Football is the worst. Gonna take up full-time DOTA fandom instead.
nice throw, Aaron
Eh, I'd swap him for Robinson.
This isn't nice.
Football is the worst. Gonna take up full-time DOTA fandom instead.
F F S mech, tweet at me more! -_-RT @McClain_on_NFL: Weeden's rating of 116.7 today is the best of his career as a starter for Texans, Cowboys and Browns.
What a time to be alive
Chiefs clinched it today. The final playoff spots are down to the Steelers, Jets and Broncos.Holy shit, I take a break to look at scores and the ravens and falcons won? What a typical collapse by a Tomlin coached team though. Jets and Chiefs have to be favorites to make it in now.
I could have told you guys this.I too feel that leaving football fandom would be a wise choice for me as well
There is nothing but misery in this game!!
Seattle looks like they gave up out there
Holy shit, I take a break to look at scores and the ravens and falcons won? What a typical collapse by a Tomlin coached team though. Jets and Chiefs have to be favorites to make it in now.
I lied Rams aren't cancer they are AIDS.
I lied Rams aren't AIDS they are AIDS with Ebola on top of it.
VikeBike going to win the division next week.Fuck Seattle. I ask you for one god damned thing.