What point, that people who like to see some variety in football are fans of teams that have never won SB's? That is stupid even for him. I am sure there are plenty of Eagles fans that dont like the read option, just like there are probably tons of 9ers fans that do like it. It literally has 0 to do with how successful the team you root for has been.
You don't think offensive scheme has anything to do with how successful your team is?
Advanced stats hate sacks. QBR and Football Outsiders ding QBs for it. PFR uses Adjusted Yards per Attempt and includes sacks as dropbacks and lost yardage subtracts from passing yards. Not saying it's right but that's where those guys fall on the argument
Still baffling to me for a number of reasons. The goal of those stats is supposedly to isolate QB play so you take into account an outcome that generally has very little to do with the QB, not only that but you weigh it almost as highly as touchdowns thrown. Additionally, the alternative outcome of a pressure is generally awful as well. Incompletion, fumble, penalties as a result of a QB keeping a play alive and linemen compensating, interception as the QB tries to get rid of the ball. It's all shit.
Additionally, Rodgers clearly takes sacks as opposed to throwing it away in many cases. He does it for a number of reasons. 1. avoid the turnover 2. protect himself (instead of contorting in order to attempt a throw away and getting bad angle shots 3. he has confidence in his ability to convert long yardage, especially on first downs. He will generally hold the ball longer on first down and third down than on second down because of this.
The hatred for sacks among football statheads is as bizarre to me as the hatred for walks among baseball seamheads. It's hilarious that it's the opposite sides of the spectrum with the illogical views for the two sports.