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NFL 2013 Wild Card |OT| The Return of Jafar


Seattle has the dirtiest everything in the league!!



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

26 or 27 in that picture. Another nine or ten behind the CS desk. Guy asked me not to take a picture and he was a cool dude so I didn't.

$399 and a game I'd actually play that isn't on PS4 and I'll pick one up.


I don't know why anyone wants the Bone. Calling picture in picture snap doesn't make it any less worthless. I had that feature in the 90s on my parents Sony and you got sick of it after a few months.

But if the Bone is not selling out at launch and the U is DOA then it seems like the game industry really is about to die again. Seems like it is all contracting.



I don't know why anyone wants the Bone. Calling picture in picture snap doesn't make it any less worthless. I had that feature in the 90s on my parents Sony and you got sick of it after a few months.

But if the Bone is not selling out at launch and the U is DOA then it seems like the game industry really is about to die again. Seems like it is all contracting.

I think we're actually going to see how big the core gaming audience is. I think your average casual gamer moved on to iOS and Android devices. Interested to see January and February numbers.


Fear of a GAF Planet
I don't any more. The Xbox will never get to the level where publishers stop putting titles on it, and even if the PS4 reaches PS2 levels of domination, I didn't actually think much of the PS2 and its library anyway. (That gen was all about the Xbox and GameCube for me.)

I have a PC and an Xbox for Microsoft exclusives like Killer Instinct and Halo. If Sony sells a billion units, it doesn't matter to me, because they still don't have games worth playing.

I give this a 9.8 on the hate Sony snes-o-meter.

Is that a coffee mug?

Looks like one of those bass tubes the kids put in their cars.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Do Apple fans really like the design of that? It's so ugly, honestly it is just hideous. For all the sleekness of every single other thing they make, I'm not sure how people defend that monstrosity.
I think we're actually going to see how big the core gaming audience is. I think your average casual gamer moved on to iOS and Android devices. Interested to see January and February numbers.
I suspect this is true. I also suspect that something like TitanFall will help move consoles. I have the Bone. My sons have been on there every day since Christmas. I played some BF4 and couldn't see the difference between this and 360.
Do Apple fans really like the design of that? It's so ugly, honestly it is just hideous. For all the sleekness of every single other thing they make, I'm not sure how people defend that monstrosity.
Not an Apple fan, but I think it's very clever. Pretty solid meshing of form and function.

$3000 is asinine though. The crap apple gets away with is hilarious.
$399 and a game I'd actually play that isn't on PS4 and I'll pick one up.

Pretty much. The only thing I care to play on it is Killer Instinct (which is fanastic). I've played the rest of the launch library and blah. Hate racing sims so Forza is out. DR3 is decent but I had my fill with 2 and :jnc Ryse. Game is awful. Gorgeous but awful.

Never expected you to to be into those Japanese fuck cups.

For science!



Finally worked out the installation bugs, installed the latest patch and the alpha patch for VR support and got it working. Not going to create a new OT or anything like that for this as it's already embarrassing enough!

This really is fascinating. I feel like I've just seen the beginning of things to come. Kinda reminds me of a scene in Minority Report when Tom Cruise goes to a cyber parlor. Also brought up memories of Roger Rabbit and the cartoon girls being with real people. And now you can in a way. Though it's not Jessica Rabbit...

In the Box:


Once you get the box open here's what you'll find (sorry for the dark picture).

-DVD case (two discs and manual inside. One disc is for the regular Custom Maid 3D and the other is to upgrade it to the Ju-C Air version.
-Ju-C Air controller (It's a wireless controller)
-5 plastic shims
-Small bag with two sponge stickers and small adhesive shims (will explain these later)
-Wireless USB adapter
-AAA battery
-Inner hole (this is what the box calls the business end of the device)
-3x small lotion packs
-Resealable storage bag for silicone insert.

The Controller



*Insert not installed

Feels like your typical Chinese made plastic controller. Plastic is kinda sturdy. Quality feels maybe on par with Razer devices but not as good as Logitech. Has a grainy texture on it similar to a 360 controller for improved grip. On/Off switch, joystick and three buttons. Two buttons on the back are R/L mouse buttons and the one on the front is simply labeled 'G'. The G button only seems to be useful for one thing but it is an interesting function, more on that later. There are also vent holes around the end of the device, four on the front and five on the back.


The end of the controller pops off and the controller splits open in half. I'm not a fan at all of how you have to open the end of the controller. It isn't an easy operation and if you don't have long nails you'll need to keep something like a flat head screwdriver or similar handy to open it up. For the amount of times you'll be opening this up I think they could have designed that better. I'm also afraid the clip might break at some point.


Once it's open you'll see the three metal prongs on one side. These are the sensors that give the controller it's special famous 'power'. They give you some small adhesive plastic shims. You can use these to adjust the responsiveness of the sensors.

