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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos


Fear of a GAF Planet
Fucking Brits ruin everything.

Although this kind of makes me wonder what kind of cover ups are going on regularly in the league.
So typical. Can't just be the Pats, everyone else must be doing it, too! All teams have a pcp addicted, practice missing, homicidal ex-gata on the roster!

Allow me to quote chan: Pat fans are the worst.
thats loser talk the entire NFC East could have losing records and there would still lots of hate. Look at the cowboys and skins they suck(ed) ass and that rivalry was pretty one sided for still is i guess but still lots of hate
I didn't say it didn't exist, there's plenty of hate if you're in the stadium when division games are going on, the energy is kicked up another notch and the players get more violent and incur more penalties. It's certainly there, I just personally don't consider it a good rivalry unless both teams are really competing. It's so much more meaningful if you prevent them from getting into the playoffs or knock them out of it.
i feel like the niners/cards rivalry was much more heated when the cards were good and we were bad because at that time our team was feisty and would beat the cards most of the time, but never manage to win the division. that is what can cause hatred. but when one team is winning the head to head AND winning the division then it makes it difficult to have any type of hatred.

i actually don't hate the seahawks, we've beaten them the majority of the time since cheatin' pete has come around (even with dingleberry!) but i don't like to see cheating teams in my division so that is where the majority of the animosity comes from.
Agree. I want us to get competitive again and rekindle that rivalry. If we blow bad enough to get Teddy next draft and he's the real deal, it can happen sooner than we anticipate.


Setec Astronomer
thats loser talk the entire NFC East could have losing records and there would still lots of hate. Look at the cowboys and skins they suck(ed) ass and that rivlary was pretty one sided for still is i guess but still lots of hate
Well, also throw in the Carroll/Harbaugh rivalry into the mix.


congrats brah!

i always see people talking about having kids or after they've had kids and then their parents watch them. i'm worried because if i ever have kids i really don't have much family. my mom isn't any any physical or mental condition to where i would trust her alone with kids and my wifes parents live hours away so it's not realistic on a daily basis. maybe i will hire some NFL-agers to watch FMT jr. while i work during the day
We are in the same boat. That plus twins means Mr. and Mrs. bionic went a little bit crazy. But you will make it through.

Eff JNC's advice about making the baby sleep in their own room is very smart. As a first parent if you don't have a mom around the hardest thing is not knowing what the fuck you are doing. You should enjoy the first 6 months as they are cake, especially if your kid is a good sleeper, but you won't and you will worry about dumb shit that doesn't matter like big turds or any small change.

Also get your kids on real solids as quickly as possible. Life is much easier once your kid is eating table food. Try to avoid baby food. It's easier at first but a bigger pain later. That's usually a good rule of thumb for being a parent.


That reminds me. For new parents do the opposite of whatever the fuck Gata's parents did. We don't need more of "those".

You fail as a parent and a human being if you raise your child to be a Pats fan. Especially one that's secretly a Jags fan. Fuckin filth.
i feel like the niners/cards rivalry was much more heated when the cards were good and we were bad because at that time our team was feisty and would beat the cards most of the time, but never manage to win the division. that is what can cause hatred. but when one team is winning the head to head AND winning the division then it makes it difficult to have any type of hatred.

i actually don't hate the seahawks, we've beaten them the majority of the time since cheatin' pete has come around (even with dingleberry!) but i don't like to see cheating teams in my division so that is where the majority of the animosity comes from.

I feel the same way about the Rats. I'm totally ambivalent to them because the Steelers stomped the shit out of them for years. I was indifferent when they won the Super Bowl - the Steelers weren't in the playoffs to fuck them up like usual and they beat the Patriots - Satan's team - to get there.
What? Uggs are what? Are Uggs a German thing?

You're so unsophisticated.



I wasn't Worst German anymore! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO HAVE 2 WORST GERMANS!

There's Wurst German and then there's you, Worst German.

go chug a dick, leave my fellow brady lover alone

Keep suckling Brady's tit you sponge

I appreciate you sticking up for Kave, Chan. Patriots fans don't seem to understand boundaries. Calling other fans savages.

I only stick up for other fans when heathen Pats fan step outta bounds like always. Those creatures need to be neutered.
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