top 10 reasons 49ers will win the superbowl this year:
1. best defense in the league
2. operation phoenix rising will be completed as alex spreads his wings to engulf the league in his violent melody
3. brandon jacobs can drive his car as fast as he likes around town. we're all friends here!
4. harbs handshake has gotten even more firm this year
5. vernon davis is the best TE in the league. this is especially impressive considering he only runs 2 routes
6. we will draft coby fleener and TE cheese the league... madden style!
7. frank the tank will have fresh legs late in the year thanks to bjac and Khunt
8. best special teams in league history
9. kyle williams will never return punts again
10. every team in the nfc got worse and we got better
Top 10 reasons they won't win
1. Harbs will be banned from the league after he hand cripples three coaches and i's discovered the owner was given him bounty money for such hand crippling acts.
2. Goodel will then take over the franchise and let Kapernik start the season.
3. After earning/sucking for the 1st overall pick, Goodel will then give that pick to the Giants or Pats cuz thats how he rolls.
4. Kyle williams will be a 9er for another decade.
5. Fuck the other 6 reasons