i only watched about half because i couldn't stand ice cube
i only watched about half because i couldn't stand ice cube
i only watched about half because i couldn't stand ice cube
9 years ago is back in the day?I remember seeing short promos way back in the day when Lee Corso said Oklahoma got someone from Mars named Adrian Peterson and that USC had the unstoppable duo of Matt and Reggie.
Yeay, yeay!!Racist.
I can do it, put your [Smack] into it.
Talk to her or die alone
Cubs fans are an anomaly. Huge fanbase for a team that hasn't ever done shit. Like the Eagles.
Can you imagine the Eagles winning a Super Bowl? Awful.
friendzone is an excuse. Girls either want to fuck you or dont. Dont waste your time with the ones who dont(besides ones you actually want as friends).Don't worry Chris, I've been striking out with women lately but I'm still gonna do me. #spinslut
Anyway, I got this really cute girl's number who works at my job on Monday. I told her Wednesday is my last day there and coincidentally it's her's too. We are also attending the same colleg and might end up working at the same place again, and when she moves she'll be living like 30mins from me.
We talked about this and she just decided to give me her number. She said we can meet up if we're ever on campus together. I can't tell if she thinks I'm gay (I'm not sure why but this has happened before), if she is already friend zoning me, if she just wants the Spindick and nothing more, or if she's just a really nice person. But I don't think chicks are that dumb anymore and give away their numbers out of kindness. Too many creeps. She is hard to read. I want to make the move but I've become weak.
Advice bros?
9 years ago is back in the day?
Don't worry Chris, I've been striking out with women lately but I'm still gonna do me. #spinslut
Advice bros?
Random question, but can someone invite me to the PS4 community for NFL-GAF? @Doomsayer52. Thanks
friendzone is an excuse. Girls either want to fuck you or dont. Dont waste your time with the ones who dont(besides ones you actually want as friends).
Invite her out, if she gives you an excuse, wait a week or two and ask again. If she gives you another excuse, dont waste your time and move on.
Notice i didnt say ask her out, invite her out somewhere. If you get her out, make a move, if she denies you. Move on.
If a girl is interested in you, she'll make time for you. If she isnt, she'll make excuses.
Spinho, just downback and see what she does. If you think you got an opening, just start mashing until it works.
I dunno, take some lead and see what she likes or something? Apologies for the terrible advice.
E: Zychi nailed it.
One more tip. If you get her out. The easiest move to see if shes interested, is a hand on the knee/thigh. See if she lets you hold it there, if she does, make another move, if she doesnt shes not interested.
Kansas, huh? Let's meet in the middle, say Utah?Sure, I welcome you to the PS4 bingo community, we all meet up at an old folks home in Kansas!
I never believed in the friend zone before I became a coward. It's ever l either now or never!
I think she is interested, just trying not to fuck up! Maybe I should invite her over my place during the Pats v Colts game so she could see me at my very best.
Its just confidence man. Dont be afraid of rejection. Theres millions of girls out there, and you said youre still in college, get your practice in when they dont give a shit. It gets harder when youre out of college. Best thing about living in a big city? Constant new college girls from wanting to experience the party scenes.lol
Luck said he's open to not throwing as many picks this time!
Zy pls
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
Nice nice, very nice!
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
Your turn. Go find a girl.
Damn, moving the spotlight on me, huh?
Wow.Adam Schefter @AdarnSchefter 10s ago
BREAKING: Mech has forgiven Bread and added him back to his friends list, sources say their love of Tom brought them back together.
She's using you for notes, game over.
"Ass-tro physics"My charm will take over, plus she didn't want my notes she said she wanted to get together to study and she doesn't know astrophysics is my major
My charm will take over, plus she didn't want my notes she said she wanted to get together to study and she doesn't know astrophysics is my major
Chris are you really taking advance from these fucks?
My man
You have violent tendencies
http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1124172Chris are you really taking advance from these fucks?
And you have tendency to make shitty crap you past for a meal.
Stand up, casually take your shirt off, flex and then give her a quick wink and blow her a kiss
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
I can't believe we're already at week 6. Games are legit starting to matter and stuff.
Not for the likes of us, mate.
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
Put a finger up her butt
Ok that was easier then I thought, she had to leave class early and gave me her email so we can share notes and study for mid term. I was going to talk to her during break but she didn't even give me a chance! Anyways I already emailed her and she replied right away, we are meeting up on Saturday to study.
So this is another season where a ton of teams are mucking about in mediocrity. Is this what Goodell wanted?
Watched the USC thing on ESPN
-Is Mack still at Texas? Why wear the shirt? Same with VY. Pete, Lion Heart and the rest of the SC guys moved on
-I have never understood the Snoop thing. I don't get how even kids can't see he's just a giant opportunist
-Ain't cheatin' ain't tryin'. Reggie should have never given back that Heisman, and the whole disassociation thing is shameful