This reminds me of this old Joke told in Bengals country, and maybe you've heard it in your own hood.
It's a gradeschool classroom. The teacher asks "what do you parents do?"
"My dad is a Policeman!" one kid says.
"My mom is a judge!" another kid says.
The teacher asks "David, how about your dad?"
David says "Well, my dad is a male stripper at a discount club giving lap dances to horny men. Not only that, but sometimes he gives blow jobs to them in the alley afterwards in exchange for money and drugs."
After class, the teacher goes up to David. "David, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. If I knew your father did sexual favors for drugs, I would have never asked."
David replies "Oh, don't worry. I made that up. I was too embarrassed to tell the class that my dad plays football for the Cincinnati Bengals."