda/Sheik and Plusle and Minum. That's 41 characters! And then they could release characters at intervals, even just one per year would be sweet. Or when a new game comes out, they can have a character to promote it. Maybe third parties could even sponsor characters. Same with Mario Kart; make it a platform unto themselves, built for continued support, rather than just a typical game.

It would make so much sense, considering we probably won't get another Smash Bros until 2020. Imagine if your favourite character didn't get in, and you had to wait that long to see if they'd get in the sequel. Half of us will probably be married and have kids by then...
If they do DLC, then I hope it's not on a per-character basis. That's one of the worst things you can do to a fighting game.

However, if they were to release updates every so often? A year after release, release a pack with maybe 4 new characters, a few new stages, maybe even some new items for $10-15? Sure, I'd be alright with that.

They absolutely need to do free balance update patches, though. If the game has a decent online mode, they could use that stat tracking to help determine what needs to be balanced.

They'll do no new characters, because that's what you save for future games. Stages are open season. The rest would be music, alt costumes, events, multiplayer modes, etc etc.


lulz. Imagine a patch that makes the game worse.

I don't think we need a Seth but just an easier way to know that the opinions of both fanbases are actually being heard. Maybe it's there is but I'm not seeing it.

Sakurai's probably the most forward thinking guy at Nintendo. Just look at Brawl and Uprising, two of the most feature-filled titles in Nintendo's library. And all that daily Custom Stage DLC, Spectator mode, sharing replays, and online multiplayer at a time when Nintendo had barely touched the Internet. There's a 99% chance he will do DLC, and use it extensively.

I'm pretty damn excited for DLC. For one, all those characters that were cut due to time constraints could be included. If Brawl had DLC, we would've gotten Roy, Mewtwo, Dr Mario, Dixie Kong, Toon Zelda/Sheik and Plusle and Minum. That's 41 characters! And then they could release characters at intervals, even just one per year would be sweet. Or when a new game comes out, they can have a character to promote it. Maybe third parties could even sponsor characters. Same with Mario Kart; make it a platform unto themselves, built for continued support, rather than just a typical game.

It would make so much sense, considering we probably won't get another Smash Bros until 2020. Imagine if your favourite character didn't get in, and you had to wait that long to see if they'd get in the sequel. Half of us will probably be married and have kids by then...

You make a very good point about Sakurai's thinking. He does go pretty big and now that I think about it, Brawl did have all those extra features eventhough the online might've held them back.

and Thank You for those parts I bolded I couldnt have said it better myself. This game needs to be a game that will have that type support for the WiiU's life time. Every game in the series has taken a life of it's own so I only expect the same for smash 4. And the wait for the next Smash just for a new character would be insane, imo. lol.


They'll do no new characters, because that's what you save for future games.
Eh, when they're releasing one game a decade, they don't really have to worry about losing sales because someone's favourite character was already in. They're pretty much selling to a new generation each time. The mass audience is buying it for Mario or Pikachu anyway.

Plus Sakurai holds nothing back; he designs each Smash Bros as if it's the last. Why would he put limits on himself, especially when he sees every other fighting game have numerous DLC characters?

and Thank You for those parts I bolded I couldnt have said it better myself. This game needs to be a game that will have that type support for the WiiU's life time. Every game in the series has taken a life of it's own so I only expect the same for smash 4. And the wait for the next Smash just for a new character would be insane, imo. lol.

Cheers, it's nice to see other people feel the same way.


Would Sakurai be in charge of patches though? I'd imagine he'd be working on a different project pretty close after the game coming out.
PokéKong;35466517 said:
I agree with the line of thinking that we should be looking at series which have more characters worthy of inclusion, and quit scrapping the bottom of the barrel to add extra characters from series which have less characters present simply for the sake of some sense of the roster being "fair and balanced". Where does that get us? A roster full of lame characters no one cares about distracting from the cool ones. I'd rather have a character select screen that's 1/3rd taken up by Pokemon than have four different versions of Samus, two more characters that look and play identical to Captain Olimar from a distance, and more characters from games that haven't had installments in almost 20 years.

But on that note, I believe Mother has enough great characters to warrant at least one more inclusion. Sales numbers aside, it's a highly respected and admired series among its loyal fanbase and within Nintendo. Plus the characters are just so good and have a lot of potential.

Also try playing as any boxing character in a fighting game such as Dudley and tell me Little Mac only punching is a problem.

I fully agree with the bolded. People have these feelings that "slots" count for something or some crap like that but I disagree. To tell you the truth I don't think Mario/ SF/ Kirby/ FZ/ Mother need any more characters at all. I CAN see certain characters like Rosalina or Krystal getting in but that's it really and things like that can be held back for DLC. I do think LoZ needs Impa as she's the last relevant staple to the series but that's all (and I would be A-OK with her just replacing Sheik but that's another story ...).

