Hmm... I think I'm going to stick with my Note 8.0 for now. :/
My parents will definitely get one of these, though!
My parents will definitely get one of these, though!
Is there any chance that the new 7 is also going to launch in the European or the German play store today?
Well that's too bad, spotify on my ipad is great.the spotify app is shit anyway. making it 'tablet optimized' would just make it tablet optimized shit.
No you don't. The letter boxes are much smaller because 16:10 adds pixels on 16:9, 4:3 needs heavy letterboxing to show the full frame (and becomes much worse as the screen becomes wider). But also on the iPad Mini you won't just get letterboxing but 720p content has to be scaled down. They both have the same mono audio problem of portrait speaker orientation (which is fixed on this new model plus several other 7" tablets).
Also I don't think a site's use of media queries is in anyway a justification of hardware and it's really bad people actually picked up that line from Apple's PR.
Why do I have a feeling that when this goes up on play store it's going to be a nightmare trying to get an order in. That said, anyone know what time the event is today?
Considering how buttery smooth my n4 has been, a slightly peppier and larger n4 in n7 clothing is not a bad thing at all. I have a feeling it'll age better than Tegra3 devices have.
So as someone who picked up the original Nexus 7 and has enjoyed it but the performance seems to be a bit meh at times is this a big upgrade from that? I have no other android devices so I will upgrade because I love the 7 inch size but ONLY if compared to the original it will be a big step up in performance.
Those of you who know Android devices is this a big step up from the original?
Noon in EST, 6PM in CET euroland
If performance is a concern, I'd wait a week or two for detailed analysis and hands-on. As many have stated, there were some questionable choices made with storage on the original hardware, and we don't know if they've been corrected.
If performance is a concern, I'd wait a week or two for detailed analysis and hands-on. As many have stated, there were some questionable choices made with storage on the original hardware, and we don't know if they've been corrected.
The only questionable thing is if Asus resolved the stupid storage issue that slows down the device
The only questionable thing is if Asus resolved the stupid storage issue that slows down the device
That's total bullshit and you know it, i said 16:9 but it applies even on 16:10 because every content on the nexus 7 can be showed at least at the same size on iPad mini. If you want to see a fullscreen video on n7 you can see the same video at the same size on the iPad mini as you can see here:
So the only "problem" is the lower resolution which:
A) I already mentioned and aknowledged before your post
B) Will be non existent as soon as they release the iPad with retina display
It is nowhere near a "terrible movie watching experience" like you say or want it to make it look like.
Are there any other android tablets with similar specs? My original nexus 7 is a piece of shit and ill never buy another asus product again. But Dat Screen resolution...
This is a Google event. Why would they announce a Samsung product?Any chance we'll hear about the successor to the Galaxy Note 10.1 at this event too? Or is this solely a google nexus presentation?
This is a Google event. Why would they announce a Samsung product?
Any chance we'll hear about the successor to the Galaxy Note 10.1 at this event too? Or is this solely a google nexus presentation?
Last week, @SamsungExynos teased "brand new, Exynos-powered devices" for this week. The timing is probably not coincidental, but the rumor seems to lean toward a new Chromebook, not tablets.
Anybody worrying about being able to get one on launch day can just go to StaplesWe have 'em waiting to go
If the only thing you are going to do is watch videos then yeah 16:9 is ideal but guess what it does not mean it is terrible on the ipad, te black borders are not a deal breaker. 4:3 is far superior for tablets in every other use case, the nexus is not wide enough during portrait use and not deep enough during landscape. It is not really big enough for a tablet sized experiece in general and those onscreen controls take away from the already scarce screen space. The extra space the mini has is quite significant, when i get te nexus i will compare then for you so you can quit wasting posts here showing how much you dislike the ipad. Again, very excited for this thing but it will not be my primary tablet, especially with the barren tablet app selection on android. If you want to argue that upscaled smartphone apps are fine then go ahead, that's your preference.Why did you quote problem? Resolution scaling (both directions) is the worst thing you can do to video, you always want native resolution. The visual size of the frame doesn't matter, that's literally the reason to own bigger tablets, they display things larger but at the same resolution. In fact the retina iPad Mini will have awkward scaling necessitated by the screen ratio they chose but also won't offer a tangible screen upgrade over something like this.
Basically it comes down to Apple choosing that size and aspect and you working from it to make an argument of why it's great rather than understanding the basic reason why we choose certain aspect ratios (hint: 1.6 is the golden ratio).
I'm selling my iPad 3 for this, anyone sell a tablet on Ebay? I've heard some horror stories but the iPad 3 32GB are going for $350+ there.
I'm selling my iPad 3 for this, anyone sell a tablet on Ebay? I've heard some horror stories but the iPad 3 32GB are going for $350+ there.
Anybody worrying about being able to get one on launch day can just go to StaplesWe have 'em waiting to go
I'll give cragislist a shot I guess. Never sold there either. Amazon is giving around $275, so that's not a terrible fallback. Would still pay for my Nexus.
Hopefully this lights a fire under Apple's ass to get out the Retina iPad Mini ASAP. That will be the ultimate tablet IMO (as long as they use a A6X or better chip, no A5X please).
Why did you quote problem? Resolution scaling (both directions) is the worst thing you can do to video, you always want native resolution. The visual size of the frame doesn't matter, that's literally the reason to own bigger tablets, they display things larger but at the same resolution. In fact the retina iPad Mini will have awkward scaling necessitated by the screen ratio they chose but also won't offer a tangible screen upgrade over something like this.
Basically it comes down to Apple choosing that size and aspect and you working from it to make an argument of why it's great rather than understanding the basic reason why we choose certain aspect ratios (hint: 1.6 is the golden ratio).
Agreed. The ipad mini is the best size and aspect ratio for my needs, I've just wanted a higher resolution screen. Give me that and I am a happy guy!
peeps, its a mid-range tablet. if you want high end, get DAT TOSHIBA EXCITE WRITE
Is today's conference being streamed somewhere?
I really wanted to love the iPad mini, but that resolution just doesn't cut it. God, an iPad mini with a retina screen is going to be eye meltingly awesome. I can't wait to read my magazine subscriptions on that thing.
Agreed 100%
I still want an android tablet for my emulation needs, an iPad Mini with retina display would be my main device.![]()
Why do I feel the urge to buy the Nexus 7 even though i have the Nexus 4? I wanted a tablet, but do I want to invest $250 for more over twice the screen estate and larger battery? I won't be happy if it heats up during normal use..
If the only thing you are going to do is watch videos then yeah 16:9 is ideal but guess what it does not mean it is terrible on the ipad, te black borders are not a deal breaker. 4:3 is far superior for tablets in every other use case, the nexus is not wide enough during portrait use and not deep enough during landscape. It is not really big enough for a tablet sized experiece in general and those onscreen controls take away from the already scarce screen space. The extra space the mini has is quite significant, when i get te nexus i will compare then for you so you can quit wasting posts here showing how much you dislike the ipad. Again, very excited for this thing but it will not be my primary tablet, especially with the barren tablet app selection on android. If you want to argue that upscaled smartphone apps are fine then go ahead, that's your preference.