They also give you 5 plastic shims you can use to adjust the level of compression. With all 5 installed it's rather taut. You'll have to really play around with it to get it adjusted perfectly. Too loose though and the sensors have a hard time working.

A small plastic door pops off the end of of the of inside revealing an opening where the AAA battery is to be installed. Also a small white adhesive backed sponge needs to be attached inside the device on the upper side. This is to help protect against any leakage as there is a small slit cut into the side of the inner hole insert near the end.

Which I guess brings us to the inner hole insert. Aside from the box contents pic at the top I won't post any more of this. Not much to see on the outside anyway. Just a round white chunk of silicone or some other form of phthalate-free polymer. It seems rather heavy duty and has a good mass to it so I'm guessing it should last a while as long as it's well taken care of. They give a resealable style bag to store it in when not in use.

No drivers were needed to get the device working. Doesn't seem to work outside of the game. The joystick doesn't move the mouse cursor nor do the L/R buttons work when not in game so if you were dreaming of using this device as a kind of hands free mouse you may be out of luck unless you can figure out some drivers or another way to get it working.

So finally onto the.... game!

I won't post many pictured of this part sorry. This is a PG forum after all. Plus the print screen button doesn't seem to work so pictures would be from the iPhone which isn't so great as you see in one pic below.

Once you are in the game you will need to enter a name of your character and eventually after a little back story you get to a screen where you are able to custom design your own maid. Many options I won't get into them all. If you are really curious someone did a youtube vid of it all:


There is a calibration screen for the controller where you can test out the responsiveness of the sensors. Here is where you can tell whether you need to add shims or not.


I guess now is a good point to mention the Rift support. The alpha Rift drivers creates a new .exe which you will need to use if you want to use the Rift. Only works with the Ju-C Air version so you can't get the drivers and use it with the regular non-device version. Also I should note that the Ju-C air version is an updated version of the older game it seems so none of the fan-made English translation addons work with this version unfortunately. And since the controller required Ju-C Air version isn't exactly something everyone around the world can pirate it's doubtful anyone will make addons for this version.

The Rift is only supported in the 'Playroom' part of the game. You can probably guess what that is. Doesn't work with the dance part, character customization or chat. Also the 'game' portion has been removed from the playroom in the Rift version and everything is unlocked. You usually have to play through the game to unlock new rooms, positions and such but not in the rift version.

Also being Alpha the menus aren't fully rift supported so they only show up in one eye. I found it best to just close the other eye to use the menus otherwise you have to take off the headset. Also in the playroom the mouse no longer works. You will only be able to control the options using the joystick and buttons on the Ju-C Air controller.

Since it's Japanese it is censored which kills the immersion a bit. The low resolution of the screen doesn't really make much of a difference here. Not much detail to be seen anyway.

You can choose a variety of positions in the playroom. The camera always starts off in a 3rd person view which threw me off at first since there's no easy way to tell how to move the camera. I later figured it out but it's a bit of a pain. You always have to move the camera to get the right spot if you choose a different position.

From a first person perspective:


*I tried to get some shots from other positions but with my limited costume selection this was the only one that wasn't too revealing!

Once you get it into the correct position it is an interesting site to behold. Just like a lot of stuff on the Rift you do get that feeling that you can reach out and touch what you are seeing. And with this you can in a way.

Your maid moves and makes sounds in accordance with the movement of the device. This is where the three sensors on the inside come into play. I guess I should also mention what the 'G' button does now. When it's time to 'finish' you push the 'G' button for a special ending animation sequence!


The future of erotic gaming is definitely getting closer. It's an interesting experience even in it's censored, low resolution state. Is it worth it? Well $100 is about my limit for what I consider throw away money so for what I paid I say yes. I've wasted more on less interesting things! But I don't know if I'd pay more than that.

I would say though that outside the 'real deal' this is probably the closest you can get to you know what with today's technology. Just be careful when and where you use it! With the VR headset on and earphones you can't be too sure what is around you in the real world. Which would make for a rather interesting situation to say the least.

Off to sleep again so any questions will get answered tomorrow.


Chie is the worst waifu

Why would you post that whole thing? :p

Pretty much. The only thing I care to play on it is Killer Instinct (which is fanastic). I've played the rest of the launch library and blah. Hate racing sims so Forza is out. DR3 is decent but I had my fill with 2 and :jnc Ryse. Game is awful. Gorgeous but awful.

Forza is really the only game I wanted.

Hell, I was actually primed to buy one IF Forza was a launch title and it being a good price. Then the whole 599 with Kinect and just.. no.


There is no way they would blackout a playoff game, right? I know the bengals are cheap but they should buy them at what .33 on the dollar. Or the NFL do it and give them to charity.


I thought that blacking out a playoff game was the saddest thing in this thread, then I see the oculus rift "peripheral"
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