As for other series I could see DK and Wario getting one or maybe 2 newcomers but if they didn't I wouldn't care. Metriod only needs Ridley but I wouldn't throw a fit if it didn't happen. Pokemon always has a ton of relevant options in my book, be it "Pokemon Rival/ Pokemon Gym Leader/ Pokemon Champ-Master" or something like Mewtwo. I think that Kid Icarus should get 1 newcomer but I could see it getting 2.

I'm think that getting other series in the fold is far more important and fun. GoldenSun, the Advanced Wars series and S&P could all stand to break in with 2 characters each.

As for 3rd party pics I think that ANY of the most wanted are boring at this point. I really can only thing of Travis Touchdown getting in ... because it's the crazy kinda random thing Sakurai would put with a character of a close friend.
I really don't understand why Impa needs a slot. She's a secondary character that does nothing aside from her SS carnation. At least Tingle has his own series..


She had a pretty big role in Ocarina too, then minor roles in Twilight Princess and Zelda II. I think she's the most deserving character from that series that isn't a triforce holder.

However, I think Tingle has a better shot because he spun off into his own series.
She had a pretty big role in Ocarina too, then minor roles in Twilight Princess and Zelda II. I think she's the most deserving character from that series that isn't a triforce holder.

However, I think Tingle has a better shot because he spun off into his own series.

Also, she was the primary quest giver in the Oracle games, and was in the story in the Zelda I manual. She wasn't in TP - That was Impaz, a character named after her. She had a cameo, along with the other OoT sages, in the WW Hyrule Castle stained glass windows.


Its interesting how there were several characters that were requested prior to Brawl that are basically not requested at all today. Midna, Geno, Krystal, Micaiah, and Ray of Custom Robo are the biggest examples that I can think of. However, there are also quite a few characters that were popularly requested prior to Brawl that are still widely requested now. They are Ridley, Mega Man, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Little Mac.

However, I do agree with the posters here that Kirby, Star Fox, and Mother do not and should not get any more characters. There is debate though whether Mario and Zelda should have a new character. However, the choices for Zelda are basically a one-shot from a game that bombed in Japan (Ghirahim), a Sheik replacement (Impa), and a character that is disdained by Western Zelda fans (Tingle). The Mario choices are better, though there is no consensus on who it should be.


As in "Heathcliff"
Its interesting how there were several characters that were requested prior to Brawl that are basically not requested at all today. Midna, Geno, Krystal, Micaiah, and Ray of Custom Robo are the biggest examples that I can think of. However, there are also quite a few characters that were popularly requested prior to Brawl that are still widely requested now. They are Ridley, Mega Man, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Little Mac.

However, I do agree with the posters here that Kirby, Star Fox, and Mother do not and should not get any more characters. There is debate though whether Mario and Zelda should have a new character. However, the choices for Zelda are basically a one-shot from a game that bombed in Japan (Ghirahim), a Sheik replacement (Impa), and a character that is disdained by Western Zelda fans (Tingle). The Mario choices are better, though there is no consensus on who it should be.

Because Gaffers are too sensitive with those characters in this thread.
Its interesting how there were several characters that were requested prior to Brawl that are basically not requested at all today. Midna, Geno, Krystal, Micaiah, and Ray of Custom Robo are the biggest examples that I can think of. However, there are also quite a few characters that were popularly requested prior to Brawl that are still widely requested now. They are Ridley, Mega Man, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Little Mac.

However, I do agree with the posters here that Kirby, Star Fox, and Mother do not and should not get any more characters. There is debate though whether Mario and Zelda should have a new character. However, the choices for Zelda are basically a one-shot from a game that bombed in Japan (Ghirahim), a Sheik replacement (Impa), and a character that is disdained by Western Zelda fans (Tingle). The Mario choices are better, though there is no consensus on who it should be.

I'd agree with this, also I'd add that the following franchises most people assume are getting another playable rep

Kid Icarus (thanks to Sakurai making uprising)
Pokemon (gen 5 representations)
Fire Emblem (character from Awakening)


As in "Heathcliff"
Its not this thread. I have noticed the lack of consensus in regards to Mario characters on other sites where discussion about Smash 4 is allowed.

Ah, I guess because trailer haven't shown yet so more people will coming to us when they reveal the trailer in future.

I am thinking about a possible trailer this nintendo world.


Ah, I guess because trailer haven't shown yet so more people will coming to us when they reveal the trailer in future.

I am thinking about a possible trailer this nintendo world.

Of course more people will become active in the speculation once more information about Smash 4 is revealed, however, from the people that have voiced their opinion in regards to Smash 4, most people want a Mario newcomer, but seem to disagree with the other choices people bring up. Toad has the most support of all the Mario characters, however, as you saw in this thread, there is many who feel he is too "bland" and too much of a side-character in the Mario platformers to warrant playable inclusion.


Well, in GameFAQs there are a bunch of Waluigi cultists.
Well who wouldn't want to hear Waluigi shouting "WAAAAAAAAAAAA" as he flies into the distance?
I remember Sakurai seemed possibly slightly regretful about Waluigi only being an assist trophy in his Dojo entry as well, so who knows?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Honestly I was put off by the fact that they wanted Waluigi more than Dillon.

But then I realized it's GameFAQs.